
13_Realty check

Chapter 13: Meeting at noon

The meeting section as the table is being transformed by the advisor to become longer, the seat to be customized to each individual. My seat is still decorated with black rose and gold, such as queen or consort, and it is placed beside Kryos, as it was in the throne room. The two ministers bring out a pile of papers of each their own, as does the dark bishop, but it is far less than what the two bring. Kryos has also brought some, leaving me and Blood Claw empty-handed.

"In what order should we begin today?" Advisor asks if there is anything important, to which the three shake their heads, and Kryos says to call him off last. Blood Claw remains silent, taking no action. I am the same but for a different reason. Of restlessness due to the unfamiliarity of the situation.

"Well, then, we'd proceed as usual, with the exception of the prince being last this time." I suppose I'll summon the high bishop to solicit church donations."

"In the last month or so, the church has accumulated 150 gold coins from private ritual affirmation, half of which are power wishes." The gossipers haven't heard of any rising rebel force. That concludes my contributions." At the end of the reports, there isn't much whispering because the usual is quite firm on this subject expect the case of rebellion. Faith is one of the more delicate subjects, but in the land of lust, pleasure is prioritized over all else. Praying for power is demon nature, which is not particularly concerning.

"The corps hearsay as many consider valuable herbs of mortals trading, they serve little to no effect on those of our demon." The shipment from the Land of Envy is sufficient for these months, but..." The agriculture minister tramples on his words on that page, his nervousness is unwelcome on this table as I look to Kryos' side, he is sure to grow more impatient as he tries to end this quickly for the sake of the matter at hand. Whereas the commerce minister simply smirks, the hidden smile reveals more when the advisor urges him to proceed.

"It will take a heavy toll on my commerce side, but as I said, those coins can come around quickly, so don't worry agriculture minister dear." As I previously stated, investment requires patience in order to bear fruit." I wonder what would have happened if the librarian had appeared instead of the commerce minister as he concluded the end of the agriculture minister's report. As he sits, the prince turns to face the commerce minister.

"Is the kingdom's treasury being drained once more, commerce?" I dare say the contract you have with me is thinning as my tolerance for your interference dwindles." While the commerce minister slowly explains himself, Kryos' face turns red.

"Your Majesty, nothing in the contract says anything about doing outside work that doesn't interfere with my job as this kingdom's commerce minister." Those investments are being generously provided by one of my previous patrons. Do you have to forget what I did previously? Your majesty?" The tension between them grows stronger as they lock their gaze on Kryos. I need to say something to defuse this situation.

"I can think of some ideas to improve our current dire food shortage situation." As soon as I say that, the rest of the table turns. Those eyes were filled with unknown curiosity or greed.

"Are you sure you can perform such a miracle, kid?" There is no demand for what you should put on that small shoulder of yours." The agriculture minister expresses his discontent "After all, the little show you've put on for this meeting is quite desperate, but don't think of redeeming yourself without proper planning." He is correct in that my previous tantrum isn't helping this case; it just makes me look desperate after acting impulsively.

"I can vouch for their majesty on that." This is not an impulsive action, but rather one based on our private meeting last night in the king's office." The advisor expresses his opinions on the subject. He supports me purely out of spite for the agriculture minister's incompetence.

"Would you mind telling me more about your affair?" "Was it planned for you to speak up?" Kryos is now the one in question, and neither he nor Blood Claw is aware of the meeting. The strange magic that is raging in this room right now is illusion magic, which is powerful enough to conceal its presence from detection magic alike.

"Their Majesty was looking for the documents stacked before this meeting was even mentioned." They assisted me in organizing this office last night, beckoning me to give a brief overview of the current system. Their intentions are pure, with no ill will." Even I am drawn to the conclusion he presents by the story he weaves flawlessly. He has caught on to this point after only a brief mention of my desire to live responsibly. So the books he requested from the librarian are also for this purpose?

"If that's the case, little majesty, try as you might." Let's see if that produces any results." After berating me yet again, the agriculture minister returns to his calm demeanor. I won't hate it because of his origin; someone from the land of envy is suspicious of any goodwill for them; that is their nature; gaining trust would be the only way.

"Since the combined effort of the prince's equal and the agriculture has managed to end three reports peacefully, I will skip to that of the military minister," Advisor declares as the meeting begins to wind down. Thankfully, this level of stress is quite enough for the day.

