
Tales of The Celestial Prince

These tales are of Aurel, a young celestial prince, and his journey full of adorable antics both memorable and loved. The many enthusiastic Gods, cultures, temples, and shrines he meets, the various threats he faces in his ventures. As ancient threats loom behind closed curtains, playing the strings of fate both worldly or otherwise, how will precious Aurel fare against them? ___________________ *MUST READ* Novel Status: Paused At The Moment General Status: Revision In Process Revision Details: I've spent years of my life on this novel, and through doing so I gained quite a bit of experience, however, now I desire to perfect and improve my art or rather my novel I've dedicated a handful of years on. While I've been fortunate enough to gain a handful of feedback, all of which I truly appreciate and ask that anyone who wishes it provides the same. Be it criticism, constructive feedback, or simply plot holes I may have missed, I wish to take it all in strides. As for The Novel itself, I will never abandon it. It's beyond precious to me so in my next revision I will keep many of the same characters, and try my very best to improve and rewrite scenes and explanations the best I can. For those who actually read this, thank you and I aspire to entertain you all alongside myself for as long as allowed. ___________________ Daily Chapters: Two chapters [One during slowdown] Chapter Publishing Times: 12:00 AM EST [00:00 EST] Author Status: Alive P.S: The New Cover Art is Rory! ___________________ Have any questions? Join my official discord below! Discord: https://discord.gg/2vEWGManyS ___________________ For all intents and purposes, this novel does 'not' feature real names, individuals, events, or politics, it is a work of fantasy and is intended as such. This work contains borderline mature content, hints, and otherwise, and is often greatly influenced by anime and other forms of literature. To be 'completely' honest it's hard to assume what others believe to be borderline mature content or not so do with this information as you may! The beginning is much as to be expected while later chapters are indeed quite interesting as I try my very best to add unique names, concepts, and systems. ___________________ COPYRIGHT 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Wakeless · 奇幻
334 Chs

Unfrozen Celestials VI Gift Vault II

Causing the young prince to then curiously nod before then finally opening it revealing a Sacred Serpent Crystal, and a space ring.

Causing the young prince to then adorably look into the space ring causing him to then immediately blush after noticing something.

After opening the space ring the young prince happily saw an Ophidian Princess attire that bore both an Ophidian Princess Insignia and an equally ancient celestial prince insignia.

Confusing the young prince having noticed the difference before male and female insignias.

However much like The Draconian Empress's gifted attires and boots, The Ophidian one was of the same quality and was quite breathtaking.

Followed by an Ophidian Princess's armor he could even rear over it along with a single sword sheath to match the outfit and a priceless staff.

That matched beautifully however what made the young prince blush was the fact that along with the single outfit and two weapons it also came with an Ophidian Princess's bathing suit.

And undergarments to match along with an assortment of female 'undergarments'.

That despite the unexpectedness also matched beautifully however what 'truly' made him blush was a painting of the first Empress of The Serpent herself seductively laying on her colorful obsidian serpent scaled throne with a strange smirk.

It just couldn't be described causing the young prince to then immediately look away and snatch the note that was also there and hand it to Celestine surprising both her and Ayla causing her to then happily nod.

Before then skimming over it like before then happily frowning essentially giving up after noticing this one was quite worse and she couldn't possibly make this sound happier than the last one.

"To my future lover.. I jest! Or perhaps this is but a simple trick? No matter one of my daughters will consum-meet your requirements soon enough"

"Then I could join in another time, do ignore the last bit, be it 'inappropriate' to send this to an infant or not I couldn't care in the slightest, congratulations on being a helpless infant!"

"You've made the world proud with so minimal effort such as being born.. If only that playboy Bradley 'knew'.. so close yet so far away! Despite his mother hiding them I've found all of his children, coincidently one's even close to home?"

Celestine not so happily read having realized this was in fact much worse than before causing the young prince to then adorably nod.

Having adorably expected as much causing Ayla to then disgustingly look at the letter before then being cut off causing Celestine to then continue.

"I should refrain from giving such brilliant and cryptic hints should I? If you do get this letter then it has clearly passed that 'detailed' security check.."

