
Chapter 9 Cultivation

Later that same day, Yang Yu sat on his bed. "So you're going to do it?" Yun Zhu asked as Yang Yu nodded. "The world is full of trouble, the sooner I am stronger the better." Yang Yu said as he opened the wooden box.

Immediately a fragrant scent wafted over, as a clear white pill came into view. "Bottoms up." Yang Yu said as he grabbed it and slammed it into his mouth. At first Yang Yu felt nothing as he swallowed the pill, but in the next few minutes his skin began to heat up.

"ARGH!" He screamed as he writhed on the bed in pain. Black liquid began to be expelled through his pores, as black fumes were released from his bodies. Naturally the reaction normally wasn't so extreme, but due to Yang Yu's upbringing he had an abnormal amount of impurities.

"Hmm, this should be fine, just stay conscious and you'll be alright." Yun Zhu said as he observed Yang Yu. "Naturally your body would have to heat up tremendously to expel such impurities." Yun Zhu said.

As he spoked Yang Yu listened trying as much as possible to keep his mind off of the body rending pain. "Well lets discuss cultivation, since you're about to step on its path." Yun Zhu said as he began to pace around the room.

"There are 2 types of cultivation, some choose to focus on one, some choose to focus on another, but those who want to truly be strong, must practice both types. These systems are the Body Cultivation and Qi Cultivation systems.

Body Cultivation starts out quite simply. The first Realm is Body Refinement which is split into 5 Stages. These are Flesh Refinement, Muscle Enhancing, Bone Forging, Viscera Training and Body Cleansing in order of weakest to strongest. Each stage is pretty self explanatory and requires immense physical training to reach higher stages.

Flesh Refinement cultivators are typically 3 times stronger than a human, Muscle Enhancing are 15 times, Bone Forging are 60 times, Viscera Training is 300 times, and Body Cleansing is 3000 times. This may sound ridiculous but its actually quite weak when you think about it. If a human regularly can break 1 wooden plank 1cm thick, lets say 3, and you multiply that by 3000, that means a Body Refinement cultivator can break 9000 wooden planks, which means 9000cm, which means only 90 meters. If you take this even further, and count the flexibility of the planks and such, the amount being able to be broke, is but half." Yun Zhu explained as Yang Yu listened in pain.

"I got a bit side-tracked, after Body Refinement, there is Qi Inscription, Emblem Formation and a couple more. These Realms are quite far away, so I won't explain them in too much detail, but they're basically infusing qi further into the body to increase its strength even more." Yun Zhu said briefly.

"Now onto Qi Cultivation. This starts out with Meridian Formation, were you form the meridians throughout the body. This is done by filling small lines throughout the body with qi till it solidifies and becomes meridians. Even I don't fully understand this process but it seems the holes have a special property in them which allows them to do this.

During Meridian Formation, the cultivator forms 9 main meridians. The first 2 are the Iron Strength Meridians in the arms, then the Explosive Speed Meridians in the legs, the single Mind's Eye Meridian reaching from the top of the head to the dantian, the 2 Heaven Clad Meridians in the chest, and the 2 Earthly Power Meridians in the lower body.

All the meridians lead into the dantian were qi will be collected for the next Realm, Qi Refining. This Realm has 9 stages, and in this realm you collect qi. After Qi Refining there is Array Formation which also has 9 stages, I'll explain this more in depth later." Yun Zhu said as Yang Yu still writhed on the ground.

'I already knew most of this information, piece of shit.' Yang Yu thought as Yun Zhu chuckled. "Fine let me tell you the tale of the princess and the frog....." Yun Zhu went on for hours.

Eventually 24 hours passed, and the pain let up, but Yang Yu's entire room already filled with a repugnant stink, along with a huge amount of dirt. Sadly Yang Yu was so tired, as soon as the process ended he fell asleep.

'Poor child, he's sleeping in the equivalent of his own shit.' Yun Zhu thought as he pitied Yang Yu. 'Wait my ring is in there too! Fuck!' Yun Zhu thought as he went into the world of the ring.

Outside of the red glass covering the tiny world, all Yun Zhu could see was repugnant black pieces of dirt. "Oh heavens, what have I done to deserve this!" He said as he kneeled on the floor.

Inside the Crimson Steel Ring, Yun Zhu had his own little house with greenery around it. Laid around the greenery were various items that Yang Yu had acquired. This was because the Crimson Steel Ring, could not only house Yun Zhu's soul but could act as a spatial storage.

'Well whatever, I guess I'll just have to deal with this till he wakes up.' Yun Zhu thought as he shivered in disgust, before going into his house. Inside he grabbed a book name "Million Mile Encyclopedia" and began to write in it.

"Yang Yu:

Special Trait: Indomitable Will"

"Jiang Long

Special Trait: Strongest Talent."

He wrote before detailing other things he had learnt over the course of these few days.