
Territorial Ruler: The Plants I Planted Are Alive!

On this day, everyone transmigrated to an alternate world within a single night and was all given their own territory. But outside their territories, countless monsters lurk in the jungles, they will obliterate any foreign species that they encounter. So, in order to survive, you must quickly build up your own territory and strengthen the defensive powers in your territory. Built powerful troops in order to fend against the invaders and conquer big enough territories. Jiang Chen was one of the transmigrators, but the territory that he had received was very small and had no soldiers inside capable of battle. Just then, he abruptly received a magical system — Plant Life System. As such, while the other players were leading farmers and going crazy chopping down plants in their territories, Jiang Chen quietly planted his potatoes. On the day when the potatoes matured, with a sudden loud boom, his potato…… exploded!

Floating Morals · 奇幻
40 Chs

Simple Second Territory

編輯: EndlessFantasy Translation

In the next few hours, the Titans frantically mined for resources. Large amounts of wood, stones, and grass were neatly stacked around the small wooden house.

With so many resources, Jiang Chen also built the barracks and residences.

After choosing a good location, Jiang Chen clicked on the Lord's system to confirm the construction.

A portion of the resources piled up like a small mountain around the main city had disappeared.

An hour later, the first-grade barracks and first-grade residences were completed.

Jiang Chen could see the properties of his buildings from the suzerain's book.

The exterior of the barracks was as simple as the interior of the main city. It occupied an area of about ten square meters.

The size of the residences was about the same as a wooden house. Although they looked simple, they were very sturdy. At the very least, he didn't have to worry about leaking wind or rain.

The residence was meant for farmers and soldiers to live in. They couldn't possibly let the Titans sleep in the wilderness, right.

Jiang Chen chose to recruit ten militia members to work together here.

Not long after, the Titan responsible for searching for water also returned. The wooden bucket in his hand was filled with clean water.

The water source was several kilometers away from the territory. Although it was a bit troublesome to fetch water normally, it could at least be considered to have solved the most important water source problem.

After perfecting the population strength of the subordinate territories, it was time to continue exploring.

Jiang Chen packed up his things and continued to set off with Parker and the others.

After leaving the territory, he felt the light around him suddenly dim.

There was also a dense forest by the side of the road.

Emerald green vines, with boulders covered in moss.

Jiang Chen also saw many remains of buildings among them. It was indeed very likely that there were ruins in such a place.

Jiang Chen followed Parker through the thistles and thorns along the way.

They advanced along the path for about ten minutes.

Parker stopped.

"Your Lordship, this is the place."

He pointed to a place by the side of the path that was covered with shrubs and vines. Jiang Chen looked inside and didn't seem to have any traces of ruins.

Parker pulled out his dual blades and opened up a patch of bushes, revealing a path that was barely enough for a person to walk on.

This was the path he had opened up during his exploration yesterday.

He had covered it up again when he left.

"Lord, please follow me. The ruins are just ahead!"

Parker spoke in a meticulous manner.

He was the first to enter the path, the blades in his hands continuously slashing at both sides. He cut down those brambles and widened the path for Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen walked in the middle of the group.

This was the safest position in the entire group.

Zhang Fei pulled out the twin daggers at his waist and followed closely behind, in charge of holding the line at the back.

The terrain here was relatively narrow. If he really encountered any danger, the long spears wouldn't be of much use.

Two spearmen were in charge of vigilance.

The five formed a simple exploration formation.

They continued to advance.

After traveling for five or six minutes, the terrain suddenly descended.

They arrived at a small depression in the mountains.

This place was either surrounded by dense forests or cliffs covered in moss.

But it was a place isolated from the outside world.

Parker was truly skilled to be able to find ruins in such a godforsaken place. Even experienced scouts might not find it easy to find this place.

The main reason was that Jiang Chen lacked a powerful mount.

Parker's giant wolf was both capable of battle and agile.

Jiang Chen was rather envious as he watched Parker ride the giant wolf and constantly move about.

On the other hand, Jiang Chen and the others.

Trudged through the forest path with great difficulty.

Infantrymen couldn't experience the joy of cavalry.

When they arrived at the depression, they finally saw the ruins Parker had mentioned.

It was a bit like a temple.

They could faintly see statues of gods within the crevices of the vines.

However, these statues all looked very fierce. Some had two horns on their heads, and some had several different heads.

There were even fleshy wings on their backs and burning footprints beneath their feet. They looked like statues of demons.

Jiang Chen stood outside the temple.

The entire temple was completely wrapped in vines, like a giant green cocoon.

"Parker, be careful!"

Jiang Chen reminded him. He felt that there was something strange about this place.

Parker, who didn't speak much, dismounted the giant wolf and began to hack at the vines blocking his way with his twin blades!

The sharp blades cut the vines into pieces like they were cutting vegetables.

Finally, the entrance to the temple was revealed.

It was a cave entrance. Jiang Chen walked in slowly.

He saw many strange patterns carved into the stone floor at the entrance. These patterns depicted a long and drawn-out battle, and the most eye-catching one was a very unique figure.

It was a great demon with two horns on its head and two wings on its back, but it had long pointy ears that were unique to the elves.

There was a large moon behind it.

Jiang Chen raised his head and looked at the temple, using the eye of truth.

"Rebel bearing a misunderstanding. This was once the temple of the demon hunters. Ruins status: abandoned."

"Demon hunters?"

"Powerful demon hunters hunt for demons. They're all great warriors."

Jiang Chen had a general understanding of this place after reading the information provided by the eye of truth.

This was an ancient ruin and power that belonged to this continent.

Parker had already opened up a path that led directly to the interior of the cave entrance.

Jiang Chen waved his hand, and the few of them slowly entered the cave entrance.


On the other side, a young man dressed in black armor, wearing a rhinoceros horn helmet, and carrying two one-handed swords on his back was riding a gray heavy horse and wearing leather boots.

He stopped beside a few large trees two kilometers away from Jiang Chen's territory.

His appearance was also that of an Easterner.

But his appearance was very ordinary. However, what was worth paying attention to was his gaze.

His sharp eyes, like those of a falcon, sized up Jiang Chen's territory in the distance.

"Selena, is this the territory you discovered yesterday?"

"It's not bad indeed. The construction is perfect."

The man's voice was faint and extremely cold.

As soon as he finished speaking, a slim figure wearing a tight black leather suit and a veil appeared.

She held a pair of snake-shaped daggers with green blades in her hands and bowed respectfully to the man.

"Sir, it's here..."

"How many soldiers are there?"

"How strong is the Lord?"

The man nodded and asked repeatedly with a bit of urgency.

His gaze had always been set on Jiang Chen's territory. In his eyes, this was already his private property!

He would be the new owner of this place.

"This territory has no less than ten professional warriors."

"The Lord's strength is also very strong. He can easily wipe out a pack of prairie wolves."

The masked woman called Zelena said.

This time, the man frowned.

"It's a bit tricky..."

"However, he will always be alone."

"Zelena, I order you to closely monitor this territory. Tonight, I will bring the others to deal with the other Lord."

"After we are done, we will come and meet you."

"There are three more days until the novice protection period ends, and it is time for us to make our move."

"Kill him, this is our new territory, our new home..."

The man said in a sinister tone, not concealing his intentions.

"Yes, Lord."

The man in black armor looked deeply at Selina, reaching out his hand to caress the undulations of her body.

Then, with a chuckle, he turned his horse and left. He left towards the west of the grasslands.

On the spot, Selena was expressionless and quietly hid.