
Heading to the Royal Palace

The next morning, or at least based on my internal clock, I woke up with stiff arms and legs. Well, with the girls basically using my whole body as a pillow, it's no wonder I feel like that.

Although I feel a little bad for waking them up, I had to move them away before I could even prop my body up.


But they didn't even budge.

What? Did my limbs get so numb that I couldn't even push their light frames off of me? I tried again, and similar to the previous one, I couldn't even make them roll over to the side.

"Everyone, good morning."

As a last resort, I tried waking them up by calling, but they were still sleeping so deeply that they couldn't even hear my voice. Having no choice, I just waited for them to wake up as I stared at their faces and the ceiling alternatingly.

"... Hmmm..."