
TBATE : Reborn Scientist

Due to Agrona's negligence and the unpredictable nature of aether, a scientist's soul from earth slipped into dicathen without anyone's knowledge. Follow him on his journey as he unveils the mysteries of mana and aether. *************** Schedule:- One chapter every Mon/Thu/Sun *************** It is a Tbate fic, so most of the characters will be from the original novel except Mc and some other important ones. So, you must know that I DO NOT OWN THE RIGHTS of any of the characters from the original novel. Now that is out of the way, I wish you happy reading. -Several Initial chapters are not written very well, as I was really bad at writing, a month or two ago, but the new ones are top-notch, I guarantee that, at least according to me.

roninhawk · 漫画同人
31 Chs


"Huh," I heaved a sigh as I realised what was happening.

My hypothesis about mental power was correct. It indeed is a reason for the change in the nature of mana, giving people different affinities.

As a result of consistently exercising my mental power, residual mental energy is now present throughout my entire body. This energy interacts with the surrounding atm mana, causing a transformation that generates a unique type of mana. This newly formed mana contributes to strengthening my body over time.

Thinking about it briefly, a sudden thought came to my mind. "Isn't it the same process beast tamers have to go through for assimilation?" I murmured to no one but myself.

When tamers acquire a strong beast will, they need to strengthen their body and core to integrate with the will. This is achieved by infusing mana throughout their entire body from their core.

Then is this pale mana of the same nature a beast tamer produces during assimilation?

Will? Is it will that change the nature of mana? but what is even will? mental energy? If mental energy is my will, then can I use it to change the nature of mana by myself?

Questions came to my mind one after another as I tried to pick up the broken pieces of the puzzle I'd come across.

Closing my eyes, I observed the residual mental power present in my body.

Then I willed atm mana and mental power into my raised hand. I was so absorbed in this task that I lost track of time but suddenly opened my eyes to find that the atm mana was vibrating in my hand, indicating that it was interacting with my mental power. It required my complete concentration, and I knew that I would not be able to divide my consciousness during this process.


[ A/N: ATM Mana = Atmospheric Mana or Mana in the Surroundings]


It was as if I was controlling the digestion of food subconsciously in my body with my mind, which should be an impossible thing to do.

I spent nearly two hours trying to extract pale mana but only managed to produce an incredibly tiny amount, comparable to a speck of sand, However, the mere glimpse of it filled me with immense joy, and I couldn't help but smile widely with happiness.

"Hahaha." I burst out laughing with sheer joy and surprise as I fully comprehended what I had accomplished. I did it! I actually did it. This is undoubtedly my greatest achievement since arriving in this world. I consciously altered the nature of mana. This literally opens up so many possibilities for me in the future. Although I knew I'd be able to do this someday, but this is way too earlier than anticipated.

My mental energy is something that I have complete control over, as it is driven by my own will. However, manipulating its inherent characteristics to serve my purpose requires a different level of expertise. This would have been impossible had I not dedicated two years to exercising my mind and developing the quality and quantity of my mental energy.

This can be understood as how monks on earth can increase or decrease their body temperature and to some extent, even control their metabolism consciously.

I simply attempted to perceive the attributes of the lingering mental energy dispersed throughout my physique. Though not an easy feat, it was not insurmountable, as ultimately, my mental energy is an extension of my will. I then directed my mental energy, generated by my soul, to transform and acquire characteristics similar to those of the residual mental energy. Finally, I caused it to interact with atmospheric mana, resulting in the production of light mana.

I shut my eyes with a grin and attempted to replicate the technique once more to better understand it. As soon as I had generated sufficient light mana, I drew it out and dispersed it throughout my system. After practising for four hours, I ceased as I sensed fatigue creeping in. My mental capacity was almost depleted by then.

Dragging my exhausted body onto the bed, and laying down, I analysed and sorted out the whole process.

The intricacies of mental power can be a daunting task, but with time and patience, one can master it. Although the process of assimilating new properties into mental energy can be slow, it becomes easier as the soul becomes more attuned to the owner's desires. Presumably, the need to alter the nature of mental power to produce pale mana or light mana as I call it now will no longer be necessary, as the assimilation process will be complete and I will have what Dicathen's call affinity, for pale mana or light mana? Yeah, let's name it light mana for now.

Now the question is, how to produce other types of mana? Well.....For that, I would have to wait until I awaken my core.

I opened my eyes and

After an hour of sleep, which was mostly enough to recover my depleted mental energy, I started doing the regular mental and mana manipulation exercise that I do every day.

