
Technically An Overlord

What else is better than being able to create something that came out of your imagination? Something that can only be left hidden behind our minds, yet here you can freely explore it. Michael, a 20 years old boy, homeschooled, not technically spoiled, but still privileged enough to care about the outside world, was suddenly transported in another world, MID-AIR! However, despite his unluckiness, he seem to be favored by God. As the world he got himself into was the same world of the game he was addicted to. Now, the only problem lies to his self... A selfish bastard who knows nothing of outside world will now have to take responsibility of more than 11500 people... He had to keep these people from both starvation, and of course, foreign threats. // Credits to the rightful owner of the image provided in the cover. // I am an amateur writer of a novel, so if you find something wrong with my explanations, do please give me a comment and I'll try my best to elaborate and change it!

Helfenite · 奇幻
30 Chs


"We wish to discuss about the matters regarding the issue of the lord of Pearson." Instantly, the atmosphere tensed, and the people inside, including me, remained in silence.

He must be talking about the arrival of the former lord of Pearson who came running with his tail between his leg. But it seems I miscalculated something.

I thought If I were to send the man back alive, his father, or any relative he has that is still alive, would come running here. If that's the case then I am fully capable of confronting them.

But to suddenly send an imperial knight which I was told to be one of the most powerful group of people in terms of authority. That's playing unfair.

"What would the issue be?" Pretending to be ignorant of the matter, I asked while making a genuine face, trying to hide my lying self.

However, it seems that anger the knight. Who suddenly raise his voice upon replying,

"Lord Baron, we are not here to play your tricky games. We are here to discuss about your misconduct as a noble person." he said, with a frowning look visible in his face.

I remained silence, continuously observing his face.

"We will start the discussion by explaining the situation.

You, Karl Pearson, former lord of the Pearson territory vanished from the land he rule 25 years ago. Because of that, the glorious house of Willemson decided to control the Pearson territory which is left in a poor condition almost uninhabitable due to the spread of famine and sickness.

Now, you returned and suddenly stole the right of ownership of his lordship, Herold Pearson. Do you understand the grave mistake you just did? If so, please do act in a civilized manner and return the land."

Ah... I see.

I smile, a wry one at that while looking at the man as if I am currently looking at his entire soul. I observe his restless expression which betray his words that even the stupidest person can't believe.

I realized that this man right here is not so honorable at all. And here I thought I would have a pretty interesting conversation with their likes.

I chuckle while tapping my finger onto the table.

The conversation has yet to even reach it's climax and yet it already ended.

"I would very much be pleased if you can give me the evidences of the claims that you just gave me. If you do, then I will very much be obliged to leave this land at once, or perhaps, never show my face once more.

First, I want the evidence that prove Herold is a great ruler. Then, I will have you choose one living witness within this town that proves the tragedy that leads me to abandon this territory. And lastly, I want to know how I stole the territory from the glorious Herold Pearson.

And if you were able to even give me a single evidence that proves me guilty, then I will leave here as soon as possible." I smile once more before resting my back to the wooden support of the chair.

"We are yet to obtain a viable evidence of the former two, but we have the proof of our last claim-"

"And that would be?" I look at him directly in his eyes, expecting something great that could actually make this conversation interesting, but alas,

"My words. A word of knight can be considered as viable proof."

I am utterly disappointed.

I hang my head in dejection, feeling betrayed after damaging my faith to these people. After that, I look at Greg who currently wears an angry expression similar to his subordinate who has more ability to restrain themselves from attacking these petty knights.

After that, I decided to stand up and head for the windows. I stare towards the buzzling town in which light illuminates the street, and return my gaze inside the room.

"If I were to leave now, what would happen to this people?"

"That won't be a problem, lord baron-"

"I'm not asking you." I interrupted the knight, then look at Greg who now wears a strange worried expression.

"T-that... I am not certain, milord. But if you were to leave, then surely the history will repeat itself.

After you left 25 years ago, the new lord came and destroyed the economy by monopolizing the minerals produced by Lotus Town, opened a trade in other territory that resulted to the negative impact in the income of the Rose town, and the unbalance distribution of the produced food of Edelweiss that practically caused widespread famine across the territory.

Not only that, after the war, it plummeted the entire resources of the Pearson territory, and resulting it to become one of the worst economic breakdown of the Maginot Empire.

If you were to leave, we are not certain on what will happen to the people, but we can be sure that it will destroy the Pearson territory."

"I see... Then Greg, are you a living witness of what happened after I left? Did I caused a famine before I did so?" Immediately upon hearing my question, Greg stand from his feet in haste.

"That is certainly not the case, milord! I have live since the time of your ruling, and until your last, we are living in carefree and prosperous life!" He shout from the top of his lungs, making words echo for a bit through the large room.

"Hmm, then, is the former lord who is called Herold a great ruler of this territory?"

"That is certainly not!!! And I have witnessed and experienced his tyranny first hand! And I can very well tell you, milord, that the former ruler of Pearson is nothing but an incompetent-"

"Halt, you treasonous peasant! How dare you speak ill of-" This time, it wad the knight who stand up in rage after hearing the rude words coming from Greg. However, I have yet to hear my subject's word fully.

"Did I ask you to speak, dear knight?" I asked, in an eerie tone, and noticed the man shiver in fear upon noticing my cold posture.

"Continue, Greg."

"Y-yes... When the war occur, he forced all barely abled bodies, including women to fight for a war for a useless cause. Now, if you have noticed, our manpower are staggeringly low.

So no, milord. The former lord is no great ruler, he is nothing but an incompetent person who only seek pleasure while watching his subject die for no reason."

"You bastard..." The Man couldn't refute from the treasonous word of the peasant man who is just right in front of him. And possibly, this must be humiliating him after seeing his enraged expression while constantly trying to restrain his anger.

"Very well, then lastly, did I stole the-"

"Milord." Before I could finish my last question, a ladylike tone suddenly interrupted me.

When I look at her direction, I saw her slowly walking towards me.

This situation made the subordinate of Greg run towards my side, leaving him defenseless against possible attack by the knight. However, he seem unfazed, completely expecting their action.

I am honestly impressed.

When the lady knight arrive just a few feet before me, she suddenly knelt, leaving us off guard.

"I, Elizabeth La Sierre, current vice captain of the 12th knight order, daughter of the late emperor, and former princess of Maginot empire, hereby pledged my loyalty to you. I seek guidance, wisdom and protection, in return of my entire self, my body, my mind, my soul."
