
Tenchi Nura Guardian of the Multiverse...The prince of darkness

I am known as man with many faces Sometimes I fight as a persona user, sometimes I fight as against people like baki Sometimes I play basketball with the generation of miracles (Tenchi Nura childhood as ryouta kise) Thats because I have lots of masks Volume 1: I went to an all girls school (Shomin Sample/ Armed Girl's Machiavellism) Volume 2: I went to a parallel world as Raku from Nisekoi met some twins and had an akira fight... Volume 3: I spent time with my fiance yona of the dawn Volume 4: I did a side job at a the prison deadman wonderland Volume 5: checking out the three kingdom in tales of bersira and arslan Volume 6: Cooking in Shokugeki no Soma My identity can be Sanji from one piece, master roshi from Dragon ball, or many others In my first life I was known as the smartest God In my second life I was known as the scariest and most powerful Devil In my third life I was known as the fastest human and called the flame King Now in my fourth life I am the Grandson of two of the strongest in the world. Nurarihyon and Katsuhito Masaki This organization has taken control of the multiverse with its leader goal of bringing destruction. My universe is prime, so I can combine the dimensions together and save them, or destroy them to sever them and lead them to their destruction Be a hero? a villain? Fuck that I'm a Guardian I'll go to the universe and judge them. Good and evil means nothing to me. but if they're with the organization they should wash their necks because I will even make a devil cry (Sequel to Tenchi Nura childhood as ryouta kise recommends read it but you dont have to) Please check out my coffee page https://www.patreon.com/DemonKingVan

DemonKingVan · 漫画同人
276 Chs

I need an evoker

*In the water tribe*

Tenchi is on one of the roof talking with the paper sisters

Recently a new drug had been introduced. It causes hallucinations among those who take it.

Its been spreading like wildfire around the kingdom.

Tenchi: Strange...it sounds like the fantasy pill I made...

Michelle: oh the one that was a flop

Tenchi: yeah...It was highly addictive, people wanted to live in their fantasy world of forever bliss...people hunger got affected...there were lots of other things wrong with it...Well I will perfect it...but all my products were a dud...it was easy to make through

Amu stared at him for a bit and asked: Ten...you didn't give any pills away right...or give the formula away right

Tenchi: please why would I do that

Maggie: there was no full moon too

Michelle: did you drink?

Tenchi: well a little but I woke up in wind tribe village...(wait...lets check first )

Tenchi looked in his bag of holding and found he was missing his fantasy pills...and a page on how to make them in his alchemy book...

Tenchi: (Nono...lets double-check the date)

he looks at his phone and saw it was 10 days later than he originally thought...

Tenchi: umm, so funny story...I may have introduced this drug...

Tenchi sticks out his tongue as he hits his head saying teehee

Amu starts shaking him yelling: you idiot...look at all the people they are suffering because of your pills

Tenchi picks his nose with his pinky finger and replies: Hey it's not my fault people are taking the drugs

Amu glares at him: how can you say that

Tenchi: In japan, we have a saying that it's not the seller but the buyer fault. If they didn't want to escape their problems instead of facing them. they wouldn't have become addicted like this

Amu squeezes her hand knowing that hes right but

Michelle looks at Tenchi telling him that he should do something

Tenchi sighs and pats her head: I'm sorry Amu...your right...I did make a mistake. I wasn't aware how strong gods wine was and I did something I didn't want to do...lets get all the drugs and cure these people of the addiction what do you all say vote

they all raised there hands and it was decided but then Amu started breathing heavy

Maggie: whats the matter?

Amu: Ten...did you put your hand on my head...with the bugger hand

Tenchi: hmm, well I want to say no but you know I can't lie to you...

Tenchi was slapped


The drugs were said to have originated in the west...a merchant found a statue that enabled him to travel from Persia to Kouko kingdom...it just one day appeared...he then started selling them...both places...however the pills started causing malevolence so the church started looking for the cause...the man was ok for the first month but the second month he was captured by the church


word got word that Avatar Wan was going around destroying the drug business. He stopped many places from spreading

he would cure the people sick and fixed nursed many people back to health and they seemed to do better than they did before they took the pills

The only thing is no one knew what this Avatar Wan looked like...


One day I was walking. I had almost settled most of the drugs problems...just the most dangerous the red light district...slave dealers would give it to the girls to make them feel more at ease and not look so broken...

It worked so Tenchi decided to raid them and destroy them...he would even free the slaves...however, one person he did not expect to find in there An Lili. the Water tribe daughter.

Tenchi first met her when he was a boy and then he met her while he was traveling here...

She was stooping around awkwardly..and in the open...

I walked over to her and pulled her to the side

Tenchi: What are you doing here!

She gets nervious and had slight tears but tried to pretend to be strong: who are you. who the hell do you think you are touching me

Tenchi stared at her and looked her in the eye: are you alright. This place isn't for you little girl

An Lili: little girl...Ryouta!

