Lucifer Azoth, a genius among geniuses. He was known for his many talents. After some crazy things happening, he ended up dying and finding himself in the world of Tensura. He is bound to have the adventure of his life and to become the strongest while at it. _________________________________ I’m not sure if I’m gonna do harem or no harem yet. Toon In To Find Out!!
'What happened?' Rimuru questioningly looked at Lucifer since he abruptly stopped when the exit is right there.
"Oh, nothing I was just surprised by the blinding light." Lucifer was keeping a straight face externally but internally he was screaming in joy.
'OHH YEAHHH!!, I'm gonna become like one of those op Isekai mc's!! I need to keep my cool though, I'll check it out later once I have more time.'
Rimuru was a little suspicious but just nodded and they both continued to walk out of the cave, once outside Lucifer took a deep breath in.
'How long has it been since I smelt such air? That cave was so suffocating.'
Lucifer really took the time to appreciate nature's air for a little bit.
Rimuru just took time to appreciate the sun since he couldn't really breathe.
'Alright, let's go Lucifer.' Rimuru understood that they needed to find some sort of shelter so he continued to walk again.
While walking, Rimuru thought of an idea.
'Why don't we share a family name?!' Rimuru excitedly asked.
"Huh? I mean I guess that would be cool. But are you sure that will work since I already have a name?"
Now that Lucifer thought about it, is his name really Lucifer Azoth? He believed it was at first but now that he thinks about it, in the Tensura verse, names have to be given to you by somebody else in this world.
'Actually, did anyone ever name you or are you just using your past name?' Rimuru questioned.
"Now that I do think about it, your right, no one has named me so it should work." Lucifer confirmed Rimuru's thoughts.
'Alright, from now on you will be Lucifer Tempest!' Rimuru excitedly exclaimed.
But just as soon as he said that name, he instantly drooped down unconscious. Lucifer caught him on his back right before he hit the ground.
'I see, so if it took that much out of him when naming me, we should be relative in Magicules.'
But just as soon as Lucifer caught him, he had to put him down slowly because he started to glow and float up slowly.
'Woah cool, I feel faster and stronger. Now that I think about it, If I really try to feel the Magicules in me, I feel like I have tons. But I know that if I compare myself to someone like Veldora or Guy, it's like a drop of water vs a vast endless sea.' Lucifer pondered.
Lucifer understood that he had a long way to go until he could compare himself to people like Veldora and Guy. He also understood that he only felt that way because of the intoxicating feeling of getting a power up.
Eventually, he slowly floated back down and the glow faded away. Now his dark purple fur looked even more royal and soft. He felt like his golden eyes could look even farther.
He put Rimuru back on his back and continued to walk to look for shelter.
(Hours Later)
Rimuru slowly opened his non-existent slime eyes, he could feel something soft and furry wrapped around him.
Feeling the Magicules around him with [Magic Sense], he could tell a certain dark purple cat was wrapped around him in a defensive way while sleeping.
'Awww, he looks so cute when he's sleeping and what is this godly soft fur!? Did he really protect me this whole entire time?'
Rimuru was happy that he could find such a good friend. He then started to rub against his fur because it felt so nice.
'Wait a minute isn't she a girl? WAIT A MINUTEE!! I AM NOT A PERVERTTT!!'
As soon as Rimuru remembered how Lucifer's voice was of a girl, he assumed Lucifer would be a girl as well, so he immediately backed away.
'Please don't be underage. Please don't be underage. Please don't be underage.'
He started to chant this in his mind. But suddenly laughter cut off his thoughts, he turns around to see Lucifer laughing his ass off.
Lucifer seemed to have awakened because of Rimuru's blunder.
"Calm down, I'm a guy-pffttt!"
Lucifer said, trying to keep his calm but couldn't stop his laughter from coming out.
'THEN WHY THE HELL DO YOU HAVE A GIRL VOICE?!?' Rimuru telepathically exclaimed.
"How the hell should I know?"
Lucifer questioned, wiping away his non-existent tears with his paw.
'I guess your right but are you sure your not lying to me?'
Rimuru eventually recollected himself but he was still suspicious.
"Yes, I'm positive."
'Well that could be considered gay but It's just some brotherly love, I guess?'
Rimuru questioned himself.
"Well come on, even though it's dark we need to find shelter eventually." Lucifer stated, interrupting Rimuru's thoughts.
It seemed to be nighttime currently, Rimuru had slept for over 10 hours, so Lucifer assumed it was probably around midnight if he used his old world's time standard.
'Yeah, and while I'm at it, I should figure out how I can speak normally without using telepathy.' Rimuru nodded, agreeing with Lucifer.
"Also do you feel the connection through our souls between us?" Lucifer asked.
'Oh yeah, I just realized it, well whatever, let's go.' Rimuru responded.
Rimuru felt that the bond he had with Veldora was similar to the bond he had with Lucifer, the feeling of family. But he just continued walking or one could say hopping by Lucifer's side who seemed to be contemplating.
'It should be a long time till we find Gobta and the rest at day time, so I should use this time to figure out what this starter pack is.' Lucifer secretly thought.
'Voice of The World?' Lucifer questioned in his head, nothing happened.
'Open sesame?'..
'Domain expansion?'....
'Ughhh, WHAT THE FUCK IS THE PASSWO-' As Lucifer was internally screaming he noticed something very small in front of him, it was as if it just appeared.
