
Tales of The Celestial Prince

These tales are of Aurel, a young celestial prince, and his journey full of adorable antics both memorable and loved. The many enthusiastic Gods, cultures, temples, and shrines he meets, the various threats he faces in his ventures. As ancient threats loom behind closed curtains, playing the strings of fate both worldly or otherwise, how will precious Aurel fare against them? ___________________ *MUST READ* Novel Status: Paused At The Moment General Status: Revision In Process Revision Details: I've spent years of my life on this novel, and through doing so I gained quite a bit of experience, however, now I desire to perfect and improve my art or rather my novel I've dedicated a handful of years on. While I've been fortunate enough to gain a handful of feedback, all of which I truly appreciate and ask that anyone who wishes it provides the same. Be it criticism, constructive feedback, or simply plot holes I may have missed, I wish to take it all in strides. As for The Novel itself, I will never abandon it. It's beyond precious to me so in my next revision I will keep many of the same characters, and try my very best to improve and rewrite scenes and explanations the best I can. For those who actually read this, thank you and I aspire to entertain you all alongside myself for as long as allowed. ___________________ Daily Chapters: Two chapters [One during slowdown] Chapter Publishing Times: 12:00 AM EST [00:00 EST] Author Status: Alive P.S: The New Cover Art is Rory! ___________________ Have any questions? Join my official discord below! Discord: https://discord.gg/2vEWGManyS ___________________ For all intents and purposes, this novel does 'not' feature real names, individuals, events, or politics, it is a work of fantasy and is intended as such. This work contains borderline mature content, hints, and otherwise, and is often greatly influenced by anime and other forms of literature. To be 'completely' honest it's hard to assume what others believe to be borderline mature content or not so do with this information as you may! The beginning is much as to be expected while later chapters are indeed quite interesting as I try my very best to add unique names, concepts, and systems. ___________________ COPYRIGHT 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Wakeless · 奇幻
334 Chs

Continuation IX Lady Shade I

"I-I'm so sorry mommy! Aurea is a big bully! I-It's hard for Aurel to control Aurea s-so Aurel allowed Aurea to talk bu-but I want to learn from mommy! N-No matter what! Mommy is the best mommy an-and Aurel won't let bully Aurea ruin it for Aurel!"

The young prince tearily apologized since in truth he had separated the more mature memories to that of Aurea while he himself had no idea.

Selphie had suggested it and the young prince hadn't dived into Aurea's memory or if he did he simply didn't remember.

Causing Aldra to then gently nod and both Jade and Mora to then playfully laugh their little hearts out having watched all of this! Causing both to then play with an idea themselves.

"Psst! Bestie! Strictly speaking, you can still dream about it! Normal dreams are immune! Spiritual Chastity or Chasity otherwise!"

"Don't ask why that makes sense because it just doesn't! Dreamworlds are a separate dimension from the dreams themselves meaning no matter what you do in them none of it matters! No one will ever know! Oh and Mora says hi!"

Jade happily reminded surprising the young prince causing him to then mentally nod having no idea what that truly entailed and didn't want to switch to Aurea to find out.. to put it simply Serpentesses especially some certain 'royals' were total perverts!

Especially after the age of fourteen! Fortunately, they valued their purity and other then ultimately teasing and 'education' from their mother's majority remain 'pure' and don't even attempt to find a romantic partner for decades or even longer.

Along with the 'minor' fact that many if not most Serpentesses prefer female 'partners'.. meaning both Aurea and the young prince shared that in common as well? Even if he wasn't as excited as Aurea would have been?

In truth cuddles, hugs, and adorable things reigned supreme!

He simply didn't have anything else telling him they weren't because even Aurea loved it! Resulting in the young prince not being really interested in anything else and perhaps because he was only a child?

And telling by his personality and comforts alone he wouldn't be interested in such things unless seduced by someone he couldn't say no to?

And even then chances even after he turned fourteen it was highly doubtful that Celes would actually take his chastity spiritual or otherwise until much later?

Albeit unless she changes her mind and does so anyways making it a wild card if anything!

Even Klarine despite her 'flirtatious' comments to say the least may even choose to wait. In truth, the young prince himself wanted to get a blessing of youth when he turned fourteen maybe fifteen even.

