
The Moonlight Sword: Ashes of the Hero Iron forged

Part 01: Oxidized steel

The small sparks floated in the air....

The atmosphere grew darker as the small flame began to burn out.

In the hands of Fire Keeper the first flame was receiving its end.

The world would at last see the era of darkness come to an end

The mission was complete...

Even if he couldn't see he still wanted to...

Illuminated by the faint light there could be seen the intimidating figure of a knight kneeling with his sword firmly stuck in the ground

His small, warm hand caressed the knight's shoulder gently, it was a touch full of the purest affection while Fire Keeper allowed himself a small smile.

- Can you hear my voice? - she asked, even if she knew it was possible that he was no longer there.

- Ashen One... -

She still wanted to believe that her voice had somehow reached him.

The minutes passed and the hopes of getting an answer or even a reaction were completely extinguished.

Her hand reached for his head and slowly with great difficulty she managed to remove his helmet, a tired and exhausted face could be seen there.

A messy steel gray hair, and empty amber eyes that even in the state in which he was filled her with joy just to be able to look at them.

- My Lord... - Actions proved more than just empty words.

His hand gently caressed her head as the flame in his other hand was completely extinguished.

The age of fire was over at last

With the end of the first flame, darkness at last covered everything.

Soon the figures of Fire Keeper and Ashen One were swallowed up and disappeared from sight.

The world was able to rest, it was a pity that this rest did not extend to the one who had done so much to reach this result.

Fate was undoubtedly unfair


Memories replayed themselves like ghostly images....

In his youth he had been drawn back into a stupid war, one that had turned out to be a senseless farce that could have brought the world to its end under the hand of the one who had suffered countless misfortunes unjustly.

Thus he came to learn two of the most important lessons of his short life.

Any idealism in the face of necessity is but a gross deception.... His indecision caused the death of people close to him, the sight of the cold corpses of the sisters and their caretaker still flickered in his memory along with the image of that little girl who had her eyes and heart gouged out by that blond bastard.

His ''justice'' led him to nothing but despair, just as that strange creepy priest had warned him in the first place when he decided to participate in this... Grail War?

It had been so long ago that he couldn't remember it all clearly, but one question still lingered there.

Would they be disappointed in me?

Two ghostly figures formed before his eyes as he stabbed the splintered sword into the ground, one was a man dressed almost entirely in black, he wore a melancholy and exhausted air, his eyes charged with a sadness that he had never been able to comprehend.

Beside him, the other figure wore a black armor along with a red skirt and shroud, his silver hair shook in the air while his eyes looked at him with indifference and a barely concealed contempt.

- My lord... -

An inaudible moan escaped from his mouth as he felt the warm touch of Fire Keeper on his armor, somehow he could feel a small sense of peace.

Soon the ghostly figures faded away and he could sink once again into his memories.

Man is the cruelest animal

After the war he traveled around the world offering his help in different unfortunate areas, always offering a helping hand to whoever needed it and even stopping armed conflicts... His magic was especially convenient in that sense

The real point was that people never recognized what he did as ''help'', and did not hesitate for a moment to blame him for many actions he had not even been involved in...

Then when they were about to hang him a group of strangers caught him and took him to a place in London where he spent the rest of his life on an operating table, he never knew why he had come to that place.

In the end in a desperate attempt to escape he set fire to the place and died along with many other individuals who were present there.

The next thing he knew he had woken up in a strange wrecked place called the Undead Asylum and then tried to link the first flame only to fail miserably and turn into ashes that were carried away by the currents of the cruel wind.

It was surprising to awaken once again as Unkindled, but his purpose was still one that he would fulfill no matter what.

He had already failed the first time, he couldn't afford it or at least that was until he learned the ''truth''.

It really had been hard to resist the constant temptations set by Yuria, but still he had walked the path he felt was right, it had been a pleasant surprise that Fire Keeper had decided to follow him no matter what happened

While his body was losing strength and his consciousness was fading, Ashen One smiled as he thought about the words of his dear companion.

- Can you hear me Ashen One? -

Finally his mind fell into darkness as he held in his heart a single lament....

I wish I could have spent more time with Fire Keeper....

I wish I could seek more adventures once more (If it was without the enemies I had faced it would be even better)...

And finally... I wish I had a better purpose and could stick to it until the end...


