

"Good morning." Helena smiled to Amelia, starting a little jog to catch up to her, who walked down the hallway. On her hands, she held two paper cups, extending one to the woman on her side."I got you coffee."

"Thank you." Amelia smiled back, brighter than usual. "You didn't have to."

"I know. I wanted to." The shorter girl shrugged, the two arriving at the elevator, as she pressed the button to call it. "So, what cases do you have today?"

"Uh, I'm working the ER and I have a surgery later. You?"

"It's neonatal day and I'm checking out April and Jackson's baby again, too." The surgeon shared.

As the elevator doors pinged open, the two women waited for the small group of people to get out before entering it. Pressing their respective floors, they stood in silence, as they waited for the doors to close.

Once they did, however, Amelia was quick to place an arm around Helena's waist, who smiled into the kiss they shared.

"Good morning to you, too." The neurosurgeon grinned, as they pulled away.

"Very good morning, indeed." Helena giggled, the two moving to hold hands as the elevator kept going up. "So, I was thinking, do you want to come over tonight? The girls are having a sleepover with Sofia, at Callie's, and I could make some dinner, if you'd like. We could... you know, if you wanted, we could actually have a real date, instead of just sneaking in kisses in elevators and lounges..."

"It's a date." The neurosurgeon smiled back, making Helena bite her bottom lip to try to keep herself from smiling yet again. She'd been a bit nervous to ask, not only because she hadn't dated in a while but also because she actually wanted to make whatever she had with Amelia work.

As the elevator doors pinged open, the two quickly let go of each other's hands, Amelia letting out, a bit flustered. "Y-yeah, so, thank you for the... for the consult on my- on my teenage patient, Helena."

Trying to keep herself from chuckling, Helena pressed her tongue to her cheek and called out, as the other woman walked away. "Sure thing, Amelia. If you need another consult, just let me know."


"Oh, your bilirubin is down!" Helena grinned at the newborn lying down on his little bed. "Good job. Seems like you're ready to go, big boy."

"I need your help." Callie let out, making Helena almost jump, turning to see the woman standing behind her.

"Oh, God." She took her hand to her chest. "Good morning to you, too."

"As a friend, and a doctor and a peds doctor, but more as a friend." Callie continued.

"Uh, ok. Whatever you need." Helena nodded, tucking the newborn in and moving to the baby girl by him.

"Well... it's, uh... it's a big... it's a big ask. And I wouldn't ask, but I need someone who knows me and my kid." Callie explained, as the younger surgeon moved to check the child's feeding tube. "And we went through our pregnancies together, so who better than you for that? A-and I need someone people trust with kids, and you're the... well, you've known me for a long-"

"Callie." Helena chuckled at the rambling. "What do you need?"

"No, wait, hold on." The ortho surgeon tried, lifting up her right hand to stop Helena from interrupting. "Ok, I also know that you have a relationship with Arizona, with all your Dimple Duo-ness and all. A-and I don't know if she's already asked you, but..."

At that, Helena sighed, closing her eyes. "You're asking me to take the stand for you, for your custody thing?"

"Oh, God, thank you!" Callie exhaled in relief.

"No, wait, I don't... Callie, I love you. You know that. We're family, and you were Mark's person a-and you've lived with me... I love you. But I also love Arizona." Helena tried to explain. "So I don't know how I can... I can't pick sides. If there's a way I can figure out how to do this without picking sides, I'll do it, ok? But I just... I need time to figure out how to do that."

"Ok." Callie nodded. "I- ok. Thank you."


"Huh? Callie asked you?" Arizona asked Helena, as the two had lunch together. "What did you say?"

"I said what I'm saying to you. That I'm not picking sides." Helena took a bite of her apple, already done with her main dish.

"So you're not testifying?" Arizona narrowed her eyes at the shorter doctor.

"No, I-I am. I just said that I'm not picking sides." The younger attending nodded. "Look, I-I love you. You're my mentor, and my fellowship colleague and we went through a whole lot of plane-crashy, child-and-limb-losing things together. I love you. I love you I love Callie. And I will not let that 'and' turn into a 'but', because they are not mutually exclusive. So, instead of not testifying for either of you, I'm testifying for both." Helena explained. "If the both of you are ok with it, I'll testify for both. If not, I won't testify for either. Because there is no way I can pick between the two of you, let alone the one I should help get custody of your child. So, are you ok with that?"

"Ok..." Arizona nodded. "I-I'm ok with that."

Just then, Penelope Blake approached the table the two sat at, as Helena took another bite of her fruit. "Dr. Robbins?"

"Blake. What do you want?" Arizona let out, a bit exasperated, making Helena furrow her brows.

"I just got the labs." She muttered.

"You are everywhere! She is everywhere." The blond turned to Helena, whose eyes widened. Quickly, she filled her mouth with a big bite, trying to avoid being part of the situation. "It's like she's a spy for Callie."

"Listen..." The redhead tried.

"What?! Did you hear enough? Do you want us to just go over anything for you, so you can report back that I'm incompetent, and that I miss things as a doctor as a mother?" Arizona rambled, standing up with her paper cup of soda and her tablet. "I mean, what else? What else? You know what? Hey, do they know about the fake leg?! Cause I'm definitely not the best runner in a crisis. So why don't you go back and report that to them and just back off of me. Just !" As the last sentence came out louder than expected, most of the cafeteria stopped to stare, as Arizona left.