
My Ghost Friend

Devan was very scared after he found something odd when he checked his laptop. He wanted to go immediately to visit the shaman he had been looking for on the internet. Finally, he called Ara and asked Ara to accompany him to go to the shaman's place. But Ara refuses, Ara tells Devan better to go to a psychologist because his actions are very unreasonable, instead of going to the shaman for help.

But Devan believes that he must go to the shaman's place. And he went alone. Devan drove around the street, around the mall by his car to look for the Shaman's address, but he couldn't find it either. He was getting desperate, but he just remembered that he had saved the Shaman's phone number.

"Oh yes, I've saved the number, huh.. devan.. devan.. you are stupid".

Finally, Devan called the shaman and asked where the shaman's position was, then the shaman gave directions to his place. And without realizing it, Devan just drove his car without paying attention to the road, until finally, he arrived in front of a hut, with shady trees around it.

"Wah, I just found out there is a hut around the mall"

Devan got out of his car, he was really surprised to see the surroundings, as if he had been transported to another dimension. When Devan looked around the house, the shaman came out of his house. The shaman was exactly like the ice doger seller that Tama had previously bought after returning from the workshop.

"Welcome to my house, Kid. Please come in"

"Oh, thank you, sir"

Devan entered the shaman's house. Inside the shaman's house, several heirlooms are hanging on the wall. In addition, it was quite dark inside the house, even though the sun was shining brightly outside.

"Please sit down, Kid"

"Okay, sir"

Devan felt a little scared, he just kept looking around the darkroom.

"Don't be afraid, tell me your problem", said the shaman.

Then Devan said that he often saw his dead friend, he even got a letter from his dead friend, but somehow every time he wanted to show it to his friend (Ara), everything related to his dead friend immediately disappeared. just like that.

"Besides, yesterday I felt strange things in my own home, sir".

Then the shaman looked at Devan's face.

"He is indeed your friend, he is currently a prisoner of the snake demon, so he can't go to the afterlife yet"

"Huh, how come?"

The shaman explained that Tama was destined to serve the snake demon. Since he took snake scales a few years ago from the lake where the snake demon named Kirana lives.

Then Devan remembers the incident, when they were in high school, the two of them and other school friends, playing to become pirates. The game is part of a game held by their OSIS (student council) sister during the event. On that day they were given a treasure map and asked to find the treasure that contained the school flag. Those who manage to get it will be rewarded by the Student Council President.

All the students were busy following the directions on the map. They walked along with rice fields, rivers, and plantations. But the team of Tama, Devan, Ara, and Nadia got lost on the edge of a lake. And at that time Devan found snake scales.

"What kind of scales? I think this is Gurame Fish's scale", said Tama.

"Who's raising a Gurame Fish here? Tama, you're there, let's find a way out to return to post 1", said Devan.

Unwittingly, it turned out that the scales belonged to Kirana, who took Tama as the successor to Mr. Udin Sarudin, who had been the servant of the Snake Demon.

After telling everything, the Shaman told Devan that soon he would have the power to see ghosts. That power comes from Tama because Tama always comes to see him.

"Wow, how do I stop him from coming to my home, sir?" asked Devan.

"Burn pepper around your bed so he can't get close to you, and sprinkle salt around your home so he can't enter"


On that day the grim reaper came to the Villa to meet Kirana. He wanted to take Mr. Udin Sarudin, who had finished his contract with Kirana. Mr. Udin has served Kirana for 50 years.

The Grim Reaper came with the black fog and very strong winds. At that time Tama and Denok were playing cards in a pavilion inside the Villa.

"What's that?" asked Tama who was surprised.

"Oh that, that's the grim reaper" replied Denok.


Tama immediately trembled because he was afraid that he would be carried away by the grim reaper. But Denok explained that the grim reaper did not come to take him, but to take Mr. Udin. Because Mr. Udin's work contract has ended.

Finally, the two of them, restless and Kirana, gathered to let Mr. Udin Sarudin leave.

"Thank you, sir, you have served me for so long, now it's time for you to rest". Kirana said.

"You're welcome, princess, thank you for taking care of me and my grandson all this time", said Mr. Udin.

They all embraced Mr. Udin in turn. Mr. Udin advised Tama to do his job sincerely. Because not everyone can be allowed to stay in this world much longer.

Finally, Mr. udin was taken flying by the grim reaper. They all dispersed and returned to their respective rooms. But Tama continued to follow Kirana from behind.

"Hmmm... Princess...", called Tama.

"That's sound unusual you call me Princess, surely you're in the good mood", said Kirana.

"Hehe, I want to ask for a day off, tonight until tomorrow"

"Oops, it's okay, you can go"


Tama rushes to go to Devan's home. He wanted to borrow Devan's laptop again. Meanwhile, Devan was busy sprinkling salt on his doorstep, then he prepared a bowl of clay, which was given charcoal to burn pepper.

Tama has arrived in front of Devan's home, he accidentally stepped on the salt previously sown by Devan.


Tama felt pain as he stepped on the salt, but he kept on trying to enter even though he couldn't.

"What kind of knowledge does Devan have, how come I can't enter, maybe he went to a shaman to get rid of me, what kind of friend are you, Devan!!!"

Finally, Tama walking around Devan's home and tried to enter from the home next to Devan.

"Yuhuuu luckily I'm cum laude, my idea is brilliant!!"

Tama entered Devan's room. Devan who was lying on his bed heard the sound of the bedroom door opening. Then he began to see the shadows of Tama. Devan trembled with fear then he threw the pepper into the clay bowl he had prepared beforehand.

Tama feels strange about Devan's attitude. He guessed that Devan could see him.

"Van, can you see me? It's me Tama".

Devan was silent and still shaking. He burned the pepper and turned on the fan, then directed the smoke at Tama.

"HWATCIIIMMMM... HWATCHIMMMM", (sound of sneeze)

Tama also sneezes due to the pepper attack from Devan. Tama can't stand the pungent smell of pepper anymore, he goes away from Devan.

"Finally, I'm saved, Hatchimmm", said Devan who also started sneezing due to inhaling the smell of pepper that he burned himself.