
Teen Wolf: Hunter's Mark

So, MCs name is Nathaniel lockwood he was born in a hunter family not a very well-known one, but they could live without having a normal job. At 1 year old the hunter's tattoo appeared at his left chest and continue to grow along with him his parents decided they didn't have a choice and start training as soon as he could. At 4 years old his mother died in an accident and his father started his training in the hunter's ways and conditioning while they were traveling around the United States solving cases. At 15 years old he had his first kill and many more followed also he and his father had many fights throughout the years as they couldn't connect and his father in his grief treated him more like a soldier than a son. And now we are at 17 years old seven months after his birthday. I forgot A SMALL LITTLE detail the power of the tattoo will activate at his 18th birthday

Black_Night_69 · 电视同人
19 Chs

Chapter 11

| Third Person's POV |

| Monday |

After Nate managed to deal with Scott and stiles he goes back to the field. He asks where Jackson is and goes to check on him. He learns that he got a separated shoulder and wishes him a good recovery. After practice, he drives back to his home.

He turns on the TV while eating the food Amanda prepared. Finishing his food, he tackles his homework and does some reading. Now it evening and he gets a message from Allison asking if he wants to go jogging. He types 'yeah sure, when?' she answers him with a 'be ready in 10 and I'll come over'. Nate goes to his room to change his clothes, ones that are more comfortable to run with. The bell goes off and he goes to open the door.

"Hey, are you ready?" Allison asks him.

"Yeah, I'm ready to go, how was your afternoon?"

"Nothing special. Came home did some School work and little unpacking. What about you?"

"If you exclude Jackson getting a separated shoulder at practice, then it is the same as usual. Home and homework."

"What happened? Is he alright?"

"Nothing too serious. As for what happened. Coach put him on defense at one-on-ones and he went hard on Scott and taunted him. Then the coach adds his own cent and makes Scott do it again. The idiots rammed with full force and that's all"

"What about Scott did he get hurt?"

"Now that you said it, I don't know. He went down looking in pain but then his friend, Stiles I think, Drags him somewhere. They didn't show up after that."

"Well, last time I dragged you around in the preserve. This time you lead us"

"Okay then, follow me I know where we can go, I looked it up last night." She says and starts running at a low pace.

They have small talks then and then but mostly quietly run. For some reason they find each other's presence calming and relaxing. Allison breaks the silence with a message to Nate from his father.

"By the way, Dad told me to tell you that you are invited for dinner on Sunday."

"Really? That was sooner than I expected. Great I will be happy to come over" Nate brightens up and answers with enthusiasm agreeing to go over. Aside from the usual routine, he had too much time on hand and didn't know What to do, he hated sitting alone and being bored in his house. So, every chance that had him doing something or spending time in someone's company was welcomed with open arms.

Allison was surprised by his tone and how happy he sounded. Nate noticed her look and answers the obvious question.

"Aside from School, training, school work, and the occasional calls with Danny and Jackson all I do is stare at the TV waiting for the next day as I have nothing to do. So, any opportunity for some company is welcome. Besides I would like to talk with your dad after I heard he is a gun dealer." Nate said the last part in whispers. Allison Breaks a smile and laughs at him being goofy making it seem like it's illegal.

"Ohh come here" Allison Stops running goes to Nate and gives him a Hug and he wraps his arms around her "you can call me and I'll come over anytime you want, okay?"

"Sure" and he gives a sincere smile.

|Wednesday At School During Lunch Period|

We see Scott and Stiles talking about the person from Monday. Well, Stiles is talking and Scott half listens as he is staring at Allison out of the corner of his eyes to not make it obvious. They spent the whole time trying to find who was the person. They even asked most of the Lacrosse players giving them some hints but they would just look at them weirdly and leave.

"--what do you think" Stiles asks Scott but he looks like he is in a trance-like state as he stares at Allison with a longing expression.

"Scott? Scott are you even listening to me" Stiles speaks and nudges him. That snaps him out and he focuses on Stiles.

