An Indian girl gets teleported to Korea and ends up getting tangled with BTS!
RM's phone vibrated flashing the name - seojin. He picked the call up and heard Seojin chattering on without a stop regarding the vlive."We have no idea how she entered, we just know that taehyung said that she fell onto the floor out of nowhere." Seojin paused for a moment and said "Let's wait till she wakes up. I'll think of an explanation meanwhile." ~Beep Beep~ the call ended. Namjoon walked over to the bedside and sat on the chair looking at the girl. Jin walked nearer to the girl and looked at her tied limbs pitifully and grabbed a scissor and tried to cut it off as the rest watched him. Namjoon patted the shivering Jin and took the scissor from his hand and cut off the cable wires that tied her in two swift moves. Taehyung broke the silence by asking" What do we do now? We won't be able to clear this up even if we jumped into the yellow river" "we'll take turns watching her tonight. We can only wait for her to wake up now"
Alesha's friends, neighbors and family members were worried about her. And went out searching at all the places she could possibly be at. One of her close cousins from her maternal side called her mother. "I found her! " she yelled. Alesha's mother cried and asked for her location .Her cousin gulped and told her to check the latest news about BTS. All the people who were gathered there hurriedly looked it up and one of them read aloud-" A mysterious girl lying tied up during BTS v-live unconscious. The details regarding the girl is unknown. Is it over for BTS? Did they kidnap a girl? Further details to be updated tomorrow." He then flashed the screenshot attached to the news to everyone there. They all gasped. It was Alesha! Her parents cried their eyes out. Her mother asked in between the sobs. "Where are they?" Her cousin answered nervously" South Korea"