
Territorial Ruler: The Plants I Planted Are Alive!

On this day, everyone transmigrated to an alternate world within a single night and was all given their own territory. But outside their territories, countless monsters lurk in the jungles, they will obliterate any foreign species that they encounter. So, in order to survive, you must quickly build up your own territory and strengthen the defensive powers in your territory. Built powerful troops in order to fend against the invaders and conquer big enough territories. Jiang Chen was one of the transmigrators, but the territory that he had received was very small and had no soldiers inside capable of battle. Just then, he abruptly received a magical system — Plant Life System. As such, while the other players were leading farmers and going crazy chopping down plants in their territories, Jiang Chen quietly planted his potatoes. On the day when the potatoes matured, with a sudden loud boom, his potato…… exploded!

Floating Morals · 奇幻
40 Chs

If Jiang Chen was able to tame the higher-ups of the demon pearls, then there was a chance that he would be able to tame them.

However, this group of spiderweb monsters had been entrenched here for a long time and had practically dominated this small area.

However, this place wasn't too far from his territory. If he couldn't clear it once, then he'd have to clear it twice.

After thinking this through, Jiang Chen had a plan in mind.

He said to the doghead prophet, "Take me to the places you mentioned where there are treasure chests."

The doghead prophet nodded respectfully as he led the way.

Jiang Chen decided to open all of the treasure chests that weren't dangerous first. As for the others that were dangerous, the prophet wasn't in a hurry.

After a few intense battles in a short amount of time, everyone needed to repair themselves, not to mention that this place wasn't too far from the territory.

With the dogheads leading the way, Jiang Chen was able to plunder all the known treasure chests and some materials without encountering any obstacles.

After that, Jiang Chen pointed to the right side that was covered by the cobwebs after he had finished plundering and turned to speak to Parker.

"Light up these cobwebs. Let's retreat back to the entrance passage first."

After saying that, he rode on Red Tooth and brought everyone back to the entrance passage.

Parker held a torch and started to light up all these cobwebs. Then, he retreated to the entrance.

The choking smoke began to disperse and flowed in three different directions!

These cobwebs were very flammable.

The cobwebs in the hall on the right quickly started to burn. Sparks and smoke filled the air.

At this moment, hurried rustling sounds also came from the right side of the tunnel.

These rustling sounds mixed with the crackling sounds of the burning spider web, and the entire mine hall reverberated.

It was obvious that the flames in the mine hall had already attracted the attention of the spider web monsters.

"Zhang Fei, throw in a few more torches."

Therefore, Jiang Chen was prepared to burn as many torches as he could.

Zhang Fei received Jiang Chen's instructions and ran over quickly, lighting a few torches and throwing them inside.

Then, he took a few steps back and turned around to leave without turning his head.


The spiders inside seemed to have become irritable. The mine trembled slightly, shaking off bits of dust.

"Let's go, let the flames burn even more fiercely!"

Jiang Chen waved his hand and controlled Red Tooth to turn around, leading everyone to run out of the mine.

The task of conquering the nest of the demonic spiders was very difficult, so Jiang Chen wasn't in a hurry.

Soon, everyone left the mine, and the air outside was much smoother.

Not long after everyone left, thick smoke began to pour out.

The right hall to the right passage had basically been completely covered by thick cobwebs, and these cobwebs were the best combustibles.

"Parker, bring some men and move some large stones to block up this entrance first!"

Jiang Chen ordered once more.

He directly set fire to the coiling silk cave.

There were many boulders and ruins of buildings nearby.

A few burly men and a few dogheads worked together and quickly sealed up a small portion of the entrance to the mine.

This small portion was enough. After all, in order to ensure full combustion, there had to be air circulation in the mine.

"Let's go, we'll return to the territory first."

"Follow me south and return to the territory to settle down."

"There's no rush here, let the Flames burn for a while more."

There were countless spider monsters and other creatures entrenched within the mine. It would be impossible to clear them out in a short amount of time, and it might even attract even stronger creatures over.