"If so, I'd like you to write me a letter as well as send me a memory crystal with you wearing that delectable bathing suit.."

"Despite you being considered my descendant I feel you should show off my greatness that is your pathetically deluded bloodline! Wear such delectable outfits with pride and study that serpent crystal.."

"I'll be expecting the occasional letter and memory crystal please do be quick with it!"

Celestine tearily read having never thought such disgusting words would come out her mouth causing even Ayla to then pout.

All the while causing the young prince to then adorably nod surprising both before then moving on to the next gift from The Draconian Empress.

After what felt twenty minutes the young prince now had the two jewelry boxes, Six Draconian and Serpent Royal Guards each which were in the biggest crates so neatly packed followed by three Legendary-Ranked Elemental Flame Dragon Cores.

Those were just Flame Elementals that take forms of dragons while The First Ophidian Empress had sent a single Sacred-Ranked Elemental Wind Serpent Core surprising the young prince even more.

After what felt like twenty minutes later the young had finally finished, besides the things he had already got from The First Draconian Empress she had also sent him a royal draconian insignia similar to what Hanah had given him.

That could also serve as a source of communication strangely enough however the young prince had refrained from using it hoping to do so later when he's alone and strangely enough The First Ophidian Empire had sent the same.

However the young prince was even more reluctant; the next item was a Draconian Princess's Nightgown of the same quality as the others, something the young prince, despite it being a simple gift, greatly loved.

This is followed by a light Draconian Blood Wine made with her own blood to refine the young prince's bloodline.

Surprising the young prince before then nodding and putting it away as well followed by the next gift being Draconian Princess Dresses and boots of the same quality as the others.

Along with hair accessories and boys along with some nail polish and other exclusive royal amenities from her own personal collection be it exclusive nail polishes, make-up, brushes, mirrors, and soaps, and anything else a young princess would need.

Surprising the young prince causing his heart to then warm having loved everything she sent him as for The First Ophidian Empress's.. sent had sent more two more breathtaking bathing suits"

Exclusively for Ophidian Princesses along with her own permission to wear them.

At the cost of sending her the memory crystals followed by a memory crystal of her youngest daughter Princess Euphemia Serpa an adorable little girl around his age.

Causing him to then adorably blush after realizing it was a recording of an adorably cuddling her mommy.

The next was a gift from Euphemia herself with an adorable letter asking to play with her one day causing the young prince to then adorably nod.

Before then adorably sighing especially since he had twenty more gifts from both the Draconian Empire and Ophidian Empire altogether not even including his other hundred causing Celestine to then happily shake her head.

"I believe I have an idea for next time, the next time you visit your gift vault I'll have both organized and renovated everything! Making it look like a museum!"

"I'll have signs and sections for armors, weapons, and everything else there is and have detailed descriptions and letters at each item so you'll only need only ask and I'd direct you to it!"

Celestine happily suggested causing the young prince to then excitedly nod in agreement.

Before then happily hugging both Celestine and a bored Ayla before then finally leaving the gift vault causing Celestine to then quickly return to her duties.

After leaving the young prince's gift vault Ayla couldn't help but pout causing the young prince to then remember the allowance and light crystals he had promised Ayla.

Before then being greeted by Silas, Noel, and Celie causing Ayla to then shamelessly pout even more.

"Hm-Hmph! Th-The queen of light still hasn't gotten her allowance.."

Ayla shamelessly pouted causing all three to then helplessly sigh causing the young prince to then adorably look to his other vault before then being cut off.

"Lady Celestia was made aware of a weekly allowance coupled with the occasional pouch of light crystals since today is a special day she wishes to give you a small gift by handling Queen Ayla Light's allowance!"

"However, I wish to also organize your other vault as well so it should take some time, forgive me for the disruption Aurelius!"

"As a repentance Lady Selphine had also wished to give you some 'spending' money as she called it? Should be from her own treasury I believe! Which would also include a Holy Prince's, Ethereal Gold Crystal Card!"

Celestine happily reassured surprising the young prince causing two space rings to appear one for the young prince and another for Ayla.

