
Technically An Overlord

What else is better than being able to create something that came out of your imagination? Something that can only be left hidden behind our minds, yet here you can freely explore it. Michael, a 20 years old boy, homeschooled, not technically spoiled, but still privileged enough to care about the outside world, was suddenly transported in another world, MID-AIR! However, despite his unluckiness, he seem to be favored by God. As the world he got himself into was the same world of the game he was addicted to. Now, the only problem lies to his self... A selfish bastard who knows nothing of outside world will now have to take responsibility of more than 11500 people... He had to keep these people from both starvation, and of course, foreign threats. // Credits to the rightful owner of the image provided in the cover. // I am an amateur writer of a novel, so if you find something wrong with my explanations, do please give me a comment and I'll try my best to elaborate and change it!

Helfenite · 奇幻
30 Chs


I am Michael, 20 years old, I am yet to graduate from my senior years due to certain condition which I can only think of myself as foolish.

I am homeschooled.

Due to the fact that I am a little psychopathic which is not self-proclaim, I am also a narcissist, told by many, and not only that, I have more privilege than most people of my age.

In which, it literally made my head bigger.

And thus, I am punished... Probably?

By the name of God, I was sent to another world through something akin to an isekai novels I usually read. However, instead of teleporting like a protagonist to save an entire kingdom, I was sent to another world, mid air, free fall.

For once, I have made myself clear that I am privilege, which means, I have to get whatever the fuck I want. And yet, here I am thinking something through this messed up situation.


And also, upon transportation, I have noticed that there's something that changed in my mind. In my way of thinking, to be exact.

I am... What is the proper word of this, again?

Ah yes, I became a normal person.

The value I once don't have, the empathy that I used to lack of, now came rushing in my mind. Due to this, while I am at free fall, the realization which I wasn't able to acquire back in my days, suddenly struck my head.

I cried mid-air, I smiled wryly, I did all sorts of things a person who is guilty. I even felt sad for my victims who is innocent yet got involve due to my "badass" moment.

And this is why, I wonder, am I being punished?

"Oh my, God. What have I even done for the last 20 years?" I said so, before noticing a land.

A land, which have signs of inhabitants, covered by mountains as its natural protector. Of course, there rivers, there's also one lake within this land. And this land, I think it's called Pearson.

Yes, this land is something I know. For this land, this world, is the same world of which I used to play in my desktop.

This game being called "Exiled".

The story before this, is that I, the player, is the person who was exiled by his father due to certain political problems which promptly cause the marriage of my sister's and the second prince of the nation that rule this land.

And, since I am but a troublesome heir, I was sent to this faraway land to rule this once pitiful, almost infertile land. Of which I manage to salvage, acquiring more than 1500 townspeople from the original of 3 family.

Of course, it took me years within the game to fully develop the barren lands. I also felt annoyed at some times due to them dying out of starvation despite having efficient food sources.

And the last time I played it, I was able to make it a perfectly functioning town full of prosperity and nothing more of starvation. Not only that, I was able to build a mining town just off the mountain range.

There's actually three towns here which I can now clearly see as I gradually get closer to the ground. I still have no idea why I feel at ease despite falling to my death though.

The first one is the capital town. I name it myself as Edelweiss. Edelweiss is the largest among all the towns even excluding the large hectares of farming lands. It has the full features, even including the mods which I added, making it a full fledged clean, lively town.

At its center is the town hall, at its left is small college building while at its right is a large barn where they store foods harvested from both the cattle and farm. Surrounding is a 5 square meter of roads.

I will explain everything about that town once I am dead since I don't have much time.

On the farthest east where the mountain range lies is the mining town which I name Lotus. It's not because of the flower that I saw in it, but because I just got lazy at that time and decided to gave it a name similar to the town.

In this town, I really had a hard time building it as a functioning town. Especially with the mine infrastructure making my troublesome people to become unhappy, which I was able to solve by simply giving them a leisure buildings such as bars, market, etc.

Overall, I was able to acquire good materials from it which helps me develop Edelweiss.

Finally, the port town, Rose. Located just a few kilometers west from Edelweiss, especially made for trading with foreign merchants. Since my land is landlocked by mountain ranges, I mostly use it as my main source of trading since both of my rivers are connected in and out of the land.

It's also flourishing similar to Edelweiss. Being the source of the entire towns' income, it has the full feature centered around trading. We've got adventurer's guild, merchant guild, weaving guild, etc.

It also has docking ports especially made for my ships that produce great quality sea meats, such as whales, seals, fish, and other sort of exotic sea creatures.

Actually, I am seemingly satisfied with just this much of a progress despite 30 years of developing it(I'm talking about the in game year). Maybe that's also why I stopped playing it, that or I have another reason to.

And of course, coincidentally, I am now at my death's doorstep.