This was because he wanted to be the same height as Noel or maybe even slightly taller since Noel is hoping to get the same soon at least from what Selphie had mentioned.

Meaning Noel was going to pull an Amber soon! And when the young prince is old enough so will he!

He wanted to get the blessing of youth at the same age as Noel so they'd have that in common! As for Rory, she might choose the same if not she'd wait until she was older.

And as for Stella perhaps that was closer to her choice even if no one had put any serious thought into such things outside of Noel and the young prince of course?

Resulting in the young prince having remembered his future little sister to then excitedly whisper into Aldra's ear causing her to then gently nod.

"I'd imagine she'll be born in the coming months? As for her appearance.. time will truly tell. Rory was born with your father's eyes and my resemblance while for my sweet prince you had inherited mine, Stella had also inherited my resemblance even if such birth was quite unique?"

"Her golden eyes resembled that of a celestial royal's or even perhaps that of a High Elf's despite them also being quite unique!"

"Thinking of such topics from what Selphie had informed me, Mela's unique situation could prove quite beneficial in regards to preparing my sweet prince as a big brother?"

Aldra gently reassured before then gently rubbing her nose on the young prince's causing him to then adorably giggle and both Shade and Aldra to then smile.

However after a few moments he had soon remembered something causing him to then adorably unstop time.

Send Hanah a mental message and after coming to an agreement and telling her he missed her, had soon snatched the sleeping Mela before stopping time once more surprising both Lady Shade and Aldra.

All the while for Mela she had clearly felt she was moved and woken up before then sleepily looking around and finally noticing the change in her environment until eventually both her's and the young prince's eyes had soon met!

Resulting in a strangely competitive stare down of all things which was soon ended after she had used her tail to distract him before then adorably squeezing through Aldra's arms and nibbling on his adorable pointy ears.

"M-Mine now! St-Stupid god.. no kisses for stupid god.."

Mela angrily nibbled before then falling asleep once more surprising all three and causing the young prince to then adorably blush before then subsequently pouting.

"Little bully.. Aurel still loves Mela.. bu-but Aurel never told Mela Aurel was a god. S-So how did baby Mela know?"

The young prince adorably whispered causing Mela to then sleepily pout having been so rudely woken up yet again.

"Stupid Senex looked for stupid god.. I'm not stupid like stupid god! An-And no kisses for stupid god! Stupid, stupid!"

"Stupid god is a stupid slave to stupid gods! Stupid gods ruin everything! Stupid gods are monsters! Stupid gods gave me to Senex! S-So no more kisses for Stupid god! Stup-Stupid God is lucky Melamina won't bite stupid god's neck!"

Mela angrily pouted having now felt much more awake and adorably furious that he was such a stupid god! She suffered for four millennia and remained a four-year-old for all of it! Meaning her personality, her development everything!

Only now she had an invaluable treasury of knowledge.. and hated the gods! She was only just 'now' comforted and saved from being a mere puppet of The Queen of Senex!

The young prince's birthday party was the quiet literal light out of her own version of hell!

Perhaps she could grow up now?!

All the while this was happening everyone was still very much surprised especially the young prince having realized Mela was practically given to The Queen of Senex on purpose perhaps as trade and simply forgotten..

Meaning she was given away and abandoned by her god! In truth, he knew nothing of the Tarts.

He had only ever truly remembered the children's books meant to introduce children to the many different races since Aldra had read them to them.

But it had only ever mentioned the likeness and adorable and interesting aspects of each of those races but nothing about their gods!

And even when Aldra read children's books introducing the gods none of which mentioned this!

Causing the young prince to then immediately become teary before then sitting up, laying back into Aldra who had done the same, and cradling poor Mela.

Surprising her having felt the immense warmth from the young prince coupled with that of Aldra's causing her to then hesitantly pout wanting to fall asleep already before then being adorably shushed.

"It's quite difficult to talk without pausing or mentioning myself as Aurel? I.. I mixed Aurea's speech with that of what I copied from mommy's so please forgive me if I sound silly. I'm upset.. and I want to know who gave you to Ravania"

"I'd imagine.. I am a stupid god but a stupid god that can protect you from such awful gods? However, Aurel is only a god sometimes while I rely on mommy, mommies, daddy, and Selphie or.. perhaps my own gods like Lady Shade?"

