
Technically An Overlord

What else is better than being able to create something that came out of your imagination? Something that can only be left hidden behind our minds, yet here you can freely explore it. Michael, a 20 years old boy, homeschooled, not technically spoiled, but still privileged enough to care about the outside world, was suddenly transported in another world, MID-AIR! However, despite his unluckiness, he seem to be favored by God. As the world he got himself into was the same world of the game he was addicted to. Now, the only problem lies to his self... A selfish bastard who knows nothing of outside world will now have to take responsibility of more than 11500 people... He had to keep these people from both starvation, and of course, foreign threats. // Credits to the rightful owner of the image provided in the cover. // I am an amateur writer of a novel, so if you find something wrong with my explanations, do please give me a comment and I'll try my best to elaborate and change it!

Helfenite · 奇幻
30 Chs

Selfish II

When I was asked to where I would like to terraform a land, I dragged the highlighted square to swallow the entire place where the suspected greedy pigs lie.

Right after that I was then asked by the system of which land terraformation method should I use.

I have these options:

[Level 5] a mountainous terrain.

[Level 4] a hill.

[Level 3] a perfectly aligned plain ground.

[Level 2] a below sea level depth.

[Level 1] a below ocean level depth.

and lastly, and perhaps the most terrifying that I even question the system to why it was included.

[Level 0] a depth that can depends according to the user's will. It can go down even deeper than this world's mantle if I wish to.

But that's not what we are going to use today, instead, we will scare them. Using the [Level O] may become an inconvenience to my townspeople in the future since it is something that cannot be immediately filled after all.

I didn't waste further time and chose the [Level 5], of which it can go as high as the mountains that currently surround the Pearson territory. With this high, there's no way they can ever go down. In that way, no one can literally stop them from acquiring the foods.

But that's not all.

[World Edit: Confirm Terraform? Y/N]

I clicked yes. Slowly, the entire area where the resources are suddenly started to shake violently. This sign became apparent when the magical particles that looks like big shiny crystals floating, encircles the entire area.

Look of confusion grew to the faces of those inside the barricaded place. Some even went outside to see the commotion that was transpiring, and there I saw the ones who are the leader of this mess.

"What's happening, why is the ground moving?!"

A fat man, decorated by the shining jewelries around his body and well-tailored clothes, barked at his supposed subordinate who's also in a state of confusion.

"I don't know, sir! It just suddenly starts moving!"

"What kinda answer is that! I'm telling you to find out you fucking moron, go!"

The supposed leader then proceed to push the man to move and gave his orders. However, neither do they know what truly is transpiring, even the people who is currently outside the barricade that's slowly emerging from the hidden alleys, find the unusual situation worrisome.

Soon, with the snap of my finger, the magical dust disappeared, but at the same time, the place where the protected goods are now nowhere to be seen as well. Instead, what's left is a tall wall made of soil and stones that seems endless.

I decided to look up for the end of the terrain that just sprout, and I laugh in a devilish manner when I saw the people within the barricaded place groaning, screaming, crying in horror by the sight that just appeared in front of them.

I ascended from my position to be in similar height of the place, when they saw me, they're faces grew even more terrified. I must be making some sort of horrifying expression if that's the case.

"You! You must be the one doing this tricks!! Send us back, right now! If you don't, the new lord of Pearson will surely bring you down!-"

Once again I laugh, interrupting the quackery of the man. His face who was terrified from the situation change in rage when I tried to disrespect his remark.

"Y-You... You're not afraid of him, aren't you?! Do you really think he will not kill you if he were to come here?!"

Actually, I am... I am fairly scared of myself. The fact that I can easily kill these bastards without feeling any remorse can be a proof that I still has yet to fully understand the human value, which I just recently gained. The fact that I instead feel a little bit of pleasure of it is also troubling.

But, isn't that just good?

"Since I have no way of telling which is which as of yet, then I can very much do everything I want to people like you, the same people who killed my people, my people who only wants the goods I gave.

And not only that, I might also learn something from you on how I should cherish them, my children, my people in the process of eliminating you all."

In my sight, I head for the [Defense] menu. There, a great number of defense options appear and certainly are available.

There's the [Town Auto-Defense Mechanism] where upon activation, it will automatically protects my people from foreign threats. This is probably a new one that I have yet to use since it was not here when I was just playing this game.

That also goes the same for [Barrier], a defense that also protects us. But in this case, the entire Pearson Territory will be provided a magical barrier of some sort that will be effective against high-level threats, such as [Masteral-Level] magic attacks or a demigod attacks.

There's also the [God's Wrath], according to its description, it is a weapon of mass destruction that can eliminate any threat in my will.

Another one is the [Dimensional Teleportation], this one is quite dangerous to be used. It doesn't actually have much information that is stated in its description. And from its name, the entire Pearson Territory will be teleported to another dimensional space that can help us against from much stronger threat.

And lastly, the one that I will use.

[Possession], in this case, as the lord of the entire Pearson territory, who's the owner of this possession, I will be granted a favor from the God once more. I will be given a power much more terrifying than the most powerful people in this world.

A power that could literally obliterate anyone that I want.

Upon clicking the [Possession], there a warning window appeared.

[Warning: Upon usage, You will gain a [Godly-Level] power that can bring imbalance to the world's order. Use at your own risk.]

And a three big exclamation point appear once after that.

[!!! : Y/N]

Now this is alarming. What kind of warning is that? Do I have to be worried when I accept it?

However, I have no time to contemplate on such simple matter, so I decided to click yes without further hesitation. And instantly after pressing it within in my mind, my body suddenly felt incredibly light.

Magical particles started to surround me, but this time, it was a lot bigger, bigger than a tennis ball. I can also feel something foreign invading and growing inside me. I felt unease, but I sigh in relief after another window appear.

[[Possession] power successfully inhereted]

Once again I smile.

Then as if it was the most normal thing that I did, I raise my hand, pointing it towards the direction where the barricaded place lies.

Currently, we are around 16,000 feet above ground, at the height of the mountain range.

"W-wait! You are the lord?!"


I raise my left eyebrow to express that I felt impress from his amazing guess. But it's not really great since I have been obvious since the entire time.

I decided to humor him.

"Oh, and if I said yes?"


Suddenly, he organized his disheveled posture, and upon finishing, he made a polite gesture before kneeling.

"M-my name is Quill Dirson, my lord. I am the Guild Master of the Pearson's merchant guild... And I-I swear fealty to his lordship, and if possible, we asked your Benevolence for a cup of tea."

Well, well, well, isn't this just amazing?

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