
Tales of The Celestial Prince

These tales are of Aurel, a young celestial prince, and his journey full of adorable antics both memorable and loved. The many enthusiastic Gods, cultures, temples, and shrines he meets, the various threats he faces in his ventures. As ancient threats loom behind closed curtains, playing the strings of fate both worldly or otherwise, how will precious Aurel fare against them? ___________________ *MUST READ* Novel Status: Paused At The Moment General Status: Revision In Process Revision Details: I've spent years of my life on this novel, and through doing so I gained quite a bit of experience, however, now I desire to perfect and improve my art or rather my novel I've dedicated a handful of years on. While I've been fortunate enough to gain a handful of feedback, all of which I truly appreciate and ask that anyone who wishes it provides the same. Be it criticism, constructive feedback, or simply plot holes I may have missed, I wish to take it all in strides. As for The Novel itself, I will never abandon it. It's beyond precious to me so in my next revision I will keep many of the same characters, and try my very best to improve and rewrite scenes and explanations the best I can. For those who actually read this, thank you and I aspire to entertain you all alongside myself for as long as allowed. ___________________ Daily Chapters: Two chapters [One during slowdown] Chapter Publishing Times: 12:00 AM EST [00:00 EST] Author Status: Alive P.S: The New Cover Art is Rory! ___________________ Have any questions? Join my official discord below! Discord: https://discord.gg/2vEWGManyS ___________________ For all intents and purposes, this novel does 'not' feature real names, individuals, events, or politics, it is a work of fantasy and is intended as such. This work contains borderline mature content, hints, and otherwise, and is often greatly influenced by anime and other forms of literature. To be 'completely' honest it's hard to assume what others believe to be borderline mature content or not so do with this information as you may! The beginning is much as to be expected while later chapters are indeed quite interesting as I try my very best to add unique names, concepts, and systems. ___________________ COPYRIGHT 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Wakeless · 奇幻
334 Chs

Dreamworld Antics X Elyris & Jade Moments VII

After finally bringing her to Jade's room he was soon greeted by a crying Elyris who had seemingly having had just been taken out of a nightmare of all things!

Causing Jade to then pause having not expected this right away! Resulting in the young prince now reassuring the sobbing Elyris the only way he knew how! Which was of course by copying his mommy!

Resulting in him now gently humming, reassuringly rubbing her back, before then finally finishing it off by bringing her into the warmest and most reassuring embrace something he had always wanted to learn from his mommy?

After what felt like an hour of this Jade had soon joined in the reassurance, in the hopes of reassuring poor Elyris even more, albeit she only did so by simply brushing Elyris's hair all the while still very much hoping to 'eventually' brush her amazingly majestic tail of endless fluff.

While the young prince warmly continued to reassure her until finally she had for the most part calmed down before then finally realizing she wasn't in fact in the same place?

Along with the even more surprising fact that Octavia wasn't the one brushing her hair causing her after finally noticing all these facts to then ultimately pause.

Before then finally being cut off causing the young prince after noticing this to then reassuringly whisper into her ear surprising her before then ultimately being cut off once more.

"Big sister, Keira is my best friend and I trust her with everything! But she's a secret so please keep her a secret too? No one knows of our secret place when we dream, not even the gods so trust little brother!"

The young prince gently reassured having tried his absolute best and even pushed himself so he wouldn't stutter or say Aurel this and Aurel that even if it's all new to him and he didn't exactly like it at the moment.

Causing poor Elyris who hadn't expected such expected this to ultimately appreciate both the effort and risk the young prince had taken albeit as much as she could at the moment resulting in her ultimately deciding to hesitantly brainstorm herself.

Before then slowly hiding herself under the blanket as if no one had seen anything all the while then slowly doing the same with the young prince since she had long since lost her teddy bear?

Resulting in him serving as a replacement of sorts? Since after all Elyris herself was an only child and truly had no idea how one would treat a little brother which in turn resulted in her unknowingly treating him as something closely resembling a pet?