Therefore, Jiang Chen decided at the last minute to change his target for the time being.

He might as well give it a little fire first, and leave the rest to time. When the fire was almost done, Jiang Chen would return to harvest.

He would also return to the territory to settle down the doghead miners.

These dogheads weren't very strong in battle, and it would be easy to lose them if he brought them with him.

Only by bringing them back to the territory and turning them into labor as soon as possible would he be able to bring out the value of these dogheads miners.

Everyone returned to their original spots.

Jiang Chen rode his newly acquired pet, Red Tooth, back to the territory.

At this moment, the sky was already nearing dusk.

He ordered that everyone must reach the territory before the sky darkened.

He needed to make good use of his time. Ever since he landed, he felt that he didn't have enough time every day.

He brought everyone with him and sped off in the direction of the camp.

Along the way, Jiang Chen began to inspect his spoils of war.

He'd obtained a total of five wooden treasure chests, three black iron treasure chests, and two silver treasure chests in the mine.

In order to save time, Jiang Chen directly accepted them into his system backpack and continued to loot the other treasure chests.

"I'll take advantage of this time to take a good look at what's inside."

"System notification: obtained mithril 30x, obtained watchtower blueprints, obtained fire elemental crystal 12x, obtained stamina recovery potion blueprints, obtained water well blueprints, obtained canteen blueprints."

The watchtower was just an ordinary building without any special attributes.

It wasn't very useful.

The water well and the dining hall were rather useful and could solve the problems of water and food in the territory.

The most valuable thing was the blueprint for the stamina-increasing medicine.

Jiang Chen swept his gaze over it,

he put away the items he'd obtained from the two black iron treasure chests.

He placed his hand on the silver treasure chest.


A burst of blue light emerged.

"Elemental Bow Blueprint obtained (hero), Scarlet Staff (hero), hero's certificate obtained (blue)."

There weren't many items, but every one of them was of high quality.

He suppressed his excitement.

Jiang Chen examined them carefully.

"Elemental bow and crossbow (hero) : a blueprint for the production of crossbows and crossbows. Now and crossbow (thunder) : wood 2x, iron 2x, mithril 2x, basic thunder crystal 1x, crossbow (ten sets) made of iron 2x and mithril 1x."

This was a weapon used by archers. Moreover, it also carried magic damage. Its attack was off the charts.

It was very reasonable!

"Scarlet staff (hero), effects: spellcasting speed increased by 30%, spells increased by 16%. Can store a certain amount of energy."

"Give this to Lucy. It's very suitable to be her new staff."

Jiang Chen thought of the old tree root-shaped staff that Lucy held everywhere.

It was about time to get a new one.

He wasn't done yet, he continued to open the treasure chest!

"Level 3 earth spike trap technology blueprint."

"Effects: creates an earth spike trap, able to cause 20 piercing damage to enemies passing by."

Very practical construction technology, able to strengthen the defense of the territory.

"Level 2 blueprint for the construction of city walls, sturdiness: 1000, armor: 200."

"Erect a tall wall and hide your treasure."

Jiang Chen didn't know why these words had popped up in his mind.

Jiang Chen recorded them into the system and prepared to build an inner wall after he returned.

He then opened the wooden treasure chests one by one. They were basically all basic materials, and there weren't any other blueprints.

But what made Jiang Chen happy was that there were actually over three hundred seeds in this inventory.

After the system's appraisal.

"Sunflower seed 60x, starbeck seed 100x, shiitake seed 80x, gourd seed 28x, thorny vine seed 52x."

Jiang Chen still didn't know what kind of abilities these seeds would develop after he planted them. Looking at the notifications one by one, Jiang Chen couldn't help but tease,

"Calabash seeds? They won't grow calabash babies, will they?"

He instantly imagined twenty-eight calabash babies surrounding him and calling him grandfather, grandfather..

Jiang Chen shook his head and didn't think about all this nonsense anymore.

By the time they had finished taking stock of the basics, everyone had already arrived a few kilometers away from their territory!