"Knock knock"

I was pulled out of my meditative state by a knock on my door.

"Yes?" I asked. "Al, your father is home. he waiting for you in the courtyard." My mother's voice came from outside.

"Coming Mom," I shouted, remembering that my father was gonna teach me how to wield a sword today.

Looking around, I noticed that it was already evening,

Walking out of my room, I made my way to the courtyard to not make him wait for too long.

My Father possessed a wind attribute and was a skilled solid orange core augmenter. He had also been an A-rank adventurer in his younger days. His intellect was impressive and not surprising, given that he had achieved great success as a self-made businessman. I learned from my Mother that he was an orphan from birth, and all that he had accomplished was solely through his hard work and determination. This knowledge only deepened my admiration and respect for him.

Arriving at the courtyard, I found my Father

Standing there with two wooden swords in his hands. Upon noticing me, He gave me a soft smile.

"Here, son." He said, tossing one of the swords to me.

"Al, to be honest, although I had expected that I would teach you how to wield a weapon after I thought you were old enough to learn, I...didn't think this day would arrive that soon," he said as a sigh left his mouth.

"Son, your father will try to teach you to the best of his abilities but what you learn at the end of the day depends solely on you and your efforts, don't be disheartened if you aren't able to understand something at first try. Most kids at your age at most learn how to read and write, learning how to fight is something you are supposed to learn when you are at least around 9 years old, Understand." My father said, getting a wordless nod from me in return.

"Then let's get started. Son, wielding a sword mainly contains three techniques, attacking, defensive and movement technique. I'm gonna teach you the basics of each one of them and you will practice until you are proficient in every one of them, then we will continue with other advanced techniques which are mainly used in combat." My father said in an emphasising tone as if asking me to focus, again getting a wordless from me in return.

Then he began to show me the basic techniques for each skill. Just like the name suggested, they were really just....basics. Swinging, defending and moving in swift motions.

With my powerful mind, I was able to quickly commit the techniques to memory and wasted no time in putting them into practice. Although a little clumsy at first, my movements improved with every swing of my sword, eliminating whatever mistakes I made just a swing before. As I practised the techniques, my father quietly observed from the sidelines, marvelling at my progress.

It took me an hour to get the hang of them, making me almost skilled in them but I was left feeling completely drained and out of breath, panting heavily. It's no surprise, really, considering my body is only four years old. The only reason I was able to keep going for as long as I did was thanks to the enhancement of my physique through the use of light mana over the years.

"Great son! I never expected that you would be a genius in the way of the sword. Your stamina is also excellent for a four-year-old. Although your movements were a little clumsy at first probably due to your underdeveloped body but it almost disappeared after half an hour of training ." My Father said in a surprised and proud tone as he clapped his hands

"It's all due to your excellent teachings. Dad," I said with an innocent smile, as my father put on a satisfied expression on my words.

"Starting tomorrow, I want you to begin doing the exercises I'm about to teach you. They will help improve your physical body. Afterwards, I will show you some new techniques to practice. Remember, son, becoming strong and powerful takes time and effort. It's not something that can be achieved overnight. You'll have to work hard and persevere for years to see results." My father said, raising his forefinger in the air.

I nodded at him in agreement.

After learning some exercises that might not be too difficult for a four-year-old from my father and learning several more sword and movement techniques. I practised for a while with him and then went back to my room, totally exhausted.

Laying on my bed, my eyes started to twinkle along with my consciousness as my mind lingered on random thoughts.

I could tell why my father didn't teach me anything about mana as awakening mana core at the age of 4 sounded like a joke, totally unheard of, probably impossible for a normal four-year-old.

I had planned to awaken my mana core when I have achieved enough mana manipulation to do mirage walk. And guessing from the speed I'm improving, that moment will probably arrive soon.

I wonder if Arthur has awakened his core or not, or maybe he is already training with Sylvia. Protagonists have different life I guess.

Just like that, my consciousness completely drifted away from me.

The next 3 years of my life consisted of

Hellish training.

Every day, I woke up before sunrise to engage in physical training and practice sword techniques. In the afternoon, I focused on mental and mana manipulation exercises. By evening, I enhanced my body with light mana. After a month of this routine, my dad also joined in, sparring with me to help me gain combat experience.

As I continued to practice swordsmanship, I noticed a significant improvement in my skills. My mental energy also increased over time, and I became more adept at manipulating mana. Additionally, I felt my physical strength improve thanks to the enhancement of light mana, and assimilation of different properties in my mental energy was also progressing smoothly.