"I actually have no report, which means that the new friend I made during my imprisonment is enough to merit after escaping death." Oh, the sixth archangel has already detected our westward advance, so we should postpone the expansion." Blood Claw's ability to whisp something this fast is unbelievable in the brief but carefully crafted report. Hasn't he just joked about being executed a few days ago?

"Finally, his majesty, the prince of all princes." I hope you don't give us the black paper today; even a newcomer can suggest something useful." Kryos smirks unflinchingly at the accusation of the advisor. This is where our contract comes in, trading off his responsibility of being the sovereign for my guaranteed safety.

For his escape, he wishes to bind me with a flashy title such as "the prince's equal." A cunning fox stalking others in their hour of need, though I admit it would be a relaxing time before those "brothers and sisters" ransack this realm in search of me. I will do everything in my power to fulfill this obligation until that day arrives.

"In three days, I'll go on an expedition to the north border." They've been pleading for help for a few weeks now. So Mikhail will be my representative until I return." Nothing unexpected, Kryos proudly declares. "Very well, your majesty," the advisor said, shaking his head. "At least you didn't decide to sneak out and have someone come to your work this time."

The meeting concludes in peace with those words. After all that arguing, the advisor turns around and bows his way out, his tail reverting to that of his feet escorting the dark bishop who has a migraine. Kryos quickly grabs Blood Claw as they prepare to embark on his new adventure; Blood Claw says nothing but looks at me with empathy before being dragged away, how cute of his cry for help, this is my revenge for the maiden dress he forced me to wear.

The commerce minister briefly meets with the agriculture minister before departing with a smirk. The room calmed down with only me and the agriculture minister remaining.

"Wasn't that a daring move you made with your declaration?" But your generosity shines through this heated debate behind him and his majesty." The agriculture minister speaks softly, and while it isn't an apology or gratitude, he appears flustered from his usual self. "I appreciate not only your contribution but also your intervention." It's been a long time since his Majesty has listened to anyone."

"You have said enough; your thought has been fully conveyed to me." Please accompany me to the kingdom's current farmland. The plan I described needs a lot of information about our current situation." The agriculture minister snaps out of his stuttering, which I believe I caused.

"Are you a workaholic or what?" Okay, but don't cry on me when things get too difficult to bear, little majesty." His hearty laugh reverberates throughout the empty hall.


Oh, the kingdom's border, there is a much more dire situation that these royalties have overlooked. Famine isn't just a problem for the Saudade kingdom. The thirst for mana from demon territories' drained-out lands.

His eyes see right through the world's deceptions and lies. the ability to bring a criminal to justice All that is forbidden by the nature of demons. With nowhere to live, he and his comrades travel to the strange land of lust, eventually settling on one of the lust monarch's descendants. Despite being quite adamant about the style of contract that Kryos's father has imposed on himself and his confidants, he eventually chooses to sign as the land's final protector in exchange for seasonal tribute.

Saudade has been faithful until the death of King Lysander, when his child, who already has a bad reputation in royal society, takes the throne and forgets about the contract. Women and children of the earl begin to die as a result of a lack of food, and the village that the earl once peacefully looked after is now in ruins. In his grief and rage, the fallen earl has devised a rebellious idea.

Guard 1: "Is that the force of the earl?"

Guard 2: "I think so, wouldn't they be on a hunting festival or something?"

Guard 1: "What did you think before your shift? The earl has established a contract with the former king to protect this land and kingdom."

Guard 2: "I think you're right. But wait what are the green arrows that fired onto us."

The rains of arrows approached the ports as they shot through the two guards, damaging the station to a pitiful state.

???: "We have shot through every resistance, my lord."

"That shall send a message of warning," a voice approaches from the darkness of the woods, hissing through the silent air: They failed to send their tribute. Our woman and children have died while waiting for the contract to be fulfilled."

"Oh, if his child dares to neglect his duty once more." The gorgon casts the magic spell "numtius" as the glowing ball of light, whispering in a low tone of voice that only the recorded magic can hear: "Son of Lysander, remember your father's contract." The broken oath must be completed within three days, or your father's legacy will end in your hand."

As the glowing orb turns into a popobawa and flies to the south, the night closes upon them. The chilling wind blows as the silent army of vicious demons stares at the night sky above.

??? "What shall we do now, my lord?"

The earl "We shall wait, three days will be just a flinch of an eye. Son of Lysander, what will you do to satisfy our sorrow of losing our loved ones?"

The end.