
Coronation of the New King (1)

"The tables aren't prepared yet? Then hurry up and do it!"

"Head Maid, the chef is complaining, saying that there are missing ingredients from the list!"

"The head butler slid down the ladder and is now unconscious! What do we do?!"

"F*CK! We're too busy now to cater to these small matters! Settle them on your own!"

At the moment, the entire Seimei clan was moving around busily.

Why? Because today was the crowning ceremony. With it being a national-level event, the number of visitors we would need to cater to would be beyond the level of my coronation as the Luo and Seimei head before.

I had been sitting before a mirror for three hours now, since early morning, just to let the maids fix my appearance. I mean, it doesn't matter, does it? The viewers would be kilometers away at most, so they could only see me as a small dot in their eyes.
