a young man who reincarnates in the CW flash universe with the power of superspeed. The main character, Myles Walley, initially escapes from a military facility after learning about his powers, and spends his time learning and exploring his abilities. Despite initially considering being a hero, Myles ultimately decides to embrace his villainous side and takes on the moniker of "Tachyon." The story follows Tachyon as he plans his heists, taunts the Flash, and navigates the complicated world of being a supervillain in Central City. An: Just a little heads up, the original author quit on this fanfic so the majority of these chapters are undergoing an intense rewrite.
Chapter 32: Assembling a Team
Myles stepped into his hidden lab, nodding to Gideon as he walked over to the central console. "Hey there, how's my favorite AI doing?" he asked with a grin.
Gideon's holographic face smiled back. "I am functioning at optimal capacity, thank you for asking. How are you feeling, Myles?"
"I'm feeling fantastic," Myles replied, stretching his arms. "I just had a little run-in with your bosses, but I came out on top." He leaned in closer to the console. "Speaking of which, can you bring up the blueprint for the Mark 1 armor, would you kindly?"
"Of course, Myles," Gideon said, bringing up the file. Myles studied it for a moment before shaking his head. "You know, my imposter had a sense of style, but it was completely lacking in originality. Ultron, Ironman and Savitar? Seriously? Man, he took my fanboy down to the gutter trash."
Myles got to work on rebuilding the Mark 1 armor, adding his own twists and upgrades to it until he was satisfied. He put on the upgraded armor, feeling the power coursing through his veins. "This is what I call the God-killer," he announced, admiring his work.
He turned back to Gideon. "Hey, do you have any information on Leonard Snart? I want to recruit him to my team."
Gideon brought up an article on the screen, and Myles scanned it quickly. "Ha! Snart's pulling off a heist in Central City next week. Perfect." He grinned, looking back at Gideon. "Who else should I add to the team? Any ideas?"
Gideon thought for a moment before responding. "There is one name that comes to mind. He has expertise in the field of engineering and has been known to work with Snart in the past."
Myles raised an eyebrow. "Really? Who is it?"
Gideon showed Myles the file, and he studied it carefully. "Interesting. Yeah, let's bring him on board tooThanks for your help, Gideon. I'll see you later."
"Good luck, Myles," Gideon said as the ai turns itself off.
Myles snaps his fingers and the same woman that he took a fancy to appears. He makes a smirk and approaches her.
Hartley Rathaway was sitting at his desk, his concentration broken by the sound of his own breathing. His superhearing, a side effect of his sonic powers, often made it difficult for him to focus on tasks. He rubbed his temples in frustration and adjusted the settings on his hearing aids. As he resumed working on his sonic gloves, he heard a sudden noise, like a thunderclap. He looked up to see a towering figure in front of him, dressed in an ominous black and white Armor.
"What do you want?" Hartley asks, his voice trembling slightly.
Myles ignores the question and instead admires the sonic gloves Hartley is working on.
"Nice gloves," Myles remarks. "But they won't be enough to take down Wells."
Hartley narrows his eyes at the mention of Wells and stands up, ready to defend himself.
"What do you know about Wells?" Hartley demands.
Myles merely smirks and taps a button on his armor, causing it to emit a low hum.
"I know more than you think," Myles replies cryptically. "But depending on your answer I might not answer that question."
Hartley thought over it, his career, reputation, and life were already ruined by the man he worked and admired. With nothing left, what else was he going to lose, as long as he gets his revenge then that was fine with him.
"Alright, I'm in. Now tell me something I don't know about my boss." Hartley said.
"Do you believe in Time Travel?" Myles asked only to receive a flat no. He chuckles at Hartley's denial of time travel and shakes his head. "You know, I used to think the same way, but now I'm living proof that it's real," he says with a sly grin. Hartley raises an eyebrow in confusion, wondering what Myles is talking about. Before he can ask, Myles grabs him by the back. Suddenly, the world around them blurs and distorts as Myles activates his super-speed. Hartley feels a rush of wind and sees streaks of color fly past them, and he realizes they're moving at an incredible speed.
As they travel through time and space, Hartley's hearing is overwhelmed by the sheer force of their movement, and he struggles to stay focused. He tries to say something, but his words are lost in the roar of the wind. Finally, they come to a stop, and Hartley looks around in confusion. They're standing in the middle of a jungle, surrounded by towering trees and exotic plants. Hartley blinks in disbelief, wondering how they got there.
Myles grins at Hartley's confusion and points to a group of massive reptiles in the distance. "Welcome to the late Cretaceous period," he says with a hint of excitement. "Just in time for the dinosaurs to go extinct." Hartley stares at the creatures in awe, realizing that he's been transported millions of years into the past. At first, he thinks it's some kind of trick or illusion, but then he feels the shockwave of a massive explosion in the distance. Hartley flinches, wondering what could cause such a blast.
Myles grins at Hartley's reaction and takes his hand, pulling him back into the blur of super-speed. Hartley feels the world around him blur and twist once again as they hurtle through time and space. Finally, they come to a stop, and Hartley stumbles as he tries to regain his balance. He looks around, disoriented and confused, trying to make sense of what he's just experienced.