"But if needed.. I'll protect those I love.. so I'll protect Mela even if the world turns into a sour bully.. and so will mommy and everyone else. And I'll be Mela's god.. a sweet baby like Mela deserves the best the world offers so no matter what.. I'll protect little sister Mela"

The young prince gently reassured with an adorably tearily yet gently reassuring expression surprising all three and causing Mela to then look to the young prince with an adorably blank yet sleepy expression.

Before then adorably looking to Aldra for confirmation having understood much of it but didn't feel it was real or perhaps she was dreaming? In truth Mela, despite having a wealth of knowledge, was still a four-year-old's in most aspects.

Causing Aldra after several moments to then gently nod, having felt truly proud of her sweet prince and even perhaps relieved at the fact that he knew her.

Bradley and the others would no doubt help even if it offended both The Queen of Senex and even a god.

To put it simply gods wouldn't dare involve themselves with the host royal families let alone those of greater races, knowing they were backed by Gold Gods who would no doubt retaliate in some way.

Along with the fact that they could even handle demigods on their own without the intervention of their god?

Greater races were simply that powerful, and that's without the assistance of the gods?

The only reason so many greater races had to join together to fight The Queen of Senex was because they didn't have a choice and because she could use their bloodlines against them!

Along with the albeit 'minor' fact that she made Vina and the others look like children when it came to those damnable cocoons!

Vina was someone who became a High-Level Sacred Powerhouse however she still had to wait much longer for her cocoons!

Let alone the Legendary and Sacred Realms cocoons! While The Queen of Senex would target royals, snatch their essence and use their deluded bloodlines and even create bloodline poisons! Much like the one Vina had but refused to use.

And she did so to skip the process and produce Legions of Sacred Realms in mass!

Not only that but she targeted multiple royals and collected bloodlines from many of the Greater Races and even experimented with them in so short of a time.

Many speculated she was gifted a timeless room to meet such requirements however despite indeed having one she didn't use it for her cocoons outside of her experiments!

Hence why she was an utter menace who refused to negotiate and simply did as she wished!

And even inside of the cocoon she still had 'some' of her shadows running about and even rebirthed the 'original' Mela exactly how she was before just to get the young prince's attention?

Causing Aldra having previously spoken to Marjorie, Devyn, and Suna about the topic of Mela to then reassuringly kiss Mela's, the young prince's, and even Lady Shade's foreheads, surprising all three and causing Aldra to then warmly smile.

"I'd imagine I've already made 'some' of these preparations beforehand in the case this 'were' to happen? Be it sweet Mela or Shade, I'll always love my daughters unconditionally.."

Aldra lovingly confessed surprising all three even more causing her to then warmly giggle after noticing how precious they truly were albeit she already knew but it was good to reconfirm such precious things!

All the while the young prince happily hugged all three.

Causing Mela to then adorably pout and Shade to then gently sigh having realized Aldra's plans to involve her and make a daughter of her..

Which was neither a good or bad thing; rather she now had 'use' for all that free time she had just recently acquired by not managing both the fate and balance of a world which would no doubt be a twenty-four-seven job before.

Which no doubt made both the young prince and Aldra happy even if Aldra had her own reasons for doing so. Causing Mela having just wanted to sleep to then sleepily pout before then remembering something crucial.. allowances!

Having a mommy and allowances! In truth, both Mela and Ayla were similar in this way.

Both were overwhelmingly adorable and loved allowances combined with that of their very much loved adorable little shamelessness essentially ensured they'd get allowances!

The young prince loved those traits! Of course, he loved many things but that's neither here nor there! Ayla and Mela being adorably shameless is all that truly matters!

Resulting in Mela sleepily whispering into Aldra's ear before then simply falling asleep causing Aldra to then warmly smile and the young prince to then blissfully follow Mela's example and fall asleep in Aldra's arms?

Leaving only Aldra and Shade causing both to then look to each other and Aldra to then simply giggle and Shade to then gently sigh before then removing her veil and simply dispelling its apparent effects.