
Taming the Arrogant Miss

He lowered his head and angrily placed a kiss on my lips, I had felt the passion, love and compassion in his previous kisses but right now he was venting out all his anger. He bit my lower lip hard until it was completely swollen and began to bleed, I wanted to cry in pain but he didn't give me a chance and his tongue pried my mouth open and with the help of it he pulled my tongue into his mouth and then bit my tongue. At this moment he was completely consumed by anger and out of his senses, I wanted to use my magic to get rid of him but I could not do that too as he had one of my wrists twisted which was now turning numb with pain and the other was pinned above my head against the wall. Soon his fangs pierced my tongue and this time finally a sharp painful shout left my throat and hit his lips. My lips were now trembling and I just wanted to push him away but as much as I tried that, he kept pushing his body against mine making me loose my mind completely. My painful voice brought him back to his senses and his lips and teeth finally left my mouth, tears flowed through my eyes due to the pain and I looked at him angrily that was when he finally spoke "I told you to be careful but you do every possible thing to rile me up. Your scent is completely different from every person on this earth, it is so appealing and inviting that anyone can find you and that means that no matter how hard you try, you can't escape from me." I flared up at his question "How dare you say that, are you questioning my love for him?" My tears began to flow vigorously "Off course I feel guilty for him but that doesn't mean that I didn't love him. It was because of me that he died and I have been dying inside with that thought everyday wishing for death to come and swallow me. The only reason I am alive is because this life is given by him and I can not do any harm to it. Now I have decided that I will take the revenge for him and then die peacefully." James smiled "How long are you going to do this to yourself, he didn't save you because he wanted you to blame yourself. You did love him but all you feel now is guilt moreover if he was here, would he be happy to see you like this, you could live happily at least for him." His words were so true but they were hurtful too, I cried harder and then I said "Get out, leave me alone." Isabel is a royal witch but she ran away from the castle to live a normal human but her life turns upside down when Cameron, the person who forced her to marry him returns and tries to force himself on her while she meets James who wants to enter her life and relieve her of her past experience. She doesn't want to let go of her past love but James doesn't want to let go of her either. When Isabel's daughter with her first love returns, it creates a different chaos. Other works :- Marriage of Benefits

Harsimran1996 · 奇幻言情
40 Chs

Heaven's Bridge (1)

I tried to calm myself down and after a while I said "What do you mean?" as if I didn't understand what he said. 

He smirked and then his lips touched my earlobe as he spoke "I was just having my doubts that you were planning something and you were hiding it so well but your racing heart beat gave you away .

I looked down and said innocently "I don't know what you are talking about. I am already doing what you are saying." I felt so bad for myself even though I could hide everything from him he could still hear everything beat of my heart and I didn't like it. Most of the time that was the main cause of my trouble as he could find out everything when it was wrong. I still played the innocent lamb pretending to not know what he was saying and that was easier. 

He chuckled and then whispered in my ear again "Don't worry, plan all you want nothing is gonna be fulfilled and I will make sure of it."

I gulped and my heart skipped a beat, everytime he whispered in my ear, it felt scary and I always had shivers run down my spine but then he was stronger than me and I had learned in the past few days not to mess with him so I just pretended he didn't say anything and closed my eyes but again my heart betrayed me. I could not help that and he didn't bring it up either so after some difficulty I finally went off to sleep. 

Next morning we both got ready without much interaction. James was happy all morning because he was thinking that he was finally successful but I was really nervous at the thought of I will be successful in my plan or not and with what I could see I had no chance of escaping. 

We finally set of to our destination, we entered the airport and then I slowly opened the hidden door behind the wall. We quickly entered it to have the door shut behind us, I looked at the closed door and then at the plane that was in front of me. I was scared because I never thought I would be back here and my heart was not ready to settle down even I was able to hear my heart beat, it was that loud. I took in a deep breath and entered the plane while James followed a short distance behind me. He didn't speak anything as if he was giving me all the time I required to get myself to relax but that was something that was turning out to be impossible. 

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep but was unable to do that so I just lay there for 2 hours with my eyes closed. The plane went above the clouds until finally a we landed in front of the big gate that opened to the magic world. I disguised myself and wore a male outfit before we got off the plane. James looked at me suspiciously "Why are you wearing this."

I took in a deep breath as I answered "Before we go to the main castle I want to meet a friend but I don't want to be recognized before I get to the castle so I am wearing this."

The look that he gave me was enough for me to know that he didn't believe me so I had no other choice tha n to hold his hand "You will be there with me, how can I run away."

He still looked at me suspiciously but still nodded his head, my heart was racing like never before. I closed my eyes as I stepped out and stood in front of the large gates, a tear slipped out of my eyes as memories flooded through my mind. 

James wrapped his arms around me and warmth flooded through my body relaxing every nerve present, a few more tears slipped my eyes and then I finally opened them. I moved ahead and the gates opened as usual. The gates were protected by magic, they could only open if a witch or a wizard was approaching it. It was to protect the people and the world to separate it from the rest of the human universe. It was a beautiful world above the clouds. 

As the huge gates opened a castle came into view. It covered almost half of the land and then there were small villages were the rest of the people lived. All the warmth feeling and memories which I had locked out began to flood my mind, my heart started becoming heavy. The castle which was my home still stood tall and right now I just wanted to run inside it but then that was not why I was here.

I took in another deep breath and started moving towards a bridge and James still had his arms wrapped around me. I didn't know how I was going to get away from him but right now I just had to go with the flow. Soon I stood in the middle of the Heaven's Bridge, the most beautiful and magical place. It was present on to of the river that had magical water of silver color which could harm and heal the person only if you knew how to use it. It was different from normal wooden bridges as it was made of different kinds of magical substances combined together. On top of it there were a few vines covering the sides of the bridge. 

It also had a roof to it connected to the edges of the bridge. It was covered with different kinds of flowers that had grown on them and they were not the normal flowers we saw, they were different in shape and huge in size. They were too beautiful and attractive and this bridge was true to it's name, purely heavenly. One could never get used to it's beauty and would never want to leave this place that is way no one was able to escape through the secret door of Heaven's Bridge expect me. 

No one could escape because this place was way too attractive and enchanting that no one could leave but I was too torn and heart broken that this could not stop me that is why everyone was shocked and I was considered truly powerful.

As I was looking around a voice called from behind me recognising me in the male outfit too and making my heart leap "Bel!"