Myles grins at Hartley's bewildered expression and chuckles. "Time travel, my friend," he says with a smug smirk. "It's real, and I'm living proof." Hartley blinks in disbelief, wondering how Myles managed to do something so incredible. He stares at Myles for a moment, trying to figure out what he wants.
"What do you want from me?" Hartley asks, still reeling from the experience.
Myles smirks and folds his arms, looking down at Hartley with a hint of amusement. "Like I said, I want you to work for me," he says with a low growl. "Harrison Wells. And I'll help you get rid of a pesky petty time leaper."
That was the day Hartley's entire world flipped but more than that his hatred had become tenfold. He didn't hate Harrison Wells, not anymore, not after what he learned. No, he hated Eobard Thawne. And the Pied Piper will always get his dues.
Today Myles was busy looking at hundreds of screens each of them displaying different parts of the city and its outskirts. "Gideon, narrow down places into three of the most difficult places to find." he said. In a blink, the majority of the screens vanished, leaving only three. A waterfall, a cliff, and an abandoned power plant.
Myles hums in thought. All three were good places for his future team to meet up, he was lucky that Hartley agreed to work for him, in exchange for having a slice of Reverse-flash. He also needs to sort his memories, the sage aspect of the primal force was helping him focus on the task but every time he goes to sleep fragments of the cage's false memories would resurface and force him to wake up.
Myles turns his attention towards the entrance of the room as Melanie enters, her face beaming with a bright smile. "Good morning, Master Tachyon," she greets him in a cheerful tone, her eyes glimmering with excitement.
Myles nods his head in acknowledgment, a small smile creeping up on his lips. "Good morning, Melanie," he responds, his voice laced with amusement.
Melanie approaches him, holding a tray of food and drinks. "I brought you breakfast, as you requested," she says, placing the tray on a nearby table.
Myles walks towards the table and takes a seat, gesturing for Melanie to sit beside him. "Thank you, Melanie. You're proving to be quite useful," he remarks, pouring himself a cup of coffee.
Melanie blushes at his praise and takes a sip of her own coffee. "I'm happy to serve you, Master Tachyon," she says, her voice soft and sincere.
Myles studies her for a moment, wondering if he should undo his brainwashing and let her return to her criminal family... Nah, from her memories she already hated her family minus her brother so he'll just spare the younger sibling.
Watching Melanie leave with her hips swaying left and right, nearly set him off the edge. Being stuck in primal force for so long and being its avatar had some minor inconveniences. One of which is that he has to deal with his baser instincts.
As a living organism, it's a brainer that one of the baser instincts is to spread one's genome. And Myles had it the worse, as he sees every female in the vicinity as a potential brood mother, luckily, he can resist it. But it doesn't make his life any easier.
Another matter is the burning desire to prove himself, for what or who does not matter. Anytime Myles sees a potential threat or challenge, he had the urge to become the dominant being or an alpha. Myles would have preferred eliminating all possible threats unless they have some use for him and his plans.
Just like a speedster who constantly needs to eat thousands of calories, a 'primal' has to learn how to balance his animalistic side, or else he'll be reduced to a caveman mentality or worse become just like White.
Right now, his attraction to Caitlin is through the roof. He wanted her, no... he needed her, so badly that he even had thoughts of killing every man or just straight up brainwashing her into his ideal woman but no, he was far above that. The day he does that, he'll be nothing more than a common Joe. If he was the King of the Jungle he will have her by other means. She was his Queen of the Frost, and she deserves to be treated as one. Unfortunately, she probably hates him or fears him after the fight with those three stooges.
So for now Melanie will be his outlet of... frustrations? Emotions? Instincts? Eh, who cares anyway, Melanie can take care of his urges, but he'll hold off any sexual fantasies until he has Caitlin.
Myles turns his attention back to the three holographic images of the potential hideout locations. He contemplates his options, his mind working quickly through various scenarios and outcomes. Suddenly, he asks himself out loud, "How do I get my hands on a gorilla with mind control powers and genius intellect?" He pauses, scratching his chin in thought. "And why didn't Hartley find Ronnie or even have a clue?"
Myles sighs, frustrated by the lack of progress in his plans. He knows that time is running out, and he needs to act quickly if he wants to succeed in getting Caitlin. He turns to Gideon, "Expand our search. Look for any information related to mind control gorillas and Ronnie Raymond."
Gideon nods, "Understood, sir. I will initiate the search immediately."
Myles nods, satisfied with Gideon's response. He turns his attention back to the holographic images and begins to analyze them once more. He knows that building the perfect hideout is crucial to his success and he won't rest until he finds the perfect location.
AN: Hi there, everyone. So what do you think of the original Myles so far, let me know in the comments. Yes, Myles is recruiting more villains because any good crime boss needs good lieutenants. Yes, Myles doesn't need a team since he is overpowered but I can't change anything without deviating from the original source. As for Melanie, she's from Batman Beyond according to the original author.
Also if anyone is interested in reading a Kamen Rider fanfic, I recently made one called Kamen Rider: Zephyr. Please write down your reviews and rate the stories.