"Sorry, what did you say?" and gives an apologetic expression.

"Whatever, I think maybe it's the new guy. You know we pretty much don't know anything about that guy"

"Okay, then why would he help us?"

"I don't know maybe he is like you and doesn't want attention on him like Derek. Because if he didn't help, I would be minced meat and that would be impossible to rule it as an animal attack. How an animal goes unnoticed as it waltzes through school in broad light."

"What if he is the one who bit me then we have to get him away from Allison. What if he hurts her?" Stiles was baffled and didn't know how to respond to this idiot of a best friend.

"Wha--Scott we have much bigger problems than Nate probably hurting Allison if he is even a werewolf. You know Like Derek killing you if you play Saturday. So, you better move your ass and tell the coach you are not playing you hear me?"

"Yeah, I heard you"

With the coach giving him the ultimatum, Scott continues his classes. Scott notices Allison and catches up with her in the hallway.

"Hey Allison, how are you? uh... I was wondering if you'll come Saturday night to the game?"

"Oh, hey Scott, yes definitely how are you?" the aura around them was defiantly awkward and they both notice it. But Scott pushes through it

"Oh, okay cool, um do you think we can hang out sometimes you know you, me, Stiles, Lydia, and the others" he finishes awkwardly.

"I would like to but I can't this week. Me and the others already making some plans for Monday to go out, so you and stiles can come if you want?" Scott's face falls at the 'but' and the perks ups when he hears the next part. As for Allison she kind of liked Scott so She would give him a chance at being friends like she said to him on Monday.

"Really? Cool! see you then" he replies with happy energy and a big smile as he takes his leave. Scott continues his classes when he ends up at the chalkboard with Lydia. When she questions him about the rumors he admits that they are true. Then She gives him a speech about why he must play and threatens him with Allison. That she would make sure that they stayed as acquaintances and nothing more as she would make sure she ends up with Nate. And he could stay at home and surf the internet for porn.

After School Scott sees Allison hanging with her group of friends and notices the jacket in her hands. The one Derek used to lure him into the forest. Getting angry he storms off with his bike towards the Hale house.

At School, the group separates Nate and Danny go to change for practice Jackson isn't to school today. The girls go to benches to watch them and talk. Allison tells her about Scott wanting to hang out with them. Lydia doesn't answer as a devious plan comes to her mind.

'How about a little payback to one Scott McCall'

"Scott wants to hang out with us? Why not the more the merrier. Anyway, I was thinking of Bowling what do you think?"

"Sure, sounds good."

On Thursday News spread that Derek Hale was taken into custody for the murder in the preserve. And now there was no one to stop Scott from playing.

| Saturday Few hours Before The Game |

We see Scott fully wolfed out as he climbs The Argent's house to see Allison. He watches her through her window as he gets closer and closer. Allison suddenly stands up and closes the curtains. Scott seeing his reflection freaks out and jumps down and runs.

(NOTE: since Nate and Allison's bedroom windows face each other their rooms are located at the back of the houses.)

Nate was driving on the when out of nowhere Someone jumps from the shadows in front of his car. He pushes the brakes and but the car still hits the person. He gets out to check on the person when he sees it's Scott.

"Shit, Scott you alright?" Asks with worry but not that concerned since he knows Scott is a werewolf and something like that would not do any damage. In the meantime, Allison and her dad heard the commotion outside and went out to check it. They see Nate kneeling next to Scott who was on the floor in front of the car and with the noise they heard they figure out that Nate must have hit him.

Allison cornered about Scott goes over and kneels.

"Oh my God, are you Alright? What happened?"

"He came out of nowhere and run over the driveway" Nate tries to explain but Allison gives him accusing glances while trying to make sure Scott is alright. Scott tries to explain.

"I'm sorry. It's my fault. I'm sorry I hit your car."

"The hell? Why are you talking about the car, are you alright?" Nate makes it believable that is worried about Scott.

