
Interlude 02: Failed

I can still remember every damn second ...

His growling smile.

His voice when he repeated over and over and over and over again that I was just a failed project ...

Did he like to see me in that miserable state that much ?!

It hurts It hurts It hurts It hurts It hurts It hurts It hurts It hurts It hurts It hurts


- Sir, the test subject is ready - Said a female voice

Maybe a nurse or a collaborator, of what they liked to call "technological advancement"

Although I couldn't really recognize her at all

In fact, I didn't even care

- Well, start the grafting - My father said, he did not seem to care in the least about my deplorable state, no, that would be wrong

I could clearly see the slight excitement and expectation in her gaze.

As for me, did I even have the time to do something?

- AHHHH - I screamed as the skin was sewn over my body

It hurts ... it hurts a lot

Every morning, every afternoon, every night

From 7 AM to 12 PM, From 15 to 20 and from 23 to 3 AM

Scheduled at a specific time I was given vaccines with liquids that even at this time I do not know they were

There were also the "grafts", the parts of my body, whether they were organs or outer skins destroyed, mutilated or that were beginning to fail, were replaced with parts of "the failed ones", something beneficial for me was that one of many experiments in me had success

They had made my blood and flesh adaptable to those of others. In simple words, my organs could be transplanted to others without compatibility problems and vice versa, the same happened with blood

It was good in a way, but not quite

- Haa, at last you are of some use, aren't you? Take it easy now you will have more attention - My eyes could barely see clearly, the wakefulness made me to pieces

The dark circles under my eyes were huge

But even so I could see the smile on her face, it was a truly bright and happy one.

I was so grossed out, I could barely resist the urge to vomit

- It's a shame little Tom, in exchange for this great success we have had some mishaps. Meh, minor details ... your lifespan was reduced, oh but you don't have to worry ~ I'll make every second you stay in this world useful ~ -

As I learned later, part of the reasons why my useful life was reduced was that my body, although with a greater adaptation to that of any human being

It was not even a perfect joke, so many grafts and transplants were too much for my young body to bear.

From that moment, true hell began

Even at only thirteen, I could understand

Every day I expected to see Mom or Uncle Matthew walk through the door and take me away or even wake up and realize that this was all just a nightmare.

I prayed to god this would end ...

Unfortunately, no one heard my cries for help

At least he had the other boys, that's right, others

He was not the only one, there were those who had survived just like me

We were few, but still we took care of each other



It's been two years since I started this life as nothing more than a lab rat

And finally after so long I got my biggest wish


- In this world, the weak is grilled meat for the strong, do not blame me, blame your own weakness, because being weak is a sin. Have you heard me? -He said while he looked where he was, the police dragged him and the other participants in this project

As he had learned later, among the children used to experiment

There were children of politicians and important people, my uncle had gotten proof of it and those powerful people in an outburst of anger made this possible.

I know I should feel bad, very bad

But ... I couldn't help but think with joy that this hell was finally over.



- Hey, Tom! - A smile adorned my face when I heard his voice

- Can't you wait for me ?! -

The one who was shouting in front of me was a rather peculiar boy, if he was not seen carefully he would be easily mistaken for a girl

His name is Julian Sánchez, he is my best friend and also someone who survived the experiments with me

If I remember correctly, what he suffered caused his body to grow at an extremely slow rate.

After all, even years after everything that happened, he still looks like a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy.

- You're making fun of my height isn't it ?! -

... I quickly put on my hood and pretended not to know him when I saw how he fought with a group of thugs, who had made fun of one of Julian's most sensitive points

His height

-You want some of this, huh? Well, you will, he said as he blew the teeth of a thug

If he was sincere, I would have liked to help him but Julian could handle them perfectly.

Don't let the cute little image of him follow you, my best friend is strong

He is like a chihuahua with asteroids, there was no more precise comparison

- GAHHH Help! - The leader yelled as he received a beating

Very strong, and those idiots couldn't have messed with someone worse

- Make fun of me again and I swear I cut your balls! Did you hear me ?! -The small figure of him had a deadly and murderous air, his eyes were shining in an evil way as his red hair shook in the wind adding a dramatic effect

The thugs looked at him in horror as a horrible edor filled the place

- ... Those guys, did seriously wet themselves ?! -

The surprise was so much, that without noticing it I shouted my true thoughts out loud

Unfortunately (for the bullies), my scream attracted the attention of the surrounding people

Embarrassed and full of remorse, the thugs crawled towards the exit with tearful expressions

Huh? Who would say shame them felt a little amused

I should do this more often

I just hope it doesn't become a bad habit afterwards ...


At school

I sat in my chair and put my head on the desk

I couldn't help my face showing an expression of utter despair upon hearing the words of the bald professor with a mustache

- Today is a pop quiz guys! -

At least he was thankful that he wasn't the only one like that

- T-The teacher is so cruel - Mob 01 said with an expression full of pain

-He's a demon! - Cried Mob 02 with terror and fear

- I really like the exams - Mob 03 said, causing us all to look at him with surprised expressions

Practically everyone's eyes were screaming "Is this guy being serious ?!"

Even Professor Bald couldn't help but look at him with a shocked expression.

That made me wonder

Was he so surprised that someone enjoyed his classes?

I even called his wife with tears in her eyes as she said "I made it, I made it, someone liked my classes!"

I couldn't help but feel a little sorry for him ...


Fast flow XD

Well now only the prologue is missing

Very good morning to all!