
Teen Wolf: Hunter's Mark

So, MCs name is Nathaniel lockwood he was born in a hunter family not a very well-known one, but they could live without having a normal job. At 1 year old the hunter's tattoo appeared at his left chest and continue to grow along with him his parents decided they didn't have a choice and start training as soon as he could. At 4 years old his mother died in an accident and his father started his training in the hunter's ways and conditioning while they were traveling around the United States solving cases. At 15 years old he had his first kill and many more followed also he and his father had many fights throughout the years as they couldn't connect and his father in his grief treated him more like a soldier than a son. And now we are at 17 years old seven months after his birthday. I forgot A SMALL LITTLE detail the power of the tattoo will activate at his 18th birthday

Black_Night_69 · 电视同人
19 Chs

Chapter 15

| Third Person's POV |

| Tuesday |

Nate after making a deal with Derek goes to the industrial district where the warehouse was located, with Scott captive there, so he could set up traps and feed Scott. Before that he makes a stop at his home to take some items he may need and mask his smell so he wouldn't be followed by the werewolves just in case. He spent the whole time there making and setting up the traps. He got bags of mountain ash to surround the building and trap the alpha inside and he had Scott inside a circle too so the alpha wouldn't able to make him help. Scott in the meantime would sometimes beg him to let him go trying all kinds of approaches, of course, this was after he managed to stop crying and shivering in his presence but still, he would go pale as soon as Nate looked at him or come remotely close to him.

It was time for the date with his friends so he leaves Scott his food and goes to get ready. Nate and his friends spent two hours playing bowling, talking about different things, getting closer as friends, and having a good time. Of course, they also had to see Lydia and Jackson get all handy with each other and kiss for minutes while the rest had to watch them, they as well continue and do it right there they weren't far from it anyway. Allison and Nate were also seen to be much closer sharing drinks, sitting together with their shoulders connecting, and being more playful with each other. Danny on the other hand worked up the courage with the help of his friends and went to talk to a boy that was eyeing him and managed to get a date.

Nate dropped Allison at her house and went back to the warehouse to finish the traps and get ready. It is around 2:30 p.m. and Nate is double-checking the traps and equipment so that they are working correctly. He sends Derek a message with the address to meet him in the warehouse and goes to wake up Scott for his part.

Derek gets a message from an unknown number, seeing an address, and to meet him there at 3 p.m. he guesses it from the hunter kid. Still not trusting him Derek goes but first checks around the block looking for any signs of set up, not finding anything suspicious he makes up his mind and goes to the warehouse. Nate gets a reply back and he goes outside to meet Derek.

Nate greets him and tells him to follow. As they go inside Derek sees Scott in the middle of the warehouse chained on the floor by his ankles surrounded by mountain ash. Scott looks up towards the sounds of multiple footsteps to see Derek.

"Derek? Derek here help me" Scott begins saying and a few seconds later his mind catches up to what is going on. Scott seeing Derek seems to get his courage back for some reason and begins complaining about his situation to him.

"Derek, what the hell are you doing with him? You know he is a hunter, right? He kidnapped me and has me locked up here." Scott got angrier the more he talked.

"I can answer that for him. He is doing exactly what he came to this town to do. Looking for the one who killed his sister and getting revenge." Nate answers with a calm tone. Scott ignores him in favor of frowning at Derek and continues to talk to him. Derek Frowns more at that.

"Derek please help me--"

"Will you shut up? He is not here for you, he come for the alpha and you Scott are the bait."

"What? What bait? What is going on here? What are you talking about?"

Derek keeps his mouth shut just staring at Scott while Nate gets ready for the fight. Scott, seeing Derek not saying anything or on the matter doing anything, gives up. With Nate finally ready he starts telling the plan.

"Okay, here is the plan Scott you going to call the alpha--"

"You keep saying Alpha, last night too, tell me what an alpha is and how I'm going to call him" Scott interrupts. Nate sighs and looks at Derek as if asking him if he wants to explain it to him but he gives him a look that Nate takes as a no. But before he explains it to Scott he asks.

"You had almost a month to learn this stuff the hell were you doing the whole time?" Nate gives Derek a look that was saying 'why you didn't teach him anything' Derek just looks away.

"Well, you see Scott, Alpha is a werewolf with the added ability to change someone to a werewolf, he is the one who bit you, and you can tell one by the eye color theirs shine red instead of yellow. Also, why am I even explaining this to you? You must likely to be died by the morning anyway."

"Like I was saying you going to call the alpha and Derek and I will ambush him here and if possible, trap him. So, let's get started Scott be a dear and call him now." Nate starts walking toward his position so that when the alpha shows up, he will trap him inside with the mountain ash.

Scott calls him saying that he didn't know how to do it and how was that possible. Nate throws Derek a quick "this is your job" while he was walking away.

"Scott listen here--"

"Will you now tell me why are you working with Nate? he is a hunter do you remember what you said about them? So why? Why are you working with one right now?" Derek sighs as Scott interrupts once again.

"What do you want me to say, Scott? The one I wanted to listen and work with me didn't, instead, he had the police throw me to jail so he could play a game. And now everyone knows I am in town and I can't do anything without hunters on me. Since you won't help my only option is to work with him."

"Okay, okay just save me from this and I promise I will listen to everything you say please Derek he is going to kill me." they hear a "will you hurry up?" from Nate and ignore him.

"I can't Scott even if I wanted to. You see the circle around you?" Scott looks at it and nods.

"No supernatural can cross the line. Listen to me, this is maybe the only chance to take the alpha on from what we have seen so far, he seems feral with means he doesn't think much, and if we do, I will teach you how to control it and you can go to be a normal teenager. Now I want you to close your eyes and listen to my voice to exactly what I tell you. I want you to let your instincts take control be a werewolf, think of the alpha, think how you want him to know where you are, think how you want him to come here to you, take a deep breath in, and now roar with full power."

Scott does what Derek tells him and a few seconds later a powerful howl blasts through the warehouse. After the howl, a complete silence takes its place for a few minutes. Suddenly there are sounds of something sharp scratching the pavement outside the warehouse. The sound does a circle around it before it comes to a stop.