
Tale Of A Mummy's Boy

Henry is the only son of his single mother. His mother works in 2 different places during the day and night and hence has no time to train her son properly. she spoils him rotten to compensate for not always being around. In school, Henry is the gang leader of a group of boys who always causes trouble. A rollercoaster of emotions occur after he leaves school. Stay tuned to find out more.

Precious_Ukaegbu · 现实
5 Chs


As I walked down the corridor of the school hall right after leaving the school's library, I bumped into Jack.

"Where did you run off to?"

"Just some unfinished business I had to attend to" I said as I walked towards the boys rest room. Jack followed me desiring to know what the 'business' I was talking about was.

"Did you go to meet that girl, err… Margaret?"

"Something of that sort" I said as I grinned.

"I'm trying so hard to understand what you mean" he said In confusion

I placed my right hand on my forehead and shook my head in disappointment.

"I went to see Margaret, and from now on y'all's protect her. Not a single scratch should be on her skin as long as we're still in this school"

Jack thought for a while:

"Alright, understood. I'll inform the rest."

"I didn't read everything on her file, what grade is she I?"


We left the restroom after easing ourselves and washing up. We headed to the school's cafeteria. I scanned the whole room and sighted Margaret eating with some of her friends. I slightly pinched Jack.

"I'm heading to that table" I said looking at Margaret's direction.

"She again?"

"Yes her and I won't stop till she's mine"

Jack looked some what disappointed

"I don't know what you see in that girl"

" You don't need to" I said with a little chuckle "Tell Tommy to get my food there, you guys can get somewhere to stay"

" Okay, good luck"

And just like that I went off after Margaret. I got to the table she was at and all her friends ran away In terror, she was about leaving but I grabbed her by her arm.

"Have a seat sugar, I came for you"

She arranged herself the way ladies do and she sat down.

"I'm affirmative your stalking me"

" Maybe I am, are you scared?" I said leaning forward.

She turned away, I withdrew myself.

"Well you just ran away from me in the library and I really wanted to see you again. Seems the heavens are happy with me. Immediately I came in I saw you"

" You don't expect me to believe that now do you?"

"I don't have a reason to tell a damsel such as yourself such a flimsy lie" I said as I picked her palm and kissed it. She pulled out her arm quickly in disgust.

"I don't bite hunny" I said as moved the hair on her face behind her hair.

"Cute girls aren't supposed to be this aggressive. You're really over protective."

"What do you want?"

"I want to be friends, can't you see I'm trying everything to get your attention?"

Tommy came with my lunch, dropped it on the table looked at Margaret and I:

"Hello" he said

" Hey how are you?" Margie replied.

"I'm okay, y…"

" …You can leave now Tommy" I but in before he could complete his statement.

He nodded and left. I turned and looked at Margaret, she turned her face away with a slight smile on her face.

"I know what you're trying to do and it's working so please stop it"

" I'm not trying to do anything" she said laughing.

"Your smile makes you more elegant. I'd love to see you in it more often."

"I'm done eating, I'm leaving now." She said as she stood up. I held her hand stopping her from leaving and gently made her sit down back.

"But I'm not done yet, do wait for me" I said looking at her straight in the eye, "you can join me."

She refused to eat with but she did agree to wait for me. When I was done I took her hand and we left the café holding her hand.

"Please just follow me, I have a surprise for you"

"I don't want to."

We stopped walking in the hall. She looked provoked. I smiled at her and carried her. She kept screaming to drop her but I was enjoying every bit of it. I took her to the entrance of the school and dropped her. She was awestruck. I turned back and whispered to Jack with a smile,

"I'm a blow her mind"

I ordered a bouquet of flowers and boxed chocolate with her picture on flyers designed just to her taste. I hired a band to play her favorite love song and banners written:

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"What's the meaning of this?"

"I mean, since I set my eyes on you I knew I wanted you, say you'd be mine"

"You do have a lot of nerves, I'm not agreeing to this, this is sick!"

"Well I'll keep asking till you agree"

She stormed off angrily leaving a smile on my face.

"Thank you all for coming" I said and with that the bell rang for the end of recess and I walked away.

"What was that about?" Jack said walking behind and struggling to catch up to me..

"Just a little scheme you don't have to bother about, I can take care of this myself" I said grinning as we walked into our classroom.


"Don't worry too much, you'd understand sooner or later" I said tapping Jack on his shoulder as I grabbed my sit for classes.

I knew Jack was really worried so I decided to tell him later during detention.

School hours had ended and it was time for detention. Urhhh, this is the period when I don't look forward to the end of school. I, Jack and my minions walked to the school's library to commence detention.

"Jack, lend me your audience here" I whispered

"Yeah what's up bro?" he replied.

"You know the thing bout Margaret and I?"

"Yeah what's you with it?"

"Well my plan is make her fall for me and break her heart publicly."

"Broo… that's dangerous, you might fall for her along the wa…" he paused for a second, "are you sure you haven't fallen for her already?"

"C'mon now man, that's just what I have in plan. You guys just stay col around her okay?"

"Sure thing man I got yo…"

"Quit does whispers or I send you to the principal's" said the teacher monitoring us.

We remained quiet till the end of detention.

I went home excited to tell mum bout today. I had my regular routine and I was already tired. I decided to write her a note telling her to wake me up or accompany me to school the next day. I woke up to a gentle tap on my cheek.

"Wake up sweetie or you'd be late for school"

I widened my eye when I saw mum looking at me with a broad smile.

I jerked off the bed and hugged her.

"You saw the letter I wrote?" I said chuckling.

"Isn't it obvious?" she said as she laughed, "I know you want to tell me something"

"Well mum I never knew a time like this would come when I'd ask you for a favor like this."

"A favor? You know you can ask me anything, anytime."

"I know but this one is different and urgent"

"You're scaring me hunny, speak straight. Does this have anything to do with your teacher? I'm lost"

"Calm down mum, it's nothing bad and I didn't get into trouble with teachers or students."

"Then what's up?"

"First of all promised you'd help me."

"You know I'd put my life on the line for you. I'd go any length just to make sure you're okay."

"I know mum, that's why I love you. You're the best!" I said as I went in for a hug. She left me and said:

"Now tell me the favor you want from me"

"Well, errr… I don't know how to put it now"

"Say it however you wish"

"Promise you won't over react"

"I'll try my best"

"Well I met this girl… and I need your help to guide me on how to woo a girl."