Causing Ayla to then happily snatch her's and adorable hug the young prince causing Celestine to then quickly continue.

"That should also be a form of an I.D from The Golden Bank of Aurora! Unlike The Celestial Treasury, you have another vault entirely The Golden Bank of Aurora which would also include one in The Kingdom of The Elves, Dark Elf Empire"

"And even The Draconian Empire! So you needn't ever worry about currency especially when The Golden Bank of Aurora extends to every continent followed by The Celestial Banks Reopenings!"

"You need only visit either or use the card given to you to obtain currency, military assistance, and many other interesting rights only you have, the same applies to The Celestial Bank as well"

"However you will be given both your crystal card and I.D sometime later today!"

Celestine happily explained causing both the young prince and Ayla to then happily nod all the while causing both Celie and Silas to then curiously look to each other and back to the other two.

After leaving The Celestial Treasury Silas was slightly disappointed that the young prince couldn't look at either his or Amelia's gifts.

However, after discovering the young prince had only opened The First Empresses of both The Draconian and Ophidian Empires gifts.

Silas couldn't help but freeze especially after learning that Ophidian Empress had already made a move on the young prince and even so shamelessly confessed he may have another sister and a possible Serpentess no less.

Causing Silas to then immediately hug both Noel and the young prince before then quickly leaving to tell Bradley having just found out himself.

Causing the young prince to then adorably pout causing Noel to then reassuringly hug the young prince followed by both Celie and Ayla.

"Tha-That bully big brother!"

Noel adorably pouted causing the young prince to then quickly nod in agreement causing Celie to then helplessly smile while Ayla shamelessly browsed her new space ring.

With an adorably excited yet happily shameless expression before then adorably munching down on the biggest light crystal, she could find.

Causing everyone to then helplessly smile having not gotten used to Ayla devouring literal crystals until finally, Noel hugged the young prince like a teddy bear.

And all four had finally returned to the others however, everyone who had already planned was in the library leaving only Octavia who had already planned in Celes's Dreamworld.

Stella, Iris, and Elisabet while Rory, Scarlet, Molly, Mili, Liana, and Mai were nowhere to be seen.

However, both Marjorie and a now grown-up Vivian were currently watching over all three having had already made her plans causing the young prince to then adorably sneak behind Marjorie.

Before then quietly pouncing on her surprising both especially since the young prince looked like a mini Noel.

Before then gently smiling causing the young prince to then teary hug Marjorie having missed her as much as Aldra and other mommies however not wanting to cry this time since they were in the library.

"I-I missed mommy Mar-Marjorie so much.. momm-mommy has the prettiest ears! Plea-Please don't leave like other mommies.. I-I want to stay with mommies!"

The young prince tearily whispered.

Having not wanted mommy Marjorie to leave like his other mommies and big sisters even if it was to finish their planning due to the formerly repressed separation anxiety still remaining.

No matter how little remained it was still quite potent, especially for a child like the young prince.

Causing Marjorie to then reassuringly shake her head before then hugging the young prince even tighter having had been told of what had transpired breaking her heart especially after realizing the young prince missed everyone so much.

Unfortunately, the timing was quite awful especially now causing Marjorie to then gently kiss the young prince's forehead causing Vivian to then gently shake her head before then being cut off.

"Please don't take it to heart, everyone just wishes for your birthday to be perfect! I understand your frustration and it's completely understandable especially now of all times.."

"So for now, until 'everyone' returns to the dining room to eat breakfast neither I nor Vivian or the others will leave your side!"

"Today has only started so I hope you can forgive your other mommies and sisters?"

Marjorie gently reassured causing the young prince to then happily nod before then hugging Marjorie to the fullest and gently kissing her cheeks repeatedly causing her to then gently smile before then hugging him even tighter.

After the adorable antics had finished the young prince had soon pounced on Vivian next causing her to then gently shake her head with a gently playful expression.

"Now that I've returned to my 'older' self.. I suppose it's finally time to finally play with the precious baby I helped deliver so long ago?"

Vivian playfully confessed before then gently hugging the young prince even tighter causing him to then happily giggle.