
System in Attack on Titan

Eren after losing almost everything is determined to keep everything he has, and in his eyes it is Mikasa. And he'll do anything, even killing those close...

AlexWebNovel · 游戏衍生
11 Chs


The cadets can be seen grouped up, multiple cadets are hanging on the 2D maneuver gear to practice and see who has an amplitude with the use of ODM gear.

A blonde-haired boy, named Armin. Had just finished his test, and while Mikasa and Eren were about to begin, he noticed Mikasa's hair was tied up with a pale white ribbon. And he guessed that it was a gift from Eren, which was unknowingly correct.

Lifting both Eren and Mikasa, the two did not deviate in their balance and both were still like logs. After a few minutes, they were dropped down and began to walk away, however, Eren walked to Keith.

Everyone gained a cold feeling, hoping it wouldn't be another fight, while Keith just cursed his luck. He grunted and spoke.


Eren just gave Keith his belt and walked away, Keith looked at the belt and puffed before tossing it into a crate they had nearby.

"Get me a replacement, one that's not broken." He said to a soldier, they nodded and ran off.

Some people heard what he said, but there was no commotion as they knew Keith would give hell and back worth of pain if they were to get on his nerves. And so they continued this training, and Eren eventually got a new belt and all of them went to their next task.

Inside the classroom, you could see the cadets engrossed in their writing as they listened to their classroom teacher.

"Now listen carefully, you can cut a titan's ligaments here and here." He said as he pointed at the heel and triceps.

"But to end the titan, you have to cut here." He pointed at the nape, and he then drew the same drawing of a nape.

"Preferably, you would cut the nape vertically but you can also cut it horizontally. Any other angle is mostly impractical." 

He drew on the two napes to show how it should be cut.

"A meter deep, commonly is enough to kill any titan above 5 meters. However, anything smaller would be less needed to cut out and for something like the Colossal Titan, we aren't quite sure. But, as instructed cut the nape. Bastards too slow to catch you if you know how to use your ODM gear."

I black-haired boy flinched at the comment, but no one saw.

Towards the back of the classroom, Armin was sitting on a long desk next to some other cadets, while Eren and Mikasa sat by themselves on a long desk right behind him, alone.

While Eren and Mikasa were writing, Mikasa was holding Eren's right bicep, due to Eren using his right hand to write. The teacher saw this but left it for two reasons one, Eren was known to fight instructors, and by the voice of rumours might kill them for Mikasa. Two, Eren and Mikasa were listening and writing to his words, so it was all right.

"A common tactic implemented normally by soldiers is cutting the heel and then the nape by another or the same soldier. But some soldiers don't do this if they have more than two Titans near them when alone, especially when the Titans are at different heights due to the higher chance of being caught." The teacher paused so that everyone could follow.

"So when you attack a Titan it's okay alone, but anything more than one you would need at least two soldiers more for every Titan due to their unpredictability."

Everyone seemed to agree with his explanation, however, some didn't agree like Annie, Reiner, and Eren.

Eren because he remembered some of his encounters with Titans, in which they acted like animals with their heart shot or acted like starved wolves. So Eren believed that if he met a Titan he could treat it like another animal, and everyone in the outer walls knew that a dead animal is a good one.

Unknowingly, Eren released the aura of a predator, and everyone in the room could feel this pressure, raising their goose bumps and their anxiety rose. Since humans haven't been hunted before the people in the class didn't know what it was like to be hunted they didn't know why these senses occurred, besides Armin and Mikasa.

Mikasa sensing this leaned into Eren and when they looked eyes she smiled, making Eren forget his thought and peck her lips. Before continuing his writing, Mikasa rubbed her head into his arm. 

And so they continued with the next 3 hours' worth of lesson time and were then sent to the cafeteria for lunch, and as everyone entered the cafeteria Armin walked to Eren.

"Eren, why did you go-?" And then he did a flail with his arms, trying to say crazy without saying it.

Eren and Mikasa looked at each other, and Mikasa laughed and continued walking with Eren, while passing Armin, Eren grabbed Armin's shoulder and brought him into the line.

After a few minutes, the trio sat on a long desk, and shortly after Thomas, Mina, Franz, Hanna, Krista, Ymir, Connie, and Sasha joined their table. They then began talking about their morning of the 2D gear and the lesson and then Connie brought something up.

"Uh, I just remembered what happened at the lesson. Don't you guys remember that there was like a cold feeling?" Almost everyone started agreeing with him, but Sasha nodded her head in disagreement.

"No, it felt like the time when I went hunting for the first time and when I and my Dad saw a pack of wolves. It felt like a predator was about to eat us, but were scared away by my Dad's gun."

Hearing Sasha, the others raised an eyebrow at her comment but Eren, Mikasa, and Armin didn't react the same, and compared to Eren and Mikasa's calm face. Armin's face was almost pale and was sweating from nervousness, Ymir noticed this and smirked and Krista saw her smirk and got nervous about what she might do.

"So, Armin." Saying this caused Armin to stiffen and slowly twitch his head to face her, like a malfunctioning robot ready to snap.


"So, why do you seem guilty? Hmm. Seems like Armin knows something." When everyone started looking at Armin, making him more nervous Ymir started smiling.

"Ymir stop." Spoke Krista.

"Come on Krista, you too want to know what Armin knows."

Armin then started to physically shake because he started getting uncomfortable and nervous, barely anyone noticed and Krista was one of them.

"Ymir, stop! Leave Armin alone, he doesn't seem to like to talk about it."

"Ah! Krista, you angel. You need to marry me, but Armin needs to say what happened." Ymir responded, while also wrapping her arm around Krista, earning a disgusted look from Krista.

"Hey, don't just say and do whatever you want!" Spoke Connie.

"Ah! Who cares what you say, baldy?" Replied Ymir.

Connie turned red with anger and yelled back.

"I'm not bald!" Ymir just waved him away before leaning over the table slightly and leaning at Armin.

"So, spill it mop head. What do you wanna say?" Armin shifted in his seat uncomfortably and looked at Mikasa like a little child begging for his mother's help, Mikasa seeing this looked at Armin's 'Daddy' and held him while nudging Eren towards Armin. Eren sighed and placed his knife and fork down, patted his lips with a cloth, and looked at Armin.

Armin seeing this lifted his back straight, nervous. He then felt a tap on the side of his head and looked at the person.

"Oi! Look at me mop head!" Before Armin could respond, a blur flashed in front of the two.