Unfortunately for her she never did have a pet? Meaning she 'also' had no idea what a pet was either causing her to then ultimately guess since she had only ever truly learned Royal Attique, diplomacy, banking, strategy.

And everything else, be it how to be an Imperial Princess, how to read, write, and speak in many, many languages all the while being both an Archmage, Sword Saint, and even an Artisan albeit the lowest due to the small sacrifice of an 'entire' childhood!

Malik 'was' her father after all and having a father who was a Divine Artisan and both a Sacred Mage and Swordsmen along with being one of the quite literal creators of Spirit Constructs who had revolutionized several professions in doing so made Elyris quite literally his only inheritor.

Which in fact was still the case due to Malik having actually gifted her his knowledge as a baby 'albeit' still sealed away?

Causing Elyris having had enough of all the unnecessary thoughts to then uncover the blanket from both her's and the young prince's faces since despite hiding under a blanket a lot now Elyris hated it since it was both hot and stuffy.

Resulting in her being uncomfortable more times than she wasn't, only ever adding to her suffering, all the while surprising both the young prince and Jade.

Causing the young prince to then blissfully hug her tail once more before then finally being cut off himself causing Elyris to then immediately bombard the poor unsuspecting young prince with a wave of mental messages.

Causing the young prince having had not expected such a thing to then adorably nod before then happily replying and answering all her questions!

After doing so Elyris has surprising both even more by sending another bombardment of mental messages to Jade of all people causing her to then happily nod and repeat the cycle?

After answering all of her questions and listening to her for quite a bit albeit mentally it seems she just didn't want to talk meaning her mental voice was several years younger since even she didn't know how she sounded now having always simply spoken through mental messages.

However, what surprised Jade the most was both her confession and a request of all things? Elyris disliked anyone she didn't know seeing her face so she had asked for a mask?

Surprising Jade before then curiously remembering something.

"I might have an idea! You're a royal brown-tailed Inari, right? And since most of them have disappeared into 'protected' isolated regions in The Kingdom of Inari, The Celestial Empire, and The Kingdom of Fluffest, I highly doubt anyone has seen one in several centuries!"

"If your daddy's Malik and your mommy was a brown-tailed Inari princess whose spirit was extracted while she was still alive then It would make sense you'd have a surprisingly pure bloodline even if the race itself was base demihuman?"

"With that in mind, I know where the majority are since historically they don't really go anywhere! And I've met plenty of their royals so I know for a fact that some of their princesses wear unique Inari masks comparable to an extremely precious fine art!"

Jade surprisingly explained surprising both before then happily continuing leaving no room for adorable interference.

"Each of their masks are created by Divine Artisans and they're even rarer since you'd never see one in an auction house and even if you do it'll cost you thousands of platinum if not more? Fortunately for you, I actually helped make some of them! But it was brutal!"

"They are nothing like normal Inari! Even after 'earning' their trust and 'bribing' them it took a literal decade to convince them! And even after 'convincing' them I had to search for their 'lost' artifacts on my own without compensation!"

"It took the royal family itself after discovering their Elder Council had simply 'claimed' all of my contributions were their own to finally take notice! So after the Elder Council was abolished through the scandal itself, I then decided to 'bill' their royal family!"

Jade righteously continued.

"And surprisingly enough my contributions and the bill itself was beyond their wildest dreams.. soo about five hundred million platinum! The Kingdom of Inari could afford it! but them? No way!"

"They 'chose' isolation after all and even if they were 'ridiculously' rich it would still take fifteen percent of their treasury if they 'did' decide to pay me! So I gave them an alternative!"

"At least I gave their queen one! And she gladly accepted! With that out of the way, I had a new bestie! And I was allowed everywhere! That's where I learned 'some' of their secrets!"

Jade proudly added all the while looking at her ordinary obsidian ring and pretending to look through it as if looking through a space ring before then finally conjuring up a 'real' space ring that looked to be a fusion of a goldish honey brown.

