
Tales of Avenge Avatar

I died in the stupidest way. But I got a chance, but do I use it to help others. Probably not.

Kriuswer · 作品衍生
12 Chs

Sunday...Quarrel ... Development

He writes on the phone. So sorry if the grammar level is worse ..... than usual.



Upon his return to the Samael residence, he was more than pleased with what he was able to do today. Not only did he defeat the first villain .... But most importantly he managed to make the basis for getting an illogically sexy woman.

Samael sat in the living room for several hours sipping his whiskey. To think about his plans and how well he did.

Despite being Vega, she was angry with him. That he was slightly manipulating the girl. That is, he took advantage of her weakness, which is the inability to contact other people. To get her recognition and love after in future.

(Vega)-Stop being pleased with yourself ..... asshole !!

(Samael)-Vega .... Vega ... Understand, beautiful. I am not the prettiest, but I make up for it with strength and intelligence. I know it's not nice to manipulate or take advantage of weaknesses.

(Samael)-But as you can see, if you want a beautiful girlfriend. Which is to love you, not your wealth. Then you must use all available means. To get what you want.


(Samael)-Well, look from a logical point of view. If you have to defeat a group of enemies. Then you won't necessarily attack them with a fortune and before the attack you won't shout the slogan "Hey you !!!!" "True. Better to discover their weakness and finish them off in the most confident and highest success rate.

(Samael)-In Love, as in war. All grips, allowed. My, she dear.



There is silence for half a minute, then you can hear Vega's soft, nervous tone in the communicator.


(Samael)-Haha...Mybe...I am a bit.

Then Samael spent the rest of the day resting. By the end of the day, Samael had ordered textbooks online. He went to the bathroom ... you know what for. In the kitchen, make a meal. And he went to sleep, contentedly.

The next day, Samael got up sleepy. Because knowing that he has to go to school tomorrow. She hadn't motivated him enough.

Samael's morning was quite messy. He got up and went to the shower. He ate breakfast, then went out to the terrace and lit a cigarette.

(Samael)-HEH ... Vega. I know I can't stay in this school for long. And that it's only to get closer to the X-men. And the "Brotherhood of Mutants". But the awareness of the school is quite burdensome for me.

(Vega)-Maybe the school can help you stop being such an asshole.

(Samael)-And you again with this ... HEH ... Vega let's leave it ... okay. You are the only person close to me with whom I can share everything. So I don't want the only one close to me to call me an asshole. It really hurts, although it's true.

For a moment, Vega's indistinct tone is heard, probably meditating on Samael's words.

Samael, on the other hand, was quite satisfied with his action. Which he carried out on purpose. Samael is already aware that Vega is no longer a machine .... mentally. And it has become something of a cybernetic life form. Or something like that. But most of all she is a woman. And Samael, using the experience gained from many romantic series or soap operas. I've watched it with my mother in a previous life. To get her a reaction that would correspond to his expectations.

(Vega)-Sorry .... Hmmm .... Maybe you can tell me what are your plans for today.-she said in a rather guilty, humble voice.

(Samael)-Thanks, dear....Not much today. How it burns out .... Heh ... will increase me regeneration .... or, simply put, speed and the ability to regenerate.

(Samael)-Later I will drive the car to gas stations. I'll fill up the car. Then for shopping, I have to buy sleeves that will cover my protruding pieces of bone from which the blades come out.

(Samael)-They are practical because thanks to them, I don't feel any pain when stretching my claws. However, they are quite .... inhalation ... HEH ... So, without gloves, you will not need it.

(Samael)-And then come home, a little training and relaxation until the evening.

(Vega)-Maybe after returning from the city, you would research the weapons in order to obtain technology.

(Samael)-Even better ... Vega. You see, today we only have such weapons ... Which is good. But if we want to make a body for you, we just have to wait a while ... After all, I want you to fight my side.


(Samael)-It's just an idea. I will spend a lot of time implementing it. I plan to give you a body, of course you will still be able to control the system. It's just ... well ...

(Vega)-You just want a sexy robot-secretary. Pervert !!

(Samael)-yes ... I know .... You're right. But I know you want a body too. Truth. We'll both benefit from it ... hehe ...


(Samael)-Just save the new project ... Let's call it "Project Sexy-robot-Woman".


(Samael)-And now we just collect talking technologies, develop them. So that you can use them. For example, the energy weapon we have acquired. It will allow us to give you the opportunity to use energy attacks.

(Samael)-And that's not all. Thanks to this, we can modernize the security of the residence. By installing turrets with energy cannons in the right places.

(Samael)-And add this idea to "Project Defender".

(Vega)-At least you're not complete idiots....Okay, I wrote it down.

(Samael)-Okay. Now let's focus on developing the power of regeneration.

Then Samael closed his eyes and focuses on the power creation process.

Samael first visualized his current regeneration. Which although it was fast, but not enough. So what if a bullet wound from an energy weapon heals in a few minutes. Since within those minutes, he may get hit a few more times.

Then Samael visualized the power of regeneration ... or rather what it should look like. it means. When he receives a wound that, let's say ... is taken with an energy weapon that turns his body to dust, and only the skeleton remains. It is in a matter of seconds that his body will reconsize. In the style of Alucard.

And that it would have one indestructible cell inside it, really... that cannot be destroyed. Even with the help of infinity stones.

And from this cell, Samael is able to regenerate itself within several seconds. And this process cannot be interrupted or slowed down in any way.

Samael opted for one indestructible cupboard to limit the pain he felt as much as possible.

And when the second stage of the power generation came. So the very process of creating ... that follows planning. Samael felt ogorms, and was in great pain for a few minutes. Which seemed like hours. Mainly an unbreakable cell that was in the spine. It caused Samael to extend time and increase perceptible pain.

After a successful trial. Samael went to the shower. Then he ate his meal and left for the city. To go shopping, to refuel the car.

Upon his return, Samael set about working out the technology of energy weapons. And when he managed to figure out how the weapon works, and how to develop it. He uploaded all the information to the Vega database. That it would become a further development of technology. While he was getting ready for dinner. Because of the time he spent in the city researching the technology was quite long. So when he finished it was already evening.

After making and eating dinner. Samael went for a cigarette and went to sleep. Because tomorrow, school starts.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Kriuswercreators' thoughts