My new school turns out to be a bit strange, it seems they have a practice where the first week is spent camping, all fine and dandy, except I cant take my computer with me, and writing on my phone sucks ass, so turns out you guys will have to wait for a while for the next chapters, sorry, nothing I can do about it, but ill try to make it up to everyone after. But like seriously? It's fucking high school I came here for an education not to go camping, but whatever, they also have a really stupid phone policy, i understand the whole don't use your phone in class or during work time and shit, but there policy is no phones during the school day, ever, that means from 8am-4pm if they see your phone a single time, no matter where or when you are, weather your done with all your work, eating, or just waiting for that block to end due to having nothing to do, they confiscate it, which to me is just bullshit.