Tenchi: yeah...

she attempted to hug him but he held pulled out his hand and held her head back preventing her from-hugging him

Tenchi: Sorry I don't want to be seen as a lolicon

An Lili: were the same age

Tenchi looks at her face and down and his face was shocked: wow...I guess you have grown...

She slapped him after that


An Lili: so you're the avatar Wan

Tenchi: yup. I'm healing people and getting rid of this drug

An Lili: wow, I'm glad that someone like you is around. I can't believe someone would make this evil drug...They should just kill themselves.

Tenchi: ye-yeah...

Tenchi manages to convince her to go home because he was going to cause havoc and told her to do the clean up later

An Lili: Oh, I'll ask Ayura and Tetora to help

Tenchi: who?

An Lili: you know my servants

Tenchi: nope no clue

An Lili: (I'm sorry Ayura ...looks like he doesn't remember you)

Tenchi: I was hoping you'd ask General An Joon-Gi

An Lili: Papa

Tenchi smirks at that

Actually Tenchi would recognize them but he never knew their names...


*ring**ring* *click*

Tenchi: hey how are you doing. I missed you!

the other end hung up

Tenchi stared at it for a moment and called again

Tenchi: Hey sorry I'm sorry

"Who is this"

Tenchi: Mitsu...Mitsuru its me your finace Tenchi

Mitsuru: whom is that

Tenchi: its me Tenchi Ryouta Nura.

Tenchi said sounding like tears were in his eyes

Mitsuru: oh you mean the guy who hasn't called me in 3 months...

Tenchi: well...about that I've been busy, an alien showed, then I met a vampire, then I became a vampire, then I went to another dimension, then I went to the holy land, then I was in that deadman wonderland, then I went to a few other dimensions, and then I was ordered by a god to do a mission, oh and I tasted gods wine and I had a blackout that lasted 10 days...

Mitsuru: WHAT KIND OF bullshit are you...sigh nevermind...I heard you have blight...are you being treated

Tenchi: I should be fine (BOTAN!)

They talked for a bit and caught up

Tenchi: So, I was wondering...if you can send me 5 evokers...slightly modified to me

Mitsuru: E-evokers...why is it shadows

Tenchi: no...I'm awakening some people...It's complicated but I need them...it will be beneficial...I'll pay you

Mitsuru: no need was family...I do want to spend Christmas with you

Tenchi: Well if all goes well...

She then begins doing some work and later sent them to his yokai...oh Tenchi gave her a Gold General piece too


Tenchi then cleaned out the drug problem in the water tribe...it took a lot of work but he fixed it and just in time because Yona and the guys came...according to Laila who came to Tenchi as soon as she was in town and went to his sword...

She told Tenchi they were at the inn. Tenchi was going to visit them later on but wanted to meet up with An Lili...however something strange happen as Tenchi and An Lili were walking...a ship had docked the day previous...and Then word got out that Soo-won was in town...

Tenchi: I don't know whats going on but I can tell some trouble is going to happen

Tetora: what do you mean. Are you jealous that the king is going to take Lady Lili

Tenchi: tsk please I won't let him have any of you.

The Tetora and Ayura blushed An Lili thought if only he was older...

Suddenly they were surrounded

Tetora and Ayura drew their weapons

Tenchi stepped in front of the girls

Tenchi: whats going on...why is the church surrounding us

Then a blond man in a churches garbs came out

Man: I am Oscar Dragonia and exorcist from the church...are you the one known as Avatar Won

"avatar Won!"

"really he is the greatest healer in the world

"he will save this kingdom

"wow he really is handsome"

"wait why is the church surrounding him"

Suddenly the King Soo-won appears

he raised his hand

Tenchi: whats going on Di-Soo-won

Soo-won: I have a question for you. are you Tenchi Ryouta Nura avatar Wan

Tenchi narrows his eyes: Yes...why

Soo-won: then I'm sorry...not only the incident with the previous king now with this...you are under arrest

An Lili: hey what are you doing

she steps up from behind Tenchi

Soo-won: oh, Lady Lili...I hate to say this in your presence...but let it be known. he is charged with the invention of the Fantasy drug and the spread of the drug in our kingdom. He then made profit from the cure which he only could provide...

An Lili with a shocked expression on her face looked at Tenchi: its not true. Ryouta is a good person right! You didn't create that horrible drug right

Tenchi: well...umm run away

Tenchi was about to throw a smoke bomb was then hit on the back of the neck by Soo-won...who seemed to have said something to Tenchi before he passed out...


Yona who ran heard a commotion occurred left to see what happened with The Dark Dragon and the Happy Hungry Bunch (what they were calling each other now)

They didn't know what to do but Hak had a killing intent to kill Soo-won...

but they ran into Lili

Yona went to ask her what had happened and she only to find out

An Lili: Avatar won who was found to be Tenchi Ryouta Nura was arrested for creating the fantasy pills and sent to Titania. the most secure prison in the three kingdoms...

Yona: we we have to go rescue him

She told the guys An Lili who heard rescue him...decided she would join in too

however Yona almost passed out becuase she was that worried about Tenchi...