
Tales of The Celestial Prince

These tales are of Aurel, a young celestial prince, and his journey full of adorable antics both memorable and loved. The many enthusiastic Gods, cultures, temples, and shrines he meets, the various threats he faces in his ventures. As ancient threats loom behind closed curtains, playing the strings of fate both worldly or otherwise, how will precious Aurel fare against them? ___________________ *MUST READ* Novel Status: Paused At The Moment General Status: Revision In Process Revision Details: I've spent years of my life on this novel, and through doing so I gained quite a bit of experience, however, now I desire to perfect and improve my art or rather my novel I've dedicated a handful of years on. While I've been fortunate enough to gain a handful of feedback, all of which I truly appreciate and ask that anyone who wishes it provides the same. Be it criticism, constructive feedback, or simply plot holes I may have missed, I wish to take it all in strides. As for The Novel itself, I will never abandon it. It's beyond precious to me so in my next revision I will keep many of the same characters, and try my very best to improve and rewrite scenes and explanations the best I can. For those who actually read this, thank you and I aspire to entertain you all alongside myself for as long as allowed. ___________________ Daily Chapters: Two chapters [One during slowdown] Chapter Publishing Times: 12:00 AM EST [00:00 EST] Author Status: Alive P.S: The New Cover Art is Rory! ___________________ Have any questions? Join my official discord below! Discord: https://discord.gg/2vEWGManyS ___________________ For all intents and purposes, this novel does 'not' feature real names, individuals, events, or politics, it is a work of fantasy and is intended as such. This work contains borderline mature content, hints, and otherwise, and is often greatly influenced by anime and other forms of literature. To be 'completely' honest it's hard to assume what others believe to be borderline mature content or not so do with this information as you may! The beginning is much as to be expected while later chapters are indeed quite interesting as I try my very best to add unique names, concepts, and systems. ___________________ COPYRIGHT 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Wakeless · 奇幻
334 Chs

The Rabbit Hole II Asher & The Endless Abyss I [R18]

"Her name is Lady Maema Bloodlust, my daughter, perhaps one day you may visit her in the library!"

Lady Aumara teased, causing Asher to then excitedly smile before then adorably nodding, having felt happy knowing he can play with her one day!

Soon enough after making it to big sister's favorite room Asher adorably looked around as if looking for toys or magic books and found none of it.

It looked like mommy's scary laboratory but even scarier! Was big sister going to teach him alchemy?

Unfortunately, after being placed onto a bed-like table, Lady Aumara had soon placed his arms and legs into straps while a baby Draconian cow that looked around the same size as him laid on another table.

Causing Lady Aumara to then happily nod and gently place a siphon needle into his arm while it collected his blood he was soon fed several strange potions.

Resulting in him falling asleep, however after what felt like hours he had woken up in immense pain!

He couldn't see or speak and everything hurt so much! Until finally he couldn't feel his stomach, or anything else for that matter, only immense sleepiness while he felt a warm hand going over his body.

And cold things going into his stomach, was this all a dream? Was it a nightmare? Is mommy going to wake him up? Unfortunately, it was neither of these things.

And after presumably falling asleep once more for several more hours he could finally talk again however all but barely as if it wasn't his eyes while he couldn't move his tongue.

However, after several moments of this the pain was unleashed once more and he couldn't help but silently cry as he felt as if he was choking and in a boiling bath.

He couldn't even look around, all there was, was a ceiling while his bloodline was unknowingly kicked into overdrive trying to both adapt all of his new organs and eyes while producing as much blood as possible to offset the blood loss.

However, despite being very impressive it could do nothing for the pain..

The pain was so unbearable! And he couldn't move and everything felt open! Unfortunately, this was his new life.

And after a year of these acts continuing, he was finally fed potions, and at the end of the first year, he could no longer hear since his ear drums were also unknowingly replaced.

However now he could barely see, at least enough to see a young man that looked as if he was related to him, the man's eyes were fiery golden causing Asher to cry even more as if pleading for him to make big sister stop!

Causing him after several moments to then reassuringly shake his head while Lady fixed her hair.

