

"You are too overpowered. Your existence poses a great threat to my son and daughter of fate. I had no other choice but to kill you." This was the voice of God he heard when he was about to enter the door of death. "A tragic oped character, sigh, its a very popular trend right now. The normal cliche of losing all your loved ones, an illegitimate son of a noble household, possessing overwhelming magic, good looks and what not. But as I kept writing I realised I made you way too oped, to the point your existence became a threat to the plot." The voice of god spoke to him again. "...Are you the one who killed my family?" He asked back with a blank expression. "Yes." Spoke the voice again. This simple one sentence angered him to the point he fought harder against his predestined death. He was enraged. The death of his family was orchestrated by this damn god, his life made miserable and painful, so he had to rise again, back on his two feets so he could destroy the god's world. And so he did. He rose again, defeating his death. Then he had his revenge by almost destroying the world. Almost!!! Before he could lead to the death of the Male and the female lead a thing called system was bounded to his soul. He was forced to leave his world and enter many different worlds. "Well, Unfreeze the OOC!" He demanded with a malicious grin on his face. He had to have his revenge. But most important of all, he had to be the one incharge of his characters. "......." The system shivered at his words, its invisible eyes bulging out. Unbeknownst to him, a GOD had embarked on a journey to a portal of unknown origin right at the time when he was entering a new world. "Oh fuck!" He cursed as he realised a dangerous point. "This is not the protagonist! Who is he?" Novel cover: Drawn by me aka @pushisinung

pushisinung · LGBT+
112 Chs


Ivar went through the details.

This world was an Omegaverse world. A world where exist three distinct genders aside from the Male and Female gender. The three distinct genders, namely, Alpha, Beta and Omega were not a result of human evolution but rather they were a creation of an ancient god, the same god that created the male and female humans and this planet. The god made the males and females the 'Creator of races.' He then made the Alphas the 'Ruler of the world' while the Betas were made to serve them. Initially they were the only genders created by God but later on he added one more to ensure the fertility of his sons and daughters. Hence he made the Omegas, the 'Bearer of next generations.' The Omegas have higher fertility rate than the females and unlike normal Men, Male Omegas could also get pregnant. The ancient god then gifted them a blessing called "Heat" to further enhance the fertility of the Omegas, making them the bearer of children. But after a while he realised that he made them weak and defenceless so the ancient god compensated the Omegas with another gift called 'Fated bond' , a bond that allowed them to find their soul mates who would protect and nurture them. The Omegas were the blessed children of the ancient god and he seemed to love them. With these settings the world civilization continued and the primitive world created by one single god expanded and bloomed into a civilazation similar to Modern Earth. But with constant civilization came constant changes. And the biggest change of all was that the present generation forgot about the ancient god from the legends, gradually replacing themselves as the creators of everything. And as if punished for being the ancient god's favourite, the Omegas were the ones who suffered the most due to the changing world. Desired and loathed at the same time, they became the most obstructed gender, viewed as only birth and sex tools, it became a common occurence for Omegas to be treated in a manner that screamed cruelty. Rich Omegas had it different but not every Omega was rich. Specially the poor Omegas. The son of fate was one such miserable sufferer.

The son of fate of this world was called Akira Kurosaki. He was also an Omega. A male Omega at that. Born to a nameless Alpha and a female Omega who sucummbed to carnal pleasures after being tossed away by her nameless Alpha lover who choose a male Omega over her. It was inevitable that Akira grew up being abused by his biological mother over the fact that her son was also a male Omega. He grew up with a distorted childhood which resulted in him being socially introverted, an easy target for bullies. While his childhood was scarred by domestic abuse then his highschool life was scarred by bullying.

