
System in Attack on Titan

Eren after losing almost everything is determined to keep everything he has, and in his eyes it is Mikasa. And he'll do anything, even killing those close...

AlexWebNovel · 游戏衍生
11 Chs

What's Happening?

His mind cleared, and he looked and saw the 7 adults dead. Some with more than one bullet wound.

"Eren!" Mikasa called holding him from behind, he let go of the rifle and hugged her. Then Garrison soldiers came, they saw the seen and froze they looked at the three kids, and for some reason felt their blood cool down.

"Eren?" Carl called, he walked to them and kneeled.

"What happened?"

Armin saw the situation and didn't want Eren in trouble, so he had to defend him.

"Mister soldier! Eren was defending himself! The adults threatened to attack us if we didn't give Eren's copper pieces!" Armin screamed while standing between Eren Mikasa, and the Garrison soldiers.

"And why does he have coppers?" Asked one of the soldiers, seemingly trying to escalate the scenario. But the Carl turned and spoke.

"He's our Critter Hunter." 

The soldiers then understood why he had a gun, money, and more. So they didn't think much about that but now needed to know why was the reason he fired, because he could have threatened them not kill them.

"Why did you shoot?" Carl asked.

Eren just looked at Carl, and Carl just sighed.

"I understand it was under self-defense, but first warn then shoot. Ok?" Eren just nodded, and this was enough for the soldiers as these times killing others isn't seen as a crime if there was a good enough reason and they didn't care much as it was fewer mouths to feed.

After the soldiers left Mikasa hugged Eren tighter, Armin then joined in on the hug. After a few minutes of hugging and the soldiers moving the bodies, Mikasa let go.

"Eren, why? Just, why?" Eren stared at Mikasa, but he didn't reply. To be honest, he didn't know what to say, it was like he just got a burst of emotions that reminded him of how he felt when Carla and Grisha died.

At night, Eren had stored his gun and ammo away but kept his knife, he remembered how Carl said he would only give Eren ammo for every 20 critters he killed. This means he needed to kill 13 more critters, but he can't kill any squirrels yet as the little squirrels haven't reached full maturity let alone be born.

But one thing Carl allowed him to hunt to extinction if possible is the rats, as unlike other critters, rats repopulated faster than them and grew up faster to be fast and annoying.

While Eren had these thoughts he was cleaning and sharpening his knife, and decided the look at the page.

[Bowie Knife: Normal

Steel Blade, Brown handle, and silver flat pommel.


Quality: 92%

{It will cut branches of 1 inch in one swing easily and the edge won't break or bend unless against aggressive attack by another blade.}

Features: None

INFO: 20cm blade, 12cm handle, easy grip.


He liked seeing it in such good shape, so deciding it was enough he sheathed the knife and wanted to turn around but was caught by little hands. 

Looking over at Mikasa, Eren was pulled by her into the warehouse and everyone in there looked away from him. Because they were scared he'd go school shoot- AHEM!

{This isn't America! *Bonk!*}

Because they were scared he'd go psycho on their poor souls, but he didn't care, and nor did Mikasa. 

Mikasa brought him to their area, which was slightly empty, where he placed his bag with his money and some little bag for the critters. When he laid it down he put his head on it, then Armin rested on the bag right next to Eren, and Mikasa went between Eren's legs and rested her head on his torso.

Eren laid the cloak onto all three of them and they lay ready to doze off, Armin had already fallen asleep, but Mikasa and Eren hadn't. Mikasa sat up and looked at Eren in the eyes.

"You scared me, today."

Eren didn't show any sign of emotion, to Mikasa it looked like he didn't care. But Eren sat up.


Eren laid back down and closed his eyes, Mikasa was left there stunned but laid back down too.

 She couldn't help but touch her lips. She smiled and curled up into his body and slept.

In the middle of a forest-like area, a deer could be seen staying still, too still. You would assume it was dead if it wasn't for the fact that it was moving its eyes, tracking something.

Through its eyes was another deer, so it raised its rifle. Aimed.



The sound of the gunfire and the corpse hitting the ground was quick and silent. 

The deer from before stood up like a human and loaded a round into the rifle, it walked up to its fellow brethren only to look at a paper.

[Gained 20 pieces of Gold, due to killing a Medium Prey Animal and has been doubled due to the {Hunter} Title.]

The deer bled the other deer and then lifted it.

"Eren! Hurry we got 5 minutes to arrive at the cart." And instantly Eren in his outfit sprinted past the man.

"Ay! Wait up!" The man screamed, he was annoyed but couldn't help but smile seeing how Eren grew up.