

Mitch, Ania, Tom and Alan are all new recruits attending their first year of Beacon Academy along with many other students, here they'll experience and learn what it means to become a hunter and along the way tackle and deal with problems that will help shape them into becoming great and legendary hunters. Story runs along with the original plot of RWBY Hope you enjoy!

MiTcH_67 · 漫画同人
65 Chs

Chapter 19: The coffee addiction

Professor Oobleck was certainly a very unique teacher he always carried around his mug of coffee and would dart about the classroom at super high speeds talking at a machine gun pace rattling off his words before changing the subject quickly which left so many students confused and wondering what he was on about half the time.

"Man and I thought Professor Port was weird this guy makes him seem actually normal" Mitch muttered as he looked across to see Ania, Tom and Alan frantically scribbling down notes trying to keep up with his talking.

"This prior to the Faunus rights revolution more popularly known as the Faunus war, human kind was quiet, quiet adamant about centralising the Faunus population in central Minagery" pausing he took a long sip from the coffee mug "NOW while this may feel like ancient history to many of you it is imperative to remember that these are relatively recent events".

"All of this history is so fascinating I might see Professor Oobleck after to see if he could give me some other material to study" Tom thought to himself as he frantically scribbled down notes eager to gain every valuable piece of information from the Faunus war which he only briefly knew about.

"Repercussions of the uprising can still be seen to this day" he took another sip of coffee before darting halfway across the room "NOW have any among you been subjugated or discriminated because of your Faunus heritage".

Looking around the room Ania saw a young boy sitting in front of them raise his hand and even Velvet who looked around the room slowly raised her hand as the Professor took a long sip from his coffee mug and sighed "DREADFUL, simply dreadful now remember students it is precisely this kind of ignorance that breeds violence".

Darting straight back to the middle of the room Mitch felt his head spinning from constantly trying to follow his speedy movements "Man he's starting to give me a migraine from all that jerky movement he's doing, just what type of coffee is he bloody drinking".

Another long sip "I mean, I mean, I mean just look at what happened to White Fang…. NOW which one of you young scholars can tell me what many theorists believe to be the turning point in the third year of the war?" Weiss hand shot up as she scoffed "The battle at Fort Castle" "PRESICLEY" the Professor slashed his pointer out violently "AND who can tell me the advantage the Faunus had over General Lagoon's forces".

"Yo nerd boy you got any idea's" Mitch whispered to both Tom and Alan who for once were stumped for the answer as they suddenly heard Jaune speak up "H-hey!" Straight away Professor Oobleck surged from the front of the room to stand in front of Jaune slamming his hand down "MR ARC! FINALLY CONTRIBUTING TO THE CLASS EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT….. what is the answer?"

Jaune clearly had no idea judging by the expression of his face as he glanced around the room "Uhhhh the answer…. Is….. the advantage that the Faunus had over….. that guys stuff…." Out of the corner of his eye he spied Pyrrha attempting to give him the answer by making circles over her eyes "Binoculars?" he vaguely said as the entire class burst into laughter.

"I may not know the answer but even I can tell that is wrong" Mitch snickered while Alan face palmed and Tom sighed "Really how in any way would binoculars be useful for Faunus who from what I've heard already have superior eyesight."

Taking a long drawn out sip of his coffee the Professor sighed "Very funny Mr Arc, Cardin perhaps you would like to share your thoughts on the subject?" The big burly bully sat up from nearly falling over due to laughter and rubbed his head "Well I know it's a lot easier to train an animal than a soldier" to that comment Professor Oobleck simply shook his head.

"You're not the most opne minded of most individuals are you Cardin" Pyrrha spoke up from the middle of the room as Cardin glared at her "What you got a problem?" "No I have the answer, it's night vision, many Faunus are known to have nearly perfect vision in the dark". Blake continued on from Pyrrha's answer "General Lagoon was inexperienced and made the mistake of ambushing the Faunus in their sleep, his massive army was outmatched and the general was captured."

She then looked across to Cardin who had a giant scowl across his face "Perhaps if he'd paid attention in class he wouldn't be remembered as such a failure" with that comment Cardin leapt up pushing his chair back as the Professor sighed "Mr Winchester." Racing back he leapt up to the front of the classroom and spun around to face everyone "You and Mr Arc can both see me after class for additional readings" he paused to take another long sip from his endless coffee mug before resuming his rapid movement across the classroom "NOW MOVING ON".

As the bell finally rang to signal the end of class Mitch groaned "About time I feel like I was on a rollercoaster watching him zip around the classroom" "I thought the lesson was quiet informative I might wait around to speak to the Professor when he's done talking to Jaune and Cardin then maybe he can give me extra readings" "Man why the hell would you want extra work are you crazy?" Mitch shook his head as he took a sip from his flask before walking off towards the cafeteria as all that head moving made him hungry.

Tom stood outside eager to talk more history with the Professor as he saw Pyrrha also waiting "Oh are you waiting to talk to the Professor as well?" he asked as she suddenly seemed to notice he was standing there "No I'm just waiting for Jaune to finish talking". As if on cue both Cardin and Jaune walked out as the burly bully pushed him straight onto the ground and skulked off before a blur raced out as Tom only just realised it was the Professor and raced off after him completely ignoring the fact Jaune was lying face first on the ground.

"PROFESSOR WAIT UP" he roared trying in vain to keep up with his superior speed "How is he so fast I can't even keep up with him" Tom thought as he spotted a blur of green hair darting into the teachers lounge as he burst through the door to find the Professor standing at a coffee machine waiting for it to finish boiling. Leaning forward panting heavily he only seemed to notice that Tom was standing there after his coffee had done boiling and he had a fresh cup "Oh Tom what is you wanted to talk to me about?"

"Well I was hoping you might recommend some additional readings I could do on history since I'm very interested in that type of stuff" "Ahh very good, very good indeed I do like to hear you young scholars are interested in the words of the past well I'd say take a look over the records of the Faunus rights revolution there are some very interesting strategy's that certain commanders employed I think you might enjoy that yes, yes indeed".

Before Tom turned around to leave he felt the Professors hand on his shoulder "You know since I already recommended history to you I may make another suggestion that can help with your studying" "Oh what's that?" He then held up his coffee mug "THIS" "A mug?" "No coffee this magical elixir will help keep you alert and awake when needing to learn as much as you need and can keep you in tip top shape when you're feeling tired and lethargic".

"My parent's told me that coffee and caffeine is bad for you as it only superficially perks you up and can increase your blood pressure?" "NONSENSE, NONSENSE coffee is the elixir of the God's why I couldn't imagine my life without this magic brew" "Hmmm well thanks for the suggestion I might just actually try it out sometime" "Excellent, excellent indeed well until our next class take care" and with that Professor Oobleck raced out the door leaving it to swing violently about in his wake.