He was a high school student in Sakura High, one of the most renounced schools of this world. But to him this prestigious school brought the most horrible chapter of his life and he choose his life over the misery inflicted onto his physical body as well as mental health. And when Akira Kurosaki's life chapter ended another soul from a different world transmigrated into his body to start his own new chapter. This new soul marked the begining of the main story. And he was the real son of fate of this world. The new Akira Kurosaki, a righteous white lotus teenager who was given a second chance to life. On the first chapter of his life as the abused and bullied high schooler he fought back against his bullies, scaring them away in a street fight and thus earning the attention of a significant passerby, the male lead. Kazuhiko Toru, an elite Alpha who held an overwhelming number of wealth, power and resources making him the most strongest and richest person of this world at the age of only eighteen. The male lead discovered that Akira was his fated Omega on the very first day he saw him. By then the thing revolving fated bonds had become a legend so upon discovering that it actually exist and having found his fated Omega he transferred to Sakura High. And the more Kazuhiko got close to Akira the more interested he became in him. Inevitably they both fell in love with each other. The Akira, who was pure and kind and righteous despite having a scarred childhood attracted Kazuhiko more than anything. Like a shinning light in the darkness his fated Omega became his first love. They began dating. But soon problems began rising. Kazuhiko already had a privileged Omega fiance. And when Akira found out about it he broke up with the male lead. Eventually the male lead clears all the obstacles blocking his lifetime with his fated person. He breaks off his engagement with his fiance and gets rid of his brother who was against his relationship with Akira and tried to harm Akira in more than many ways. After everything was taken care of Kazuhiko asks for Akira's hand for a lifetime and the latter accepts it. Both of them became a happy couple with a happily ever after.

"...." Both Nulis and Ivar were silent.

As for the person Ivar had taken over, he was a mere cannon fodder, a minor villain. Makato Mori. He was a beta. A loyal servant and best friend of the privileged Omega fiance mentioned in the story, Shinjiro Takahashi. In the original storyline Makato was a secret admirer of Shinjiro so when he learns of the male lead's affair he was enraged and takes upon himself as the villain that tried to tear the MC apart from the ML. But doing so was not easy. With the male lead's school transfer to Sakura high came the transfer of two other powerful individuals who were best friends with the ML. They were Kioshi Yamada and Masaaki Oda. The second and third male lead of this world. The Male lead of this world was bound to be the strongest the richest and the most influential person and after him came the Takahashi family of the male lead's fiance, then the other two male leads who were also elite Alphas. Akira's shield was too strong for Makato to break through. His life chapter ended with him being killed by the Male lead who had dumped Makato's name into the trash that needed to be cleaned. After his death Shinjiro bore the legacy of his villainous schemes and was accused of instigating Makato to act on his word. At the end of the story he was framed by the ML and was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Meanwhile the sons of fate of this world got married and have their own children.

Currently Ivar had transferred during the critical time when Makato's schemes had almost led to the main character being gang raped. Almost. The original's intention was to scare Akira a bit and make him swear that he would break up with the male lead, a typical scheme that any minor villain with low IQ would do. However things went downhill and without him knowing one of the men in action had injected a heat inducing fluid into Akira's body, making him go in heat. His pheromones leaked and the obvious thing happened, all the Alphas present at the school went berserk, dying to mate with the Omega in heat. Thankfully Kioshi and Yamada made it in time and rescued Akira, the main character had been barely hanging in to give into his instinct of wanting to mate, his rationality holding back his instinct very feebly. This then led to a fight breakout between the two other male leads and the other Alphas until eventually Makato joined in too. The school turned into a vicious battlefield for a few hours until Shinjiro came over and stopped Makato from fighting. As of right now the male lead was away abroad, getting the set done ready to kiss his older brother an eternal good night kiss. Meaning Akira and Kazuhiko had broken up for the time being with the former rejecting the latter after having discovered that Kazuhiko already had a Fiance. According to the plot the ML after killing his annoying brother would come back only to find this mess. Then he would get into action right away. Complete the procedure of breaking off his engagement with Shinjiro, then get rid of Makato followed by Shinjiro. After that he was ready to set his happily ever after with Akira. Tsk. Talk about such a smooth sail for a loved male lead.

"Let's stop reading." Ivar frowned. Reading further was irrelevant in his opinion. Nothing would change the fact that now he was currently the one in Makato's body and that Makato had almost gotten an innocent person gang raped because of his schemes. Although the actual person who was behind this was not Makato but one of the man who participated in the incident, who lusted after the main character, it would not change the fact that Makato did have a hand in the close-to-rape incident.