"I'm fine. I swear. Coach asked to tell you he wants you on the bench tonight in case Jackson can't play"

"You're sure you're, okay?" Chris asks and Scott quickly answers.

"Yeah, completely. Um, I should go I've got a lacrosse game to get to." Chris looks slightly suspicious of how just okay Scott is for having been hit by a car. Nate noticed Chris's expression and intervenes.

"The Hell you are you just got hit by I car no matter how light the impact was and you were clearly in pain. We going to the hospital to make sure everything alright" Nate Drags Scott up and to his car.

"You're still coming to the game? Right?" Scott says as he was being dragged.

"Of course, I'm coming." "We both are." Answers Allison and Chris adds. Scott and Allison turn to him, each with a look of surprise.

"What? I will meet some of your other friends and make sure you get home safe" explains Chris. And neither Scott nor Allison seems to like it. And she complains a little.

Nate starts the car and drives towards the hospital. Scott doesn't say anything so Nate begins.


"Soo?" Scott plays the fool.

"So, are you telling me you come over here to tell me something coach already told me at school?" getting no answer he keeps going.

"Are you going to tell me because my mind keeps coming up with some pretty creepy scenarios of what were you doing here?" Nate says accusingly.

Scott snaps his head at him with eyes wide at what he implies and hurriedly tries to come up with something to explain.

"Wha-- Nothing like that. I just wanted to make sure she was still coming to the game. But after what happened between us, I realized that this would give the wrong idea and tried to leave when you hit me. I swear I want to be friends with her."

Nate nods at him as in understanding where he is coming from. But he doesn't believe him in the slightest. After that, they didn't talk until they arrived at the hospital. Nate leaves him at the entrance and wishes him a good recovery and luck.

| At The Game |

The game starts and both teams score some goals. The Score is 3-6 with Beacon Hill losing. Scott hasn't touched the ball a single time up until now. Scott holds still, head cocked while finally hearing what Jackson has been whispering to the other players, that do not pass to him at all. Danny complains that he just wants to win the game. Scott standing with his gloves twisting around the stick, he looks like he's about to snap it into little pieces. At the start of the next quarter, we see Scott standing hunched over, face masked in the shadow under his helmet. The game starts again and Scott using his animalistic abilities scores.

Nate seeing Scott going crazy talks to the coach about letting him play. It was better to be out there with Scott where he could prevent him from hurting anyone. Seeing that Scott still has no control of himself after so many days he thinks it better to end the problem altogether later.

Nate tells the coach to substitute him with Jackson since he would be a primary target for Scott. Saying that Jackson's performance dropped and it would be better to be careful with his injury in case this makes it worse as it would take more time to heal. Coach thinking about it agrees and makes the change.

The game continues and Scott scores more goals. He still seems to be in control more or less. Nate keeps close waiting to intervene. The timer is on its last 20 seconds and Scott has the ball. His eyes burn brighter, the yellow tint turning to a yellow glow, the pure animal taking over. With the other players closing in on him, he falters, as if not knowing where to go. Nate is behind him ready to tackle him if he attacks someone. When suddenly Scott snaps out and takes the shot and wins the game.

Cheering thunders around the field Everyone is coming toward Scott, people jumping off the bench to congratulate him. His mother, Allison, and Lydia stepped down as well. And worst of all... Argent. Chris has a frown on his face as he goes over the game and Scott's behavior.

Retreating back, Scott yanks one of his gloves off to reveal the claws at the tips of his fingers. He takes off running toward the forest dropping the glove in the process. Stiles Learn Derek was let out of jail and the dead girl was Laura Hale Derek's sister.

Alone on the field, Nate notices Scott's glove left in the grass. Slowly, he picks it up, noticing tears at the fingertips.

'Did he really leave this behind? Okay that's it Scott McCall needs to die'

Nate turns to find someone watching him from the sidelines... Derek. With a strange smile, he gives him a nod as if to say hello. And then Derek turns, walking away from the field. Nate doesn't do anything rash.

'And I bet he is the other werewolf' Nate thinks as he watches Derek walk away.