
Take’s Hidden Path

Yo, I’m back and just as broke so definitely don’t own Naruto, Danmachi, or any of its assets... like cmon if I did would I be writing trash novels on here? IF YOU RECOGNIZE ANYTHING IN THIS NOVEL FROM SOMEONE ELSES WORK I DO NOT OWN IT WHAT SO EVER...DONT AND I MEAN DONT COPYRIGHT STRIKE MY SHIT YAAA HEAR ME? Have a nice day

Oofdiditagain · 漫画同人
42 Chs

How much?

Currently Mia could be seen making her way to the top of the Tower of Babel in her way to talk with the owner of the Hostess of Fertility, Freya… the Goddess of beauty herself Goddess of the #1 Familia in Oriaro as she approached the door to Freya's room a large man with small ears adorning his head moved to block her path

"Ottar move out of my way I have business with Freya"

The large 210cm tall man didn't even budge as his face remained blank

"Just because you reached level 7 doesn't mean your out of my grasp you'll do well to remember that"

With a slight shudder Ottar moved out of the way as he opened the door to the room when a seductive voice rang out from the interior

"Ara ara~ what brings you to my humble abode Mia"

Sighing as she spoke

"Stop acting like you don't already know… That kid, Take wants to buy the Hostess of Fertility from you although he doesn't know it's you that owns it he seems ready to pay whatever price is thrown his way"

As Freya put a finger to her chin cocking her head slightly while narrowing her eyes

"Ahh the cute little thing that Loki picked up? Sure tell him 500 Million Valis and he can have it" (800,000V can buy a small mansion…)

Mia went wide eyed at this

"You can't be serious it hasn't even made that much since it opened let alone is it even worth that much"

Freya smiled at that

"Fufufufu it seems you forgot… he isn't just buying the Hostess of Fertility he is buying all the girls along with it that includes you, but I doubt you will tell him that much"

"But doesn't that include you too...Syr…"


Meanwhile in the dungeon Take is currently clearing the 7th floor he is attempting to make it to the 18th then hanging around the 16th floor hunting Minotaurs although the killer ants, war shadows, and shooter frogs give him minimal trouble they are just a nuisance that he wants to get rid of Ghost seems to be having fun jumping off walls to close in on his targets blind spots, along the way he stores all the drops and magic crystals into separate storage seals (Drops in one crystals in one) he estimated the Hostess of Fertility to be worth around 100 million Valis but he already readied himself to hear a ridiculous price so he has decided to stay within the dungeon for a week and a half farming these floors

Take decided on a week and a half so that he can still have time to make it back to the Valley so that he can finish his first batch of Vodka which surprisingly he is excited about despite not ever having a lick of anything alcoholic as he sees it if he's making it he should drink it, Take knew that he could make an easy living selling various wares he brought back from the valley but that didn't seem entertaining for him he had a drive to fight it might of been from his Oni heritage but a good fight always gets his blood boiling

Before he knew it he was already at the entrance to the 10th floor which was covered in a heavy mist but quickly doing hand seals (Wind Release: Great Breakthrough) as the large volume of air left his mouth blowing all the mist in the room away it revealed 8 large Orcs and more then 20 small frail looking monsters called Imps and in the distance he saw a large pink lizard like monster from behind the rock seeing the mist slowly closing in he darted forward meeting a orc head on leaving the Imps for Ghost

Sliding under a white tree that an Orc swung towards him he drew an arc with his blade cutting the tendons behind the knee of the orc before driving his sword into its back hitting its spine causing it to turn to dust this repeated it self before a large stream of flame headed his way turning around he saw the pink monster which he recognized from Misha's warning, an Infant dragon a rare monster that has drops and a large crystal which go for a ridiculous amount of money seeing that Ghost has dealt with the majority of the Imps leaving just 3 Orcs and the infant dragon for him to worry about he charged toward the dragon moulding mana as he did hand seals (Ice Release: 1000 Years Of Ice) causing a large spike of Ice to launch out of the ground under the belly of the dragon impaling it but seeing it not explode into dust he molded Ki into his arms and blade as he swung firing a large 'Ki Blade' toward the dragon cutting its head in two causing it to explode into dust as Take wiped the beads of sweat off of his forehead with the back of his hand

Feeling exhausted and the weight on his mind as he picked up the drops from the monsters which was next to none aside from a scale from the dragon and the magic crystals he moved on fighting against the exhaustion as he challenged the dungeon one room… one floor at a time while doing this he set a goal to reach the bottom of this abyss many call a dungeon it for fame not for glory and not for money but something seemed to compel him to reach the bottom almost like someone was nudging him along

As the sweat dropped from his body and sparks flew Take drew a deep breath as he locked swords with a Minotaur he now realized how much he truly underestimated the lower floors of the dungeon and why a level 1 never delves this deep he was pretty much getting smacked around by the minotaurs and abundance of war shadows which seemed to attack from the back whenever he focused on a minotaur as of now he has only killed 2 minotaurs with a great deal of difficulty they had the advantage of both strength and speed with Take trying to fill the gap with Ki and Chakra pushing his body to the limits he shunshin'd out of the way of a minotaurs charge bringing his sword down on its neck as it passed causing it to explode into a blackish red dust as it dropped a horn and a crystal releasing the breath he forgot he was holding he turned around to see Ghost dealing with 2 war shadows while out maneuvering a Minotaur he now knew that passed this point Ghost wouldn't be much help and entertained the idea of forming a party but decided to think further on it when he gets out of the dungeon


