
Hunting task

Two weeks have passed with William doing his harsh training with Nate. Williams' friends Clint and Alex are training hard as well. Both of them passed to the intermediate level and have been improving gradually.

"William, come here after you finish this set."

"What is going on sir?" William said after he finished his training for the day.

"You see, in three days we will have a task for the trainees. The task will be about hunting. You will all have one week to hunt as much as you can. You will all be evaluated by what you catch. I remember you went to do the survival task together with that kid Clint. You are all allowed to create groups for the assignment. So be ready to leave in three days."

After getting this news William went to clear his training ground up since he was the only one using it. It was rather fast. After that William went to meet Clint over at the swords ground.

"Hey Will. Whats up?" Clint said over to Clint while he saw him coming in from the distance.

"Hey Clint. Did you hear about the hunting assignment? Teacher Nate said we can create our own groups like last time. I was wondering if you wanted to come with me?"

"Yeah, sure. It said it would be in three days right? I guess we'll see each other then. I will spend my time doing some extra training here."

"That is ok. I don't mind."

While clearing things up with Clint, William went over to the Axe training ground. He wanted to ask Alex if he would like to join, even if he already knew the answer. He and Alex were friends, but they did not meet often. They would meet while walking around or at the Lunch Hall to eat. They would share some things and complain a little and after that they would go their separate ways. Even though it was like this William still considered him a friend.

Getting to the Axe training ground William could hear some whispers.

"Did you see him? That's the guy who changed to martial arts training."

"Yeah, I heard he was the worst at using the sword and they made him an exception since no one does martial arts."

"He must be so weak then."

William ignored the gossip and went straight to where Alex was. This confused most of the trainees since Alex was one of the top trainees of this year. Why would he be friends with someone who is so weak? That would hurt his reputation.

"Hey Alex."

"Hey Will, what brings you here?" Alex stopped his training to talk to his friend.

"Have you heard about the hunting task that will be in three days?"

"Yeah I heard about it. Do you want to create a group?"

"YEs I do. I already invited Clint."

Hearing the name Clint was another shock to the trainees around. Clint was a well known name at the training ground as a whole. Almost everyone had the names of the trainees at the intermediate level of all training grounds memorized.

"I see. I am sorry to disappoint you but I will be going alone this time too. I think I can improve myself more if I don't depend on others."

"I already thought you would decline. That's not a problem. I guess I'll see you around then."

"Thanks Will. We'll see each other around."

While William made his way out of the training grounds all of them were watching him closely.

And so the three days passed and it was time for the hunting task.

"You have been improving gradually with the training routine I prepared for you. I think you will be doing just fine during this task. Let me just say this. Keep your calm in tough situations. You get very emotional when fighting. You have to remember that a calm heart is a clear mind. Now go, or you'll be late."

After receiving his teacher's advice William left to meet up with Clint. They both met at the exit of the training ground where all of the trainees were. Just like the survival task they went and left the training ground walking for a long time.

"Okay. We are here. I want all of you to be back on the seventh day. If you are not here by then we will leave without you. The rest you already know. Now go!"

With that William and Clint find their own place to stay during these seven days.

"Hey Will, have you ever hunted before?"

"Yeah, some times."

"Man, you're the expert in the forest. You knew all about surviving and now you tell me you also hunted some animals. Guess this will be a walk in the park."

"Don't be so carefree, the forest is a dangerous place. Let's find some place to stay."

William and Clint walked for a good amount of time until they reached a small clearing enough for them to set up their camp.

"Okay Clint, i finished here. Are you finished?"

"Yep, just connecting these two ropes and I am done."

William and Clint just finished building their tent up.

"Okay, so we will have to go hunt something today, since we don't have a lot of provisions. It will last us only a day."

"I heard from teacher Nate that the common animal around these woods is a rabbit and some foxes."

"Okay, that will be okay. I don't think we will have a lot of trouble with that. Lets head out and look for some animals then."