"While I prepare your mask, dresses, boots, jewelry, nail polish, perfume, and everything else a proud brown-tailed Inari princess would need! Now take this ring! It's filled with their crazy expensive yet ever crazily rare necessities perfect for a bath!"

"I'll need to make sure everything's perfect for my new bestie! Don't worry I'll throw something together for our favorite little brother! Then we can all play dress-up! Anyways, for now, I need to keep myself busy! I'll be joining you in a bit!"

Jade happily teased away causing Elyris to then curiously nod before then dragging the young prince into the bathroom as if a busy big sister causing Jade to then smile before then happily conjuring up an extremely diverse workstation!

All the while after entering the bathroom the young prince had soon got undressed before then noticing Elyris simply looking down to her boots and back to him causing him to then adorably pause having remembered Hanah asking him to then do the same?

Causing the young prince to then adorably nod before then gently taking off her boots and eventually her nightgown causing her to then slightly nod.

Before then thanking him and entering the bath causing the young prince to then adorably fold their clothes and organize their boots to the side before then finally entering the hot bath!

Causing the young prince to then adorably melt before then being met with awkward silence.. causing Elyris to then curiously look through the space ring.

All the while placing the shampoos and everything else they'd 'need' to the side before then finding what looked to be a curious honey caramel orb?

Was it food? Unfortunately, it had immediately slipped out of her hand moments later resulting in many, many bubbles!

Along with causing both to then adorably pause before then simply staying away from it! As if preferring to observe it in silence causing both to then curiously look to each other and back to the bubbles that smelled like both caramel and honey?

As well as turning the water a similar color as the orb itself, confusing both, even more, causing Jade having forgotten to mention it earlier to then helplessly yell from the other room.

"That shiny honey orb is a limited edition Inari caramel honey bath melt! It both helps and softens your skin, tail, and hair! Plus it's fragrant! Brown Tailed Inari Princesses love it!"

Jade happily yelled having learned to make them herself along with soups, perfumes, and everything else that was in Elyris's new space ring since, after all, she loved to learn!

Causing both Elyris and the young prince to then curiously nod all the while causing Elyris to then switch back to her brown-tailed Inari form since she didn't want to get her tail or ears wet resulting in her silver hair soon disappearing.

Before then finally being replaced by her more natural honey brown hair matching both her tail and ears something the young prince hadn't really noticed until now?

Before then immediately being cut off by a well-aimed splash to the face surprising him by the sneak attack and causing Elyris to then nod having wanted to use him as the test subject to see if it actually worked!

Causing her to then curiously follow up by feeling his face before then confirming it both smelled surprisingly nice?

However, unfortunately telling by the young prince's already amazing skincare she was still unsure if it was already like that or if the melt itself had helped in any way before then curiously remembering something important.

Was her new little brother 'really' a boy? Could it be the case of a Celestial Elf Princess wanting to be a Prince and pretending to be one with zero to no effort? Did Celestial Royals suddenly hate women and it was the only way to protect her?

From everything she saw and heard, from his legs, figure, voice, hair, face, chest, and everything else she simply couldn't believe that 'she' was the 'Prince' of anything!

Only ever knowing the young 'princess' was a Royal Elf and a Royal Celestial confusing her even more until finally, her curiosity took over!

Causing her to then awkwardly look to the young prince causing him to then adorably look back with an adorably curious expression?

Before then being cut off once more causing Elyris to then curiously look down before then remembering it was a hot bath filled with caramel honey melt meaning she couldn't see much before then looking back up to the now confused young prince.

"Why.. are you pretending to be a boy?"

Elyris surprisingly asked surprising the young prince even more since 'that' wasn't a mental message meaning it was her actual voice!

But what confused the young prince, even more, was the fact that it was impossibly serene if not seriously terrifying as if she had no censor at all!

Along with the simple fact despite looking quite curious her voice made it sound both surprisingly calm yet also quite an intimidating demand.

Causing her after noticing his reaction to then slightly pause before then sending it through a mental message instead.