A look of realization went across his face, he calmed down and closed his eyes. He thought of the [Voice of World] appearing in his face and once he opened them back up slowly,
{Notice: [Voice of The World] Wishes To Give A Starter Pack
Would You Like To Accept?
[Yes or No]?
'I see so it's about imagination and not the word.' Lucifer thought.
'YES!' He internally exclaimed.
[Commencing Synchronization]
[Synchronization Complete]
[Starter Pack]
[Special Ability: Shunpo]
[Skills: Human Transformation, Regeneration (Passive), Cat Senses (Semi-Passive), Magic Sense]
[Dies Irae Reinhard Outfit]
'Oho, look at this, the starter pack is pretty cool. I got Shunpo from Bleach, Regeneration which is awesome, and Cat Senses which is probably something similar to Spidey Senses. Well, let's check the descriptions of everything.'
Lucifer imagined the description for each skill popping up, then instantly all the descriptions showed up on the screen.
[Shunpo: Moving Across Large Distance with Limited Amount of Steps. The Speed and Distance can Increase depending on the User's Magicule Potency. The Amount of Times it can be used, Depends on the User's Magicules Reserves. (Potential is Unlimited)]
[Human Transformation: User has a Human Form which they are allowed to Transform to and are allowed to Transform back to their Cat Form]
[Regeneration: User automatically Regenerates if Hurt. Regeneration Speed Depends on Magicule Potency, and How much The User can Regenerate Depends on their Magicule Reserves(Potential is Unlimited]
[Cat Senses: User is Warned of Danger right before it happens. Also, User's overall senses can be significantly increased depending on their Physical Stats(Eyesight, Hearing, and Sense of Smell)(Potential is Unlimited]
[Dies Irae Reinhard Outfit: Outfit will always Regenerate and Durability will Increase Depending on the User's Magicules Potency]
'Amazing! My powers are awesomeee. It's a simple starter pack too with no complicated shit, I also have a human form too which I'll have to try in a little bit. Oho I thought Cat Senses were just like Spidey Senses but it seems like theoretically, it's possible to see far distances if I can't use Magicules for my [Magic Sense].'
'It also seems like Shunpo depends on my Magicules, so if I were to have more powerful Magicules I could Shunpo across the Universe depending on the potency but that's still a pipe dream for the current me. Everything else is the same Cliche stuff, oh, what's this outfit in the Invento-'
Lucifer seemed to have been interrupted out of his thoughts by a certain slime.
"Yo, what's up Rimuru?"
"What do you mean "what's up?" you've been in a daze for hours, at first I thought you were just doing something with your skills but I got really worried something happened to you!!" Rimuru explained concerningly.
Lucifer didn't know that much time had passed, he was so immersed in the Starter Pack that he didn't even realize it was daytime already.
"My bad, I was fiddling around with my skills, I didn't mean to worry you and I see you figured out how to speak with that loud ass voice of yours." Lucifer questioningly glanced at Rimuru.
"Well I had to be loud because YOU were not responding to my normal voice, but I guess it's whatever, are you sure your doing okay?" Rimuru questioned
"Yeah, actually I have something to show you." Lucifer smirked.
Rimuru questioningly looked at Lucifer wondering where he was getting all this smugness from.
'Transform' Lucifer commanded.
Lucifer's cat form poofed into purple smoke, and slowly the smoke disappeared. What came out was a 6'0 feet tall.... male or female? With long purple hair that goes down the back, stopping at the halfway mark. Prominent golden eyes with black irises.
Lucifer could be seen smiling smugly but once he looked down.
He saw... NOTHING.
"NO,NO,NO,NO, THIS DOESN'T MAKE SENSE I'M A CAT, HOW THE FUCK DO I HAVE NOTHING?!" Lucifer looked dumbfounded at this revelation.
Rimuru on the other hand seemed to be completely normal, on the outside at least.
Internally Rimuru was having a non-existent slime nose bleed.
'DID I JUST GET A NOSE BLEED FROM A GUY!?! Wait he said he has nothing, so technically he's androgynous which means he's neither, so It can't be considered that. Mhm, Mhm' Rimuru was nodding proudly of his thinking.
Lucifer eventually calmed down and equipped the clothing he found in his inventory.
Lucifer thought that he was probably some rare cat race that was never told in the story.
His outfit consisted of a long-sleeved black shirt, with a black overcoat that looked like a military outfit over it which was zipped up, with a purple cat emblem armband on the left arm, with black pants, black boots, and black gloves that have the purple cat emblem on them.
'Cool, I basically look like Yoruichi but an androgynous version of her.'
'I might change my outfit in the future.' Lucifer pondered, unsure of how he felt about the outfit.
"Nice outfit." Rimuru complimented.
Rimuru was at first confused about where he got it from but just thought it was probably one of his skills.
"Thanks." Lucifer responded.
Lucifer also noticed his voice was andrynous-like, it could be considered a female or male voice, so he didn't really care that much.
'I hope I can get a human form in the near future too.' Rimuru sighed internally.
Rimuru was finding it annoying not being allowed to walk or use his own hands.
"Alright come on, let's go."
They then continued walking into the forest.
Let me know if yall have any outfit ideas from other animes!
Also, let me know your thoughts on the new chapter!!