"Malik, or should I say 'Malous', I'll allow you to borrow my precious toy for today, so do whatever you want to him, but if you dare to kill him and are unable to bring him back, I'll rip your throat out!"

"After I'm satisfied with him, I'll finally fulfill my promise of healing him and giving him to my daughter as a new playmate!"

"Despite my methods, my words are law! And I expect you to fulfill your promise and make sure to give me a heads up if any wandering Celestial Lords' adventure this far!"

Lady Aumara coldly reminded.

"I'd need the time to clean him up and pamper him so he wouldn't become a monster and try to seek revenge like many childish fools would!"

"As an Abyssal Overlord born of blood, I believe I have plenty of ways of preventing just that! Your time starts now, as per our agreement you only have twenty-four hours nothing more nothing less!"

"In that time I hope you fulfill your goal involving those pesky Ancestral Royal Bloodlines, so as to never bother me again with your nonsense!"

Lady Aumara coldly reminded further, causing Malik, or rather a strange person named Malous to then reassuringly nod, and after Aumara had left after reminding him of their agreement once more.

Malik or maybe Malous now had soon begun his experiment all the while after noticing that Asher's ears had yet to adapt, he had decided to send him mental messages.

Reassuring him in some, and explaining in others as if he was imprinting him with the knowledge to understand what was being done to him and what had been done to him along with how his bloodline reacted as if a master scholar.

Or perhaps a half of one? All the while also showcasing 'half' of the knowledge of a Divine Artisan.

And doing so freely and even going as far as to gift him his knowledge through that of transference, unfortunately despite absorbing quite literally everything.

And perhaps becoming a Fledgling Artisan through doing so he was still very much overwhelmed by what had happened to him coupled with that of the immense pain he still felt.

He missed a birthday? His eyes, eardrums, and organs were that of a baby draconian cow's?

His bloodline thanks to his mommy being a Celestial Royal had somehow been forced to evolve to that of a dragon's due to it being deluded over time with bloodline poisons.

Meaning to anyone else he'd be seen as a Celestial Royal whose father was a dragon of The Draconian Empire for some outlandish reason?

To put it simply Asher had neither understood any of it nor what the majority of it meant, meaning it was the equivalent of him knowing everything but nothing.

Perhaps a better comparison would no doubt be stuck in a Library but not knowing what the words meant now. No matter the case Malik had ensured it was all a 'good' thing and he'd no doubt become stronger because of it..

Confusing Asher even more, soon enough he had fallen asleep once more while Malik unlocked the mysteries of his bloodline.

And even went as far as to attempt to access that of The Draconian Cow's in the hopes of purifying and selecting that of its Origin Bloodline.

As if competing with himself to push this child to the apex, until finally he selected, and replaced portions of the now Dragon 'Royal' Bloodline.

While forcing his Celestial Royal Bloodline to then forcefully break through and break open the doors to that of his 'Ancestral' Royal Bloodline.

To put it simply, over the years he had committed hundreds of taboos and dived into places only lesser gods could explore, ultimately resulting in him managing to reach for such feats.

However, despite appearances, he was extraordinarily lucky in this case.

Chances are he had managed this by sheer luck in this instance. There were simply far too many variables, but this time they all matched! Perhaps because of Aumara's handy work?

No matter the case Malik had achieved what he wanted and after leaving him quite a few gifts for assisting him in this regard he had soon disappeared before his time was up.

Unfortunately, as one may expect Lady Aumara would become even more passionate after these changes!

With such passion came more consideration! Meaning more potions, fewer organ swaps, and even him losing his first kiss since she was so incredibly happy to have a new upgraded toy now.

However, for Asher even if these things happened it didn't mean much.. Immense pain, still no being able to hear, and the torture itself never changed..

He was still scared, suffering, and wanted his mommy! Was he a bad boy?! Did mommy send him here for not eating his vegetables?!

What did he do wrong to deserve this hell? Of course, his vocabulary was still extremely limited meaning he had no concept of hells let alone the word.

And soon enough another year had passed until one day after ongoing a week's worth of mana experiments where Aumara would transfer her mana and magic to him to see what would happen to him.

She would leave after happily kissing his cheeks.

Until finally after such an ordeal Asher would tearily go back to sleep and hope he could dream of seeing his mommy again.