It was terrifying how the foundations set by this world's laws had resulted into the character's actions developing independently, like how, in the plot Makato was the one villain who got the son of fate almost gang raped, when actually the enitre case was a bit different with the real culprit being an ant like side character. The power of the solid foundations of the plot was not to be underestimated.

As for the reason why Makato acted like this and took the role of the villain, it was pretty obvious. Even people with blind eyes could tell. Too bad Shinjiro's blindness had no cure.

Nulis opened the mission board.

"Main mission: Change the original host's fate."

"Side missions: 1. Fulfill the host's sentiments and wishes.

2. Change Shinjiro's pitiful ending.

3. Give Shinjiro a happily ever after.

4. Make the male lead regret his decision."

The total points that they would accumulate from completing these missions made Nulis's eyes dizzy with happiness. Even Ivar was a bit elated.

"Good job Nulis. We are hitting a golden jackpot this time." Ivar's lips curled up, his mood a bit better. His eyes then lingered on a certain side mission. "Search up a suitable candidate to match make with Shinjiro."

Hearing him Nulis was a bit dumbfounded. "Ivar, that, fulfilling the original's wishes and sentiments, wouldn't Makato's wish be being wed to Shinjiro?"

Ivar snorted at its statement. "Makato had no desire to be connected to his love because to him Shinjiro was like a twinkling star on the sky, something he could watch but not touch. He did not have the guts to confess. A coward in short. It's not like the side mission requires Makato to date him rather ensuring Shinjiro's happiness with someone else would be a more befitting wish for such a loyal character like him. So choose the most suitable candidate for him and leave the rest to me."

After hearing what Ivar had said Nulis felt like it made sense. So the system went through the side characters before it found the perfect match for Shinjiro, their jackpot.

"Name: Kenta Takumi. Age:18. Height:183 cm. Temperament:Noble, calm and loyal. Personality:Charming. Compatibility percentage with Shinjiro:100 percent. Background: A noble Alpha."

For a noble person like Shinjiro the profile of this candidate was a perfect match. This guy, Shinjiro, he was really noble character. Even when the ending he got was really unreasonable he never cursed Makato for acting so viciously. Despite him telling this villainous Beta that he did not hold any romantic feelings for Kazuhiko anymore and the villain kept doing what he was planning to do until he lost his life, Shinjiro never blamed him once. He accepted the punishment pushed onto him and took it up as retribution on behalf of Makato and lived his life in prison never complaining or blaming Makato not even once. In the end he died of old age in prison, alone, and even till his last breath he only prayed to God that if he did exist he would beg the God to give Makato a second chance to reincarnation with them being together in the next life, that, either it be punishment or retribution Shinjiro was willing to repent and bear the burden of his one and only best friend, Makato. This love was also another form of love, called, friendship.

Ivar could only sigh at how stupid this minor villain had been. Who knew that if Makato were to listen to Shinjiro's words and stopped acting like that, maybe, he would have even gotten together with him. Who knows but it might have been possible. This villain was lucky to have somone like Shinjiro yet he died without knowing, even implicating the person he loved after his death. Ivar had no sympathy for Makato but for Shinjiro, he felt a bit sentimental.

He was gonna work hard on giving this idiotic white lotus a happy ending. Ivar flinched. His shoulders trembled a bit when that damn word left his thoughts. His eyes widened as he suddenly realised something.

"Nulis." Ivar said.


"I suddenly realised that there are actually different qualities of white lotuses." Ivar spoke nonchalantly.

"...." Nulis was silent. It didn't knew what to say. And was rendered speechless by Ivar's statement. "That.....ahem...the main character is also a white lotus, host." The system murmured in an inaudible voice. It's host didn't heard him say these words. For this, Nulis was relieved but sad at the same time.

Thinking of Akira Ivar's eyes squinted. "Where is the son of fate right now?"

"At his home. No actually at his apartment. It seems he has moved out of his home away from his abusive mother." Came the system's reply. After a pause, "But why are you asking?"

"Nothing. I just wanted to check something." As he spoke a sharp glint flashed in his eyes. He wanted to check something in this white lotus character. Was he going to be different from the white lotus he loathed or.....?