Part 02: A gentleman without honor or etiquette

The city was located in western Honshuu, near the Kobe area, and was known for its long winters and for a certain event that had occurred several years ago.

Fuyuki in general could be considered an extremely quiet and peaceful place.

Or at least it usually is...


- Uwahhhh! - A girl's screams were heard loudly and soon a golden flash moved at full speed hiding behind it, being closely followed by a black cat with a strange crescent moon-like mark on its forehead.

Underneath her Ashen One armor. No, Emiya Shirou sighed as he looked at the enemy in front of him with surprise and slight annoyance.

The place he was in was not supposed to have things like the Hollows.



What was it that was in front of him, if it wasn't a Hollow? Although it seemed to be much stronger than average

Yes, although for the kind of being it was, strangely its appearance didn't seem to fit with what I usually knew... Well, not that he knew much, for one thing he wasn't one of the best informed people in the place

He wasn't in Lothric, much less would he be here.

She was clearly female

She had long purple hair, revealing clothing and a pair of daggers with chains attached to them.

Oh yes, and also some sort of blindfold, I'd have to keep an eye out for it.

Well, it wouldn't be the hardest battle he would have but that didn't mean he was going to be complacent, the fewer times he died the better.


Tsukino Usagi blinked as she hid behind the guy in knight cosplay, normally she would be running away from the guy and the strange angry woman but....

- Come out and fight! -

Yes, she was being scolded by a cat, Luna as cute as she was could become very very grumpy and bossy when.... well, most of the time actually

A small murmur that hadn't reached the girl's ears but which the cat had been able to pick up on very easily was heard

Accompanied with a great shiver that caused the fur on her body to stand on end.

- ...Trace On - Words charged with power and energy, great sparks flew as a large sword manifested in her hand.

Without Usagi noticing his departure, the knight launched himself at high speed against the woman while wielding a bastard sword with one hand, on his armor could be noticed with relative ease greenish and sparkling lines.


A loud sound could be heard after the clash between the sword and the daggers, the woman jumped backwards while dodging the knight's attempt to stab her in the front.

- He does surprisingly well - Luna said as she watched him fight with strength and savagery but without showing a great technique beyond just swinging the sword like a madman, it was a pity to see such a high level of strength and yet lacking the proper skill to use it as demonstrated by the large number of openings he had when attacking.

She almost looked like someone who couldn't adjust her strength levels to her size, a clear sign of someone not used to her power or not knowing how to use it in the first place.

For her it was terribly obvious that there would come a time when he could no longer hold his own and would be defeated (and possibly killed) by his opponent, on the other hand if she could get Usagi to help him she could well take advantage of his good will and turn him into a good ally for her.

After all, help would never be unwelcome.

...Although that depended on her being able to give him useful support instead of just being a burden, although it might sound rather cruel, it was reality.

Giving the girl a sidelong glance, Luna couldn't help but sigh as she watched her watch the battle with a fascinated look on her face and her mouth slightly agape

It almost seemed as if she was inviting the flies in.

Well, she certainly shouldn't have expected much from her in that regard, Usagi was, all in all a total novice even worse than the knight boy

- Did you see that, Luna!!! - She shouted as her eyes seemed to sparkle with stars in them.

A sigh escaped her mouth again, she would certainly have a hard job ahead of her if she wanted to train her to do her duty.

What was it they called this she felt? Oh yes, Luna definitely wanted a raise


Kiritsugu frowned as he looked out the window, taking out a cigarette from his pocket he proceeded to light it while waiting for Irisviel to enter the room.

The concern was evident in his eyes, Shirou had been acting very strange since what had happened in the accident a few days ago, something in him seemed to be missing, he was no longer showing that same innocent smile.

He was no longer laughing or playing with Illya like he used to before.... For heaven's sake, he had even remained indifferent and expressionless while Irisviel hugged him as opposed to how he was blushing and begging to be released as he did before....

The man's fists clenched tightly as he remembered the empty eyes with which Shirou had looked at him upon waking up while asking him who he was, according to the doctors the amnesia the boy showed could well have been an effect resulting from the accident he had been involved in or just a way of repressing the bad memories

The worst thing was that they could not be sure when they would return or if it was even possible for them to return in the first place.

- Kiri... -

The door gave a slight creak as Irisviel entered the room followed closely by Sella.