However, while he had fallen back into a coma while the palace, or perhaps its real name The Slaughter Palace, had finally fallen.

And a Female Abyssal Feless, Overlord named Felly accompanied by that of eight-year-old Ancestral Royal Born of The Ancestral World named Sabine Noma Vale had finally discovered Asher..

While room itself was horrifying, the sheer amount of blood and 'other' sights were extremely overwhelming, not to mention the sight of the bloodied Asher who was unaware of his surroundings and still in a coma-like state.

Causing Sabine to then immediately become livid! The reasoning being Asher had been unknowingly forced into his Celestial, Ancestral Royal Bloodline and had been unknowingly stuck in it ever since Malik had forced him into such a bloodline.

And for a true Ancestral Royal to see such a sight.. not only would he or she be extremely livid that a member of 'their' family had been forced to suffer such things, but even more than that, it was comparable to a slap on the face!

All the while Lady Felly after noticing this to then sigh.

"As per Lady Celestine's instructions, we will evacuate young Asher, Lady Maem, and the children to my palace, from there Lady Celestine, will handle the rest"

Lady Felly helplessly explained.

Lady Felly looked to be around sixteen years old having had chosen to obtain a blessing of youth at such an age.

While she wore an elegant black dress and boots covered in Abyssal Feless and Feless Royal Patterns accompanied by a matching crown, jewelry, and makeup.

Complimenting her Abyssal Silver hair, cat ears, tail, eyes, and extremely delicate, adorable, and scary features giving her a scarily dreamy charm.

While for Sabine, he looked to be around eight years old, had no blessing of youth and was in fact a child despite the maturity of his lividness.

He wore an extravagant black and golden Ancestral Royal Attire and boots covered in Celestial Ancestral Royal patterns, accompanied by his many golden insignias.

Complimenting his groomed sparkling fiery platinum blonde hair, eyes, and pristine white skin with a sparkling golden hue, extremely delicate, royal yet strangely feminine features.

Giving him an adorably royal yet domineeringly dreamy charm as if he had inherited most of his looks from his mother?

Causing him after calming down and trying his best to stay into character to then worriedly nod.

Soon enough after what felt like three weeks had passed Asher had finally woken up in his room within Felly's Silver Feless Palace.

Surprising him having felt.. clean? Be it his body, his incredibly soft and comfortable pajamas, and even pillows and blankets?

Confusing him to no end.

Before then adorably sitting up believing it was a dream before then finally feeling a gentle hand on his forehead and noticing Lady Celestine, confusing him even more having not remembered seeing her before in his dreams.

Causing Lady Celestine to then slowly pull him into a warm embrace and after what felt like ten or so minutes Asher soon realized it wasn't a dream..

"It seems you finally realized this wasn't a dream. I was so worried about you, please forgive me for not coming sooner, if it wasn't for your bloodline alerting sweet Sabine I wouldn't have been alerted!"

"It seems someone had sabotaged your mommy's teleportation circle and sent both you and Sabine to the same place! As soon as I learned what had transpired I begged Lady Felly to rescue you! And after you arrived I made sure to heal, cleanse, refine, and purify not only your bloodlines but your body as well!"

"And you needn't worry about the others, the children including Lady Aumara's Daughter are safe within the safest and the prettiest Level of The Abyss!"

Lady Celestine happily reassured surprising Asher having in truth couldn't believe everything that had happened to him had actually happened..

In truth, it was very plausible that enduring such horrific acts had either made him believe it all to be a dream or simply suppressive it.

Causing Lady Celestine, having realized this may be the case to painfully pause for several moments just to hide it moments later.

She had already gone beyond the call of duty and done a balancing act on her own guidelines as a Holy Spirit, so much so that even if it was painful for her.

It would be better for him to either eventually confront it on his own or until he finds a trigger, then and only then will he be able to truly be helped, she simply couldn't do much else let alone interfere more than she already had.

Resulting in after several more moments she had decided to hand him a hand mirror.

Before then ultimately leaving the room and sending in Felly and Maema at Felly's insistence while Sabine, having realized Asher was awake, wished to speak to him in private and after the fact.