A week passed like this due it taking the rest of the time to reach the 16th floor with Take staying between the 16th and 17th floors where monsters were known not to spawn only lightly sleeping with Ghost nearby in an attempt to avoid getting killed or mugged by passing adventurers a few have tried but a low growl from Ghost and bloodthirst from Take seemed to deter them currently Take's dirt and blood covered figure is walking up the steps leading to the bottom floor of the Tower of Babel his destination being the guild

Walking through the familiar doors of the guild he saw the same white haired boy he saw just over a week ago with a wide smile on his face as he looked at a bag of Valis he had in his hand chuckling slightly at the sight he walked over to the counter that he saw Misha at and stood in line, after a few minutes he approached the counter

"Hello Misha I would like to have a private room to exchange crystals"

"Oh hey… Take right? Well anyways just follow me I'll drop you off in a room and go fetch an appraiser"

After following Misha and waiting for close to half an hour Misha opened the door with a apologetic expression as she showed an appraiser in as she rubbed the back of her head awkwardly

"I may or may not have forgot to get an appraiser…"

Waving his hand as if to show it didn't matter as he grabbed a few pieces of hide from his back pocket before he could reveal everything behind the appraiser spoke out

"If this is some kind of joke it isn't funny… I don't know of any monster that drops hid-"

Getting cut off by a puff of smoke as the table filled with magic crystals and mob drops some falling onto the floor

"I counted 4000 magic crystals but I may be wrong most of these are from the 14th to 16th floor but there are others mixed in…"

After spending 2 and a half hours waiting on the appraiser to finish his count another puff of smoke appeared revealing a large crystal and a scale

"T-tha-that's from an infant dragon… I thought you were just a level 1" (Misha)

"Well I am… but I wouldn't group me in with the rest of them"

The appraiser looked up from his notepad wrote a few things down then looked up at Take

"We can exchange these for 138,265,325 Valis and there is an additional 100 million Valis for the scale due to a member of the Hephaestus Familia putting out an request putting the total at 238,265,325 Valis, please wait here I'll return shortly"

As the appraiser left the room multiple people with carts came in and hauled away all the crystals and drops when they left Misha spoke

"What is that hide thing was all that inside of them? You know those would fetch a pretty large sum on the market"

Awkwardly rubbing the back of his head Take spoke "Something like that"

"Ooh I see..."

They finished their talk just as the appraiser came back in the room with a wide smile

"I seems it's your lucky day Take, the request for the infant dragons scale was doubled this morning due to the rarity so that brings your new total up to just over 300 million Valis if you could sign this paper for the request form and this paper which pretty much says that the amount given to you was the correct amount after that you can follow me and I'll lead you to the room where your Valis is located, from now on all large business transactions of yours will take place in this room many of your Familia members have been designated this room as well"

After storing his Valis in a storage scroll Take made his way to the Twilight Manor to have his status checked when he arrived at the front gates he nodded towards the guard and made his way up to Loki's room after having a small chat with Loki and promising to let her know before he stays in the dungeon for long periods of time he looked over his status

[Take Hikomori

Race: Oni (31% Shinigami) *Not Visible*

Age: Physical (16)/ Mentally (19)/ Spiritually (120.9 Million) *Not Visible*

Level: 1

Strength: SSS-1405

Endurance: SSS-1405

Dexterity: SSS-1405

Agility: SSS-1405

Magic: SSS-1405

Total (7025)


One Vs All -SSS- When outnumbered by 2 or more enemies stats x2

Strength of Oni -S- Strength, Dexterity, and Agility is doubled when protecting something

Chainless -SSS- Unhindered by any limits

Balance of Life and Death -EX- All stats balanced, when in a near death state stats x2, Line of Balance

Developmental Skills:

Swordsman -C Increase skill with a sword increaee damage inflicted with a sword 1.25

Connected Spirit Healing -S- Faster Mana/Chakra/Ki recovery

Mage -A- All spells buffed by 2x

Ninja -SSS- All jutsu buffed 2x Faster comprehension of Jutsu and their elements

Hunter -A- Improves abilities against monsters that the user has fought before and gained excelia(XP)

Element Manipulation -S- All Element based Jutsu/Magic boosted 2x (water, wind, earth, fire, light, darkness, space etc.


Ninjutsu -B- Ninja Arts

Fuinjutsu -C- Sealing Arts

Spell Molding -B- Creation of spells]

"Currently your about equal to a good level 2 or an average level 3 at level 1… you are definitely going to end up one of my strongest children if you keep this pace.. do you want to level up or not, do know if you want a cool nickname the denatus is only a week away and you need to be level 2 before that but that's going to bring a lot of attention your way"

"Why would it bring attention my way there is a level 7 out there I doubt someone would look twice at a level 2"

"Why you ask *tsk tsk* you would have beaten the record time by half… BY HALF, the fastest time so far was Bell captain of the Hestia Familia and he took a month and a half. You've only had Falna for just under 2 weeks now tell me how that wouldn't attract attention…"

"*sigh* I'll hold off for a bit on leveling up. I'm not trying to bring too much attention to myself, especially since I'm about to be buying a Tavern… I'd like for a smooth transition before I have to deal with various gods trying to poach me out from under you"

Hearing this Loki broke out into a fit of laughter


Catching her breath as she spoke in between laughs seemingly catching her breath

"Now that's something I would like to see not just that you'll have to wait a year before you could even transfer and even then I doubt I'd let you go"