
Technically An Overlord

What else is better than being able to create something that came out of your imagination? Something that can only be left hidden behind our minds, yet here you can freely explore it. Michael, a 20 years old boy, homeschooled, not technically spoiled, but still privileged enough to care about the outside world, was suddenly transported in another world, MID-AIR! However, despite his unluckiness, he seem to be favored by God. As the world he got himself into was the same world of the game he was addicted to. Now, the only problem lies to his self... A selfish bastard who knows nothing of outside world will now have to take responsibility of more than 11500 people... He had to keep these people from both starvation, and of course, foreign threats. // Credits to the rightful owner of the image provided in the cover. // I am an amateur writer of a novel, so if you find something wrong with my explanations, do please give me a comment and I'll try my best to elaborate and change it!

Helfenite · 奇幻
30 Chs

Vs. Knights Battle

When I confirm that Greg had left the hallway, I called upon the [System] in which the HUD I am now quite familiar of appear and I directed towards the [Tool Menu]. I headed for the [Event Logs] where red-tagged occurrences flooded the entire window.

[A citizen named Luigi has been killed by (murder)]

An endless number of similar messages, some even are of children are continuously appearing which bring forth fury from within me. Hence, in haste, I jump through the open window and landed on the soft ground just in front of a large gate of the municipal hall.

The town is in an uproar, women and children cry while the men hurriedly defend every possible places they can salvage from the knights that are wreaking havoc.

I attempted to confront the two knights who were currently cutting down every person that invade their sight, but before I could, Greg and a few of his subordinates came. I sigh in relief after seeing this.

The two sides then clash, with Greg having an overwhelming advantage. Although the knights fight pretty well and probably possesses a high level of magic power.

But since the situation is now obviously under my subordinates' control, I turn my attention towards a distance away from the town. Once I do, ascend from my position and flew to access the bird's eye view.

After that, I activated [Eagle Eye], a power included in [Possession]. This skill gives me the ability to magnify my vision on a telescopic scale and enable me to trace trails or scent through my sight from miles away.

Naturally, this includes the Cartesian system which also helps me deduce the exact coordinate of the people I desire to track. And with this help, I managed to find the rats whom I presume to be the knights that are trying to sneak for Edelweiss.

I smile in delight while observing the ten figures heading separately towards Edelweiss and possibly Lotus below the treeline, trying to make themselves as stealthy as possible.

I am quite impressed by their dedication to pursuing their nonsensical goal which will only lead to a failure of a result. I admire them, and I somewhat feel a sense of disappointment since they are wasted talent.

But now that I think about it, lady knight just pledged loyalty to me. If her words are genuine and truly became a loyal subordinate of mine, I might extract some possible knowledge that can prove useful to the development of my territory's antipersonnel defence.

That's a great idea!

Thus, I decided to delay not much time and head for the first 5 unfortunate figures who are heading towards Edelweiss, which is in their pace, they will probably take more than a night to arrive there.

However, if I do not have this powerful ability then surely I wouldn't have noticed it. And if not for my prediction, of course.

It didn't take me more than a few tens of seconds before appearing in front of the first five individuals who jerked a few steps away in surprise.

"Hello, gentlemen, or should I say, knights, protector of the innocent people!" With a chortle, I gave the best sarcastic smile I could to the knights, although, in return, I was met with an immediate defensive position.

"Knights, do not let your guard down! Attack in sync and do not let him escape!"

With no time to waste, the five knights then attack me all at once. And in their minds, this leads me to no place to escape instead of the high trees which they must've also thought I am incapable of doing so.

But to their surprise, I betrayed their expectation, and instead of either jumping high towards the trees or receiving their overwhelming blow of attacks, I suddenly appear behind their backs.

They were dumbfounded by the sight they saw as I struck them one by one in the back, but in a light manner that wouldn't cause them to faint instantly.

I have been boiling with anger since a while back when I saw the death of the people caused by these rascals, and so I would very much be pleased to make them play the game that I will offer them.

After giving them light blows behind their back which cause them to turn their heads, I then proceed to fly by the knight at the right end of the five individuals and left a trail of distorted space. This, in turn, cause the knight's head which I passed by to come flying, and his blood gushed out violently before dropping to the ground like a puppet without its string.

"That's one!"

What I did there is that, I utilized my past life's knowledge.

By using a speed ten times the speed of sound, I enhanced the blow that I sent to the person which upon impact, caused a greater force equivalent to a strong magnet.

This resulted in a swift but deadly blow of my supposed normal punch, completely obliterating the knight's neck.

This gory scene became an eye-opener to the smart knights. Immediately after seeing their comrade fly without an obvious reason made, they conclude that I am a person who exerts much more powerful magic than them combined.

So, in their wariness, they once again formed a defensive position. However, this time, they are no longer planning to attack me, instead, they are now focusing on any possible chance of escape they can find.

I smile in delight once more when I see the interesting adaption they have shown me. With this kind of cooperation and teamwork, I might consider taking them alive if possible.

They are a great subject of experiment and if they show signs of obedience then I may also plan to make them my subordinates. Truly, what interesting fellows.

But, they are still subjected as killers despite their indirect relation to the current situation in Rose town which has a staggering 100 possible deaths. I have no choice but to give example to these people.

What a shame.

Before they could react once more, I once again fly by one of the knights. This caused one of them to drop again onto the ground in a lifeless manner.

Their defensive position proved futile in this situation, which made the faces of the knights grew in fear.

"Fuck!!! Knights, form another formation!" This time, their futile attempt of escape was once more shown to me.

However, this time, there was something unusual from the remaining three individuals.

One of them is at the back of the two while both of his hands are clasped together, and at the same time muttering behind the heavy-looking helmet.

I was confused at first, but then I realize the man was chanting a spell when a circular magic formation appear below us. It was massive, possibly swallowing around a hundred meters of radius.

In surprise, I ascended to the sky full of caution. This chance was then taken advantage of by the two knights who now run from their original path. I look at them in confusion.

They just left their comrade here, knowing full well he won't survive. This one who was left continued his spell formation nonetheless.

Is he sacrificing himself?

And I once again realize the reason of it when I saw the two knights running towards the direction which the other group of 5 knights are currently using as a route.

"Ah... So they are trying to regroup with the other one, in turn, this person here was left as a decoy to buy them some time. I see, what an interesting people."

I smile while holding my chin, trying to think critically about what could possibly be the result of their action.

Even if they do managed to regroup, I am still confident that I can obliterate them even if they all attack at once. With my speed alone, they are clearly at a disadvantage if I confront them.

Minutes after contemplating, the two knights are now halfway through their destination due to their gradual increase of their pace while the decoy had already finished his chanting.

And what resulted to his hardwork is a giant lion with the face of an eagle, a tail of a serpent, and the wing of an angel that stands in four with the same size as an elephant.

Immediately after that, this griffin-looking creature spread its wing and fly towards me without signs of stopping. It seems to me that it has the goal of crashing against me in mid-air.

Hi everyone! It is I, the writer. I just want you all to know that I will be having a week off since it's going to be busy in my home with the holy week just at our doorstep, so yeah!

Helfenitecreators' thoughts