
Terranum Imperium

Cosmic Marines aka genetically augmented and cybernetically augmented soldiers born and bred for war check, world-destroyer spaceships a triangle shaped beasts of war check, an MC who doesn't give a f*ck and isn't a dance protag who goes the entire book without f*cking a single chick check, If youre a fan of kingdom building and Interstellar warfare and conquest then this book Is for you, current goal of two chaps daily so leave youre comments, reviews, and power stones I WANT THEM ALL MUAHAHAHA, alright enough with the bulls*it, Im off to write more chaps for you guys and gals.

99 Chs

Authors Thoughts

Hi there author here sorry for not updating for a while anyways I wanted to extend the story up to 100 chapters before doing a brief time skip but It seems like Ill be doing It after ch 96 anyways let me know youre thoughts how you like the story so far, (P.S. i planned on stepping out of the solar system around chap 150 but It seems like I might extend it to ch 200 or maybe not anyways stay safe and don't be shy to leave comments)