After a few days Ivar got his answer.

Standing at the hallway of the classroom was the son of fate of this world. When their eyes met Akira glared at Makato, the disgust in his eyes obvious to Ivar. Seeing this something flashed in Ivar's mind as he began walking towards him. Akira positioned his body posture, ready to throw out a punch anytime. When he saw Makato arrive before him the taller beta towered his frail body and he had to look up to his face, his eyes still growling like a wild chihuahua. This beta had almost gotten him raped, it was inevitable that Akira hated him. He also knew that the other person hated him too. So he was sure this guy was here to attack him again.

Ivar raised his hand. His eyes stared down onto the small Omega.

It's coming. Akira thought. The punch was coming. He couldn't attack first. The first attacker was always the culprit and the second person that followed was the victim who had the right to defend themselves.


A hand fell on his small shoulders.


Akira widened his eyes in shock. He was speechless.

"Sorry." Makato spoke. "I am sorry for every awful thing I did to you."

Crack. Akira turned into a statue and his stone body cracked with shock. He hadn't registered what had happened when he heard footstep rushing towards them.

"You bastard, what do you think you are doing to Akira? I swear if you do anything to him, this time for sure I am gonna kill you!" Kioshi came rushing towards Akira, followed by Masaaki. Both of them glared at Makato with Beastly eyes.

"Just because you had Shinjiro's backing and wasn't expelled doesn't mean he will let it slide. Once Kazuhiko is back you are a dead meat Makato." Masaaki glared at Makato with disgust and hatred. The corner of his eyes were a bit red with rage.

Ivar stared at the two side male leads protecting Akira, shielding the Omega behind them. Akira, likewise, stared back at Makato. Like this, the three of them stood in a stalemate. The atmosphere became chilling and the neraby students couldn't help but run away, afraid of being impacted by it. Not to mention the impact of the previous incident a few days ago had yet to die down.

"Did you mean it?" Akira glared as Makato, asking in a very serious tone. "About your apology, did you really mean it?"

Ivar stared down at floor. He paused for a bit before looking at Akira's eyes, the omega's eyes were clear like the purest spring water. Ivar made a sincere expression. "Yes. I....I meant it. I am sorry."

"Just because you apologised doesn't mean I will forgive you." Akira replied. "What you did to me was awful. If you are really sorry then prove it with your actions and not your words."

Hearing his reply Ivar was silent. For the first time in his life he felt like he was cheated. The white lotus Fiona and the white lotus Akira, they had a huge contrasting difference between them. Infact if Akira had forgiven Makato so readily Ivar would have been disgusted but to think that this white lotus actually knew rage and other emotions unlike that annoying Fiona, it surprised him. He raised his eyes to give Akira another look. And he was about to ask what Akira meant by his words just in case.....when.....

"Kyaa..." The female students began shouting. All of them drooled at the man that was striding the hallway with fast footsteps, his long legs walking towards a certain direction.

Their screams got everyone's attention. When Masaaki and Kioshi saw who it was their lips curled up into a pleasant smile. Akira who was being protected by these two lit up a bit when he saw his handsome man walking over but his happiness drooped the next second. Right. He had forgotten that they had broken up a few weeks ago. He was not his boyfriend anymore.

Right at this moment Shinjiro had also come in time as he was scared about Makato doing nasty things.

So he had returned. Ivar thought in silence as he glanced at the Elite Alpha, the strongest person of this world. His eyes squinted lazily towards the male lead. To his surprise the male lead narrowed his eyes at him in a very peculiar manner. In a split of second Kazuhiko was already in front of Ivar, surprising him a bit. The collar of his uniform was tugged violently and the profile of the handsome man loomed over Ivar's surprised face.

Kioshi and Masaaki, who were smirking widened their eyes at what was happening, Akira's eyes welled up with traces of tears meanwhile all the girls had turned into a statue. Even Shinjiro had his eyes bulging out, his eyeballs almost ready to fall out of its sockets.


Nulis was petrified and so was Ivar, the subject of this unexpected, out of the world action.

The male lead was currently kissing his most hated character. On. The. Lips!!!??!!