
Technically An Overlord

What else is better than being able to create something that came out of your imagination? Something that can only be left hidden behind our minds, yet here you can freely explore it. Michael, a 20 years old boy, homeschooled, not technically spoiled, but still privileged enough to care about the outside world, was suddenly transported in another world, MID-AIR! However, despite his unluckiness, he seem to be favored by God. As the world he got himself into was the same world of the game he was addicted to. Now, the only problem lies to his self... A selfish bastard who knows nothing of outside world will now have to take responsibility of more than 11500 people... He had to keep these people from both starvation, and of course, foreign threats. // Credits to the rightful owner of the image provided in the cover. // I am an amateur writer of a novel, so if you find something wrong with my explanations, do please give me a comment and I'll try my best to elaborate and change it!

Helfenite · 奇幻
30 Chs

Uninvited Guest II

[Greg's POV]

In the conference room located two room from my study, there are around 7 figure around an "oval" table, which is made by the lord personally. I never even thought that wood can have this smooth texture, if not for the so called "varnish" process that the lord has done, then probably we are sliding our hands to a rougher surface of the table.

Even the Golden Knights of the Empire are impress by the level of expertise shown in this table, though they still wear a serious expression, it can still be obvious on how they touch the table in unusual manner.

Now, to bring the matter in directly.

"The Lord of Pearson returned, thus he rightfully took his territory. There seems to be no problem with that, ain't there?" I declared firmly, standing my ground against these potential enemy.

"It seems there is something you are misunderstanding here, peasant. We have said this before, we are not here to argue with the likes of you, we are here to meet Baron Karl Pearson." With a look of disgust, the supposed captain of the knights proclaimed.

I didn't reply to his words, instead, I gave a contemplating look as if I was trying to observe the movement of the knights.

They truly are the same as the other nobles. Unlike his lordship, these people are nothing but scums who thinks of us, commoners, as someone who are nothing but livestock. To even call me, the mayor of this town, a peasant is utterly shameless that if I can I would've sent them away.

The problem is they aren't even officially nobles. They are just part of a noble's plaything made for the purpose of leisure. Just by simply looking at their posture and appearance, one could already tell that they are poorly trained.

They also don't have the same authority as the nobles or royalty. Some of them are of nobles background, yes, but mostly of those nobles must be nothing but disowned or sent by their family.

I heave a breathe, then slowly I clasp my fingers above the table and look at them firmly.

"Oh, I guess that would be a problem... I just receive a word from my subordinate that his lordship flew to another town. It's unfortunate but it seems you have to return for another day. Good day, Golden Knights."

"No. We will not leave until Pearson-"

"That's lord of you. Mind your manners, knight." As if humiliated, the serious face of the captain broke and an enrage face of a person appear.

"How dare you-" He was ready to unsheath his sword, and possibly even cut us down. However, before he could even finish his words, I decided to stop him and ordered my subordinate to prepare in a way where the knights can hear.

"Viena and Uno, prepare your swords. It will get bloody."

Soon after they heard my order, the two instantly unsheath their rapier and now aiming their blades towards the four individual. Now, it seems they are truly poorly trained, they are yet to unsheath they weapon despite having the advantage of time after all, being outperformed by my former students who only train basic rapier training.

"Now gentlemen, it seems you are in a disadvantage here, so I would suggest for you to leave. You may stay in one of our inns if you can promise you will not cause a ruckus, but if you do, then you will not be able to return to the capital safely.

And that's not a threat, it's a warning."

As if they didn't even comprehend the words that I utter, the captain, despite being the head figure of the knights, immediately rush towards our position. But then before he could, he was instantly subdued by one of the Golden Knights... His subordinate.


"W-what!!! What are you doing, you, release me-" Once again, before the captain could even finish his words full of anger, the knight holding him decided to struck his nape, which made him unconscious.

Thereafter, I ordered my subordinate to raise their guards.

To completely overwhelm a heavy looking knight while dressed in a similar attire is something that not an ordinary person could do. Perhaps unlike the others, this one is well trained.

"I apologize for this man's unprofessional conduct." A girl's voice?

"It seems unlike your colleague, you have trained yourself well. May I have the honor to receive your name?"

"Ah yes. My name is-... Well, I would prefer you just call me Elize. A shorten version of my name. Now, since the lord of Pearson has yet to return, we will take your words and simply return for the day."

"Ah yes, if you would prefer to stay at the inns, then that would be great since we can always call you right after his lordship return. However, if you would like. Dinner is already served so why don't you join us?"

"No, we do appreciate the gesture but we are also tired from the journey. We would very much like to rest, but perhaps we can accept in another time."

"Very well, Viena, Escort the Knights."

Without much delay, the knights, while carrying their captain, followed Viena and Uno outside the conference. With me left here in my lonesome, I tried to think about the lady knight.

There's something about her that I find interesting. It seems she's trying to uphold some sort of secret about her identity. But just from that conversation alone, she'd already reveal her status. Though I am still uncertain about her exact identity.

She may be a disowned daughter of a military family, but I can never be sure since most noble family in the empire train their kids regardless of their gender. But her name is somewhat familiar.
