
Chapter 28: Making Gifts

------------------ 3:45 pm 9/7/2009,Shade house --------------

Currently walking home from the bus stop, after the first day of school, is Damien Shade. Today was the start of the school year, and Damien just entered the 8th grade. Today was just a normal day for Damien. In his homeroom he found out he was in the same class as his friends. All of his classes for the day were mostly introductory and review of summer assignments. Having his mind partitioned into four parts, of which only one was paying attention to his surroundings and school. Enjoying a normal school day, while the other partitions were monitoring Tony and modifying the tech for his suit.

Tony had begun putting together the legs of his new suit a few days ago. Through the surveillance on him, Damien was able to get more designs and ideas about Stark's tech. Repulsor technology became a new topic of research as well.

Walking into his house, he was greeted by his dad as he continued towards his room. Sitting in front of his computer in his room, Damien turned it on.

Damien; *Now that the nanites and unstable molecules joined together perfectly for the suit, all I have to do is make it transform to be hidden and worn quickly. Time for more training and to prepare some gifts for the avengers.* After reviewing all the files and info sent by the bruce wayne synthoid, Damien used the teleport tube in his closet to go to Star Labs.

------------------ 4:10 pm 9/7/2009, Star Labs----------------

Once there, Damien goes to an exercise room that has gravity control in the room. Doing training in an environment set to ten times regular gravity. He trained his entire body to complete exhaustion and until he could barely move. Only then allowing his healing factor to kick in and heal all injuries in his body. Allowing his body to be tempered by constant exercise and healing. He is now strong enough to lift five hundred pounds easily. Even training his agility, speed, endurance, and body control. Damian ran on an advanced treadmill while under the restriction of gravity. Barely able to maintain 20 miles per hour for fifteen minutes. Doing parkour and an obstacle course in the danger room while under ten times gravity. Lastly, he fought synthoids in the Danger Room. The synthoids used blunt weapons and heavy mechanical fists to attack. The Synthoids have many martial arts, and fighting styles from all around the world. Also many techniques gained through the scanning of people fighting in Danger Rooms on Genesis Island. Usually Damien would be able to easily fend off five synthoids, but under the intense gravity he often gets beaten by fighting two. Which is good for tempering his body by continuously getting injured then healed.

Knowing the events that will happen in the future, Damien gathered some information about all the future avengers and their weapons of choice. Planning to make gifts and things that could help them in the future. For Hawkeye, he planned to make another quiver with multiple arrowhead attachments. All attachments have an array of different uses. At the same time the stems were made of a sturdier material that mimics all the physical attributes of those he usually uses, but were harder to break. The stems could detach from the arrowheads at any time via the same control used to select arrowheads. For Black Widow he designed a pair of tonfas. These tonfa have a variety of uses, such as hidden blades, becoming electrified, and using nanotechnology compressing to fit her utility belt. Making an effective weapon for her that could also be safely stored without taking too much space. For Dr. Banner, he used unstable molecules to make smart clothes with mechanical controls. The clothes can change into any design while at the same time won't be easily destroyed. The clothes included 3 pairs of shirts, pants, socks, jacket, and even underwear. All clothes can be changed to any design type and mimic them perfectly. For Iron man he was preparing a surprise that just might save his life.

Most of these were able to be designed before the night was over. Damian was able to use the equipment at his lab to automate the process of making most of his gifts. Everything should be finished within the next month.

I know this chapter was suppose to be released a week ago but alot has happened. This novel was supposed to be for recreation and I honestly didn't expect to take it as seriously as I have. But please be patient with me. Although they are late, I will try to make sure you all don't miss out on promised releases.

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