
Technically An Overlord

What else is better than being able to create something that came out of your imagination? Something that can only be left hidden behind our minds, yet here you can freely explore it. Michael, a 20 years old boy, homeschooled, not technically spoiled, but still privileged enough to care about the outside world, was suddenly transported in another world, MID-AIR! However, despite his unluckiness, he seem to be favored by God. As the world he got himself into was the same world of the game he was addicted to. Now, the only problem lies to his self... A selfish bastard who knows nothing of outside world will now have to take responsibility of more than 11500 people... He had to keep these people from both starvation, and of course, foreign threats. // Credits to the rightful owner of the image provided in the cover. // I am an amateur writer of a novel, so if you find something wrong with my explanations, do please give me a comment and I'll try my best to elaborate and change it!

Helfenite · 奇幻
30 Chs

Uninvited Guest I


I am utterly speechless.

Moments ago, when I was confronting the greedy people, I didn't got to notice the grave situation my citizens are currently facing. I was deeply concentrated on my enemy that I have forgotten to consider my people's wellbeing.

Right after it ended, there's also no time to mourn since the situation is really that much of a problem.

The harbor, where ships dock for trading and other things, are mostly left uncleaned and the bad odor it emits is undescribable to the point where I instinctively block my nose to prevent it from my entering my body any further.

Not only that, the supplies that was being transported from the ships are not actually well secured. There's a literal fucking rats roaming around the boxes filled with "fresh" foods and fruits that can possibly affect my people's health.

When I saw this, I held my forehead in disappointment and gave an immediate order to Greg, who I pronounced as the new leader of this town, the future mayor, to dispose all of the supplies and if possible, arrest all the accountable for this mess due to health safety negligence.

Of course, right after that, I reconstructed the buildings that needed attention, by simply going to [Homes], then I pressed the [Row Houses] of which a multiple types of thin looking three-story, Victorian like buildings.

These narrow houses are the ones that can effectively use spaces in towns that are thriving in economy since they are expected to have more economic growth than the rest of the town but with little to none area development.

I am the one at fault of that, I did that on purpose for the design uniqueness, and possibly to make efficient use of the spaces that is centered around the trading industry. But the fact that despite 25 years had passed and nothing was yet to developed, especially the expansion of this area, is not entirely mine only to blame.

Now, after choosing the desired houses, I ascended to the sky to see the clear view of the residency. I am still in a state of hesitation if I will just dump these row houses and reconstruct it or I should also make my first town expansion here and create a new bloc for the residents.

Should I just do both?

I should at least give them rewards for the fighting spirit they have shown me that cause them a staggering 200 civilian deaths. For the very least, I hope that can make them happy.

But if they were to understand my intention, I would probably be hated since I repayed their suffering in a materialistic way. Not considering their emotions felt when they saw their families die fighting for what they need.

However, tangible cash is better than a credit.

When I was contemplating up above the sky, I notice a ship heading for the port. I can vaguely see it moving from the river and directing itself here in the Tiger Lake in a slow manner.

When I descended to get a clear view, I saw an unfamiliar flag being raised from its sail. I decided to ignore it and gave the sailors an observation before reporting to the town's mayor.

But before that, I decided to play a little trick. I headed for the [Edit/Terraform] clicked the [Terraform] and highlighted my ideal area to edit, after which I chose [Level 3] a plain ground to the river that flows towards the lake, completely immobilizing the ship.

With that, I head for the newly built white house, the municipal built by me. When I entered, I was met with number of gazes, some are of admiration, respect, and some are of curiosity.

"Where's Greg?"

"In his study, sir."

Then immediately I head off to his study. Upon arriving, I gave a courteous knock before entering. What reveal is a man with a messed up and disorder hair completely in a state of distress right in front of the mountainous paperwork while being accompanied by the young lady who's name is Viena.

"Milord... I apologize for my appearance, what do I owe the pleasure?"

Respect to this guy, for he didn't let his overwhelming emotion got the better of him, which is stress.

"There's a ship coming towards here. The flag is unfamiliar but it has a golden flowers in the middle of it."

A look of horror soon appeared in his face right after I said so. And soon he ordered his subordinate to fortify the town.

"Viena, quickly, go and order our member to be on alert and get ready for possible attacks. Also, increase the scout towards the lake, they might have infiltrated the vicinity!"


Suddenly, Viena went haste and pass by me. When I turn my head towards Greg, I gave a questioning look to which he promptly answer.

"They are the empire's knight flag, the Golden Knights. They must be here because of what happened to the former lord." He nervously stated.

"What? But I just sent the man the other day?" I reply in with a puzzled expression. Genuinely confused.

"Well, yes. But maybe they headed for the capital which is just less than a day of travel when using the river, instead of the Willemson territory. I ask you to prepare yourself as well, milord. They are probably here to question you, and they'll likely to intimidate you." He muttered, visibly worried about my possible action.

But I reassure him. I have no intention of making an entire country my enemy any time soon so I want to lay low for the time being.

Soon, two hooded person came running to the mayor's study and interrupted us. They gave their report and told that the ship was halted by the unusually placed terrain that's currently blocking the pathway of the river towards the lake.

Because of that, the knights are now on horseback, continuing their journey towards the town.

Greg then look at me with suspicion as he narrowed his eyes, but gave up soon after and heave a sigh.

"We shall welcome them when they arrive. For now, prepare for the worst. These scums are unpredictable after all."

"Yes! Understood!"


There is actually two river that connects the lake. The river that flows towards the lake is located a few kilometers west of Edelweiss while the river that flows to the outside is the one that currently used by Edelweiss as its mini port.

I just decided to drop this in case some of you are confused about it.