

Elizabeth Everly died at 23 years old.

Of this she was undeniably certain. So you could understand her confusion when she opened her eyes only to be welcomed by the sight of a man sitting across from her at desk. She felt as if the school headmaster had called her into his office.

"Umm hello?" She said, her English accent obvious.

"You must be Elizabeth. I regret to inform you that you're dead. My job is to send you into another world. Let me see here...."

Ruffling through a few papers on his desk he pulled out a folder.

"Aha, here it is. Teen wolf. I believe this is a popular tv series in your past world. Speaking of the past, unfortunately we both know nothing was left for you back home and nobody will miss you. A rather tragic life you had if I do say so myself."

As confused as she was, Elizabeth knew he was right, she had nothing to lose, but they weren't here to talk about her past. "I know I died, so chances are you're telling the truth. Oh well, it could be worse. Teen wolf is a rather tame world compared to where in could have ended up." She sighed softly, already accepting her situation.

"No need to be so sad Elizabeth. We're not so heartless as too send you there without a gift. Though don't expect anything too great to come out of it." He said, immediately dashing away her hopes of receiving anything godlike.

"Well what the bloody hell is it then?" She said dissatisfied.

"No need to be so impatient, and it hasn't been decided. First tell me what perk you would like to obtain." He responded drily.

After spending a few seconds thinking, she answered. "Well I would obviously want be a werewolf with full control. An alpha would be best, oh and I would want a transformation similar to Peter's bipedal form in season 1." She chose these because it would keep her from being completely powerless. She would be strong, but not so strong that the people in teen wolf would find it unbelievable or impossible.

"Hmm, ok I'll give you these, but thats all. You'll look the same when you arrive, and you'll be a science teacher at Beacon hills high school at the start of season 1. Don't worry about housing, I've given you a decent two bedroom apartment not far from the school." He voiced monotonously.

"You have already done more than enough for me. I doubt anything would have happened if you refused my request. So thank you" Elizabeth replied surprising the man.

His lips twitched slightly, before he snapped his fingers engulfing the woman in a flash of light.


Opening her eyes Elizabeth sat up and stretched, she found herself in a completely unfamiliar bedroom. It was bland to say the least, no decorations and barely any furniture. A blank canvases.

'So it wasn't a dream. I really am in a bloody tv show.' She mused.

She was interrupted from her thoughts when she heard the sound of ringing. Turning to face the noise she saw a phone that was most definitely not hers. Reaching out she grabbed it, and answered.


"Good morning Miss Everly, this is Principle Thomas speaking, I was just calling to remind you that you have class first thing in the morning. We hope to see you there on time."



"Oh" replied a dazed Elizabeth.

'What the bloody fuck was that man thinking? Me? A Science teacher? What fucking qualifications have I got to be a bloody Science teacher?! Yes I passed, but I had only scraped by. Why didn't I question this before!?" She inwardly panicked.

"Miss Everly are you there?" He asked concerned.

Calming her heart she spoke. "Yes I'm here. I'll be there on time, so don't worry. Goodbye principle." She quickly hung up and fell into silence.

'If that man gave me this job, I'm sure he has a plan. He couldn't be so cruel.' Deciding not to think too hard she got up and walked to her wardrobe. Opening it up she saw multiple different outfits and decided to wear something simple.

Elizabeth could already feel the difference in her body. She could smell, see and hear far better than she ever could. Not only that, but there was a visual change. Her previously skinny body was replaced with a body with much more muscle, though not bulky.

'I've got the whole package, six pack and all.'

As Elizabeth was about to exit her apartment she saw a pair of car keys on a table. She picked them up joyfully before leaving. Outside the building she pulled out the keys and pressed on them.


Turning to the sound she saw a black Dodge Challenger. 'Nice' she thought, approaching the car.

Getting in she turned the engine on and googled directions to Beacon Hills High school. Elizabeth pulled out the car park and made her way to work.

"Let's do this" she muttered fiercely.


It wasn't long before she arrived at the school she had seen countless times on the show. The carpark had basically been empty when she got there, with only a teachers being so early.

Stepping into the principals office she received her schedule and proceeded to a staff meeting. After the meeting she went to her assigned classroom and started to prepare for lesson. Closing her eyes she tried to remember her countless Science classes, only to realise, she had perfect knowledge of everything she was supposed to teach and how to teach it.

Realising this Elizabeth looked toward the ceiling. "Thank you mysterious man, I knew I could count on you." She said passionately.

It didn't take long for her to prepare and soon the students arrived in droves. Exiting her classroom Elizabeth began wondering the halls, she got a many different looks from the students. They could tell she was a teacher from the ID around her neck. This was a new, young and pretty teacher so it wasn't strange that the students were intrigued.


It wasn't long till the bell rang and the students began to enter her class. Most of them seemed to be talking about a body that was found in the the woods. Among them were some of the main cast.

Clapping her hands loudly she quickly became the centre of their attention. Turning around Elizabeth wrote her name on the board before facing the room. "Hello class, my name is Miss Everly and I will be your science teacher for the foreseeable future. Since this is the first class I decided do a short question and answer session to start. So go ahead."

Multiple student raised their hands. "Yes you at the back. What's your name" she pointed.

"I'm Danny. I was wondering how old you are because you look really young." He asked

"Well Danny, I'm 23 years old. I know that sounds young to be teaching, but I'm more than capable." She answered before looking around. "You. What's your name?"

"Jackson. Are you single?" He questioned smirking.

"Yes I am, next question" she moved on swiftly, not wanting to talk about any form of romance in class. "You, with the buzz cut"

"Um my names Stiles. You probably heard about the dead body that jogger found right? What do you think did it?" He asked eagerly.

'Typical' Elizabeth thought amused.

"Well if I had to guess. I'd say it was a werewolf" She said jokingly causing a round of snickers.

Stiles just rolled his eyes.

Before they could continue there was a knock on the door. Walking in was the principal with a girl. "Good morning Miss Everly. This is a new student that'll be joining your class, Allison Argent." After introductions the principle left and Allison took her seat.

'Isn't this that cringe mome' Elizabeth's thoughts were cut off as she watched Scott McCall turn around to Allison with a dopey smile and offer her a pen. Elizabeth face palmed.


A few hours after school Elizabeth could be seen in the woods wearing loose clothing. She came here to test out her werewolf side.

She had asked for complete control of the wolf, so everything should be easy.

Focusing on what she wanted to happen, hair immediately began to grow on the sides of her face, her nails turned into claws, her skin became much rougher and harder to penetrate and her ears became pointed.

Observing her surroundings with bright red eyes, Elizabeth felt powerful. Without saying a word she began to run through the woods, easily going faster than some cars.

"HAHAHA" she laughed with pure joy as she jumped over a ravine. It was probably the most thrilled she'd ever been.

'I can go faster. My full wolf form should be better in all aspects.' She thought as she willed herself to shift. Immediately her bones began to creak loudly. Hair began to grow on every inch of her body whilst her clothes we ripped apart, her nose stretched into a long snout. Standing on both her feet she became a 6 foot 8 tall hulking werewolf with black fur.

'Wow, this is amazing' she thought dazed. Getting over her shock she walked towards a tree and slashed both her claws at it, only for her to cut through the wood like butter. The tree toppled over and crashed onto the ground.

"Hahaha that was phenomenal" she laughed, but it came out as a loud growl. It was actually quite terrifying to look at.

Bending down on all fours she ran. And ran.

It wasn't until 2 hours later that a naked, mud covered Elizabeth stood in the woods with a feral smile on her face.