Both had worried faces as they looked at the Emiya.

- Were they able to find out where he went? - I asked as he sighed, earlier Shirou had left the house without telling anyone worrying them all (Which is why Leysritt had had to take it upon himself to distract Illya until they found him).

- Erm about that... I don't think you're going to like what you'll see - said Iri as she gave directions to Sella, who quickly stepped forward with a somewhat troubled face as she showed Kiritsugu a video.

The man's expression soon turned to one of surprise for a few moments before turning to total disbelief, the video showed Shirou equipping a black knight armor that had appeared out of nowhere.

Completely manifested out of nowhere

...I'd certainly have to have a long and serious talk with that boy about going out and getting into trouble.

What if a Magus saw him?

He was lucky there weren't that many in Fuyuki, since he had taken it upon himself to end the grail war he made sure to eliminate most of the Matou family members and carved in Tokiomi Tohsaka's mind that messing with him was definitely the equivalent of digging his grave and that of his descendants.

As for El-Melloi... Well, the man had gotten what he deserved

If he remembered that boy correctly, the Master of Rider had taken his place by becoming Lord El-Melloi ll.

If there was one thing he had truly regretted it would surely be the fact that that mad priest had escaped before he could get his hands on him

If what Shirou did was what he thinks it is....

He definitely has to hide it no matter what, otherwise he was unlikely to be left alone by the association.

Rubbing his forehead feeling what seemed to be the onset of a pounding headache, Kiritsugu stood up and grabbed the car keys that were lying on the desk in the room.

He would definitely prevent his son from ending up in that nest of piranhas and hyenas that was the Clock Tower.

He had duties to fulfill as a father, ones he would make sure not to ignore no matter what.

He would do whatever it took to maintain this happy life he had created for Iri and Illya.


Stepping off the plane at the airport, Tsukino Yunna smiled as she picked up her bags.

A small smile formed on her face.

Her eyes sparkled with great expectations as she looked curiously at the area she was in.

- My Lord - She murmured as she placed a hand on her chest.

Certainly, Shirou was destined for disaster since no matter where he went he would follow him to the end.

What misfortunes awaited Emiya Shirou?

Only time will tell



A mission, a purpose and a conviction

The Ashen One was/would be tied to those three words for its entire existence.

He did not need a change, nor did he desire it

But still... There was more to do, this was not the true end of his adventure.

- Ashen One... -

- Can you hear my voice? -

That sweet voice of his Fire Keeper followed him to the end. As the first flame was extinguished and he followed the same fate, the ash being felt it wholeheartedly.

- 'I... want to live' -

He wanted to stay with his Fire Keeper, he wanted to spend more time with her, he wanted to keep doing quests and most importantly....

He wanted a new purpose

Unfortunately fate (Coff a wolf speaking Coff) gave him a new chance but there was something strange here....

Why had his hair returned to its former red color?

Why did people call him "Shirou Emiya"?

And why were those girls fighting in such tiny uniforms?!

Okay, maybe Soul of Cinder and Gael had hit him harder than he thought, he was just seeing a strange hallucination, at any moment he would wake up and receive a greeting from his Fire Keeper and everything would be as it was before.

Wouldn't it?

Why nothing has changed... And is that a talking cat?


And here we are again with a smoke on my part.... XD

Actually, I don't know what I smoked to come up with this idea.

But well, here's the thing I was so excited about this idea that I couldn't resist turning it into a fic!

I hope you like it

PS: Fire Keeper is a Saber Face (At least in this story she is).

And well, at the end of the day, this story will have elements from several From games.

From there they could vary from weapons and cameos to characters.

As for the people that Ashen One (Or rather Shirou) mentions that died together with him in the fire...

Well, the identities of those characters will be more important in the future, but I'm pretty sure he's going to surprise them.

What do you think of this story idea so far?

Two cameos could appear in the following chapters

The main character from Dark Souls 2 or The Hunter from Bloodborne.

Eventually they will appear in the story but there are still a lot of chapters to go so in the meantime I might as well make a cameo for them.

Now the question Who would you prefer for a cameo?

===" Leave here your answer "==

Anyway, this thing got long. Bye Bye!

This is a fanfic that I will be uploading in the future, if you can give me an opinion I would appreciate it very much.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

KiraWolfcreators' thoughts