
SYSTEM #47: Queen of information...

Bhoomi_Mehra · 奇幻言情
15 Chs

Woken up...

"chief we manage to capture more then half of the runway prisoners but the main three suspect's behind this plan didn't even bother to runway"

"As it's seem like they were too lazy to do it" the man in his sixties spoke while reading the file even though he is old.

He's eyes were sharp and the aura around him give is filled with mystery his uniform didn't even have any single wrinkle on it.

Officer Lin stand infront of his chief desk with serious expression as he give his report to the man in front of him.

"What about the child, is she okay" he pause for a sec before replying to him.

"She had been taken hospital now her condition is stable but the injury on her head is quite deep"

"I see.... Did you infrom her parents about it" he shook his head which make the chief to narrow his eyes.

"The phone we had gotten from her show her last message to her mother she had lied to her about her whereabout I have inkling that she don't want her parents to know about it"

"If that the case then there must be something more then we can see let's wait till she woke up...you can leave now"

"Yes sir" he salute the chief and leave the chief office when he came out he was gritted by officer su.

"Senior miss ming had woke up should we go to hospital" he nodded his head and they leave the police station.


Inside the hospital jinque is looking at her status with lot of interest cause the tragedy of yesterday had result in her unlocking lot of things which change her whole status.


Name:- Ming Jinque

Age:- 13

Sex:- Female

H/P:- 36/50

Strength:- 3

Intelligence:- 4

Agility:- 1

Observation:- 1

Memory:- 1

Endurance:- 1

Class:- None

Skill:- Good liar]

Two new things had been added into her status her daily mission is still pending but she is quite tired right now.

But she still decide to do it then take rest after half an hour later someone knock on her door.

"Come in" officer Lin enter the room and saw her seating in her bed and drinking water her forehead is covered in sweat.

There's a bandage on her left hand she wave her hand at him with a small smile on her face making him sign in relief.

He really glade that he trust her and took action or else he will be not seeing her seating infront of him with a smile.

"So how's your condition, are you feeling alright now" she nodded her head as she watch him placing basket filled with fruit on table beside her bed.

"Thanks for visiting me" she look at him then her expression suddenly change as she ask him anxiously.

"Did you inftom my parents about it" he shook his head making her pat her chest in relief.

"Well why you don't want your parents to know about it" he had been curious about it question for sometime now.

"Cause I invite this trouble on my own" he look at her with serious look on his face.

"Can you tell me what do you mean and how does you know about the mole thing" she give him a smug smile and respond.

"Well it's not that hard to find out actually alltgis start with me hearing something which I was not supposed to hear"

"Our school belle was pregnant and I end up hearing this" he give her confuse look.

"What does this had to do with the others" she chuckle at his face and respond.

"Well cause the father of the child don't want anyone to know about it since his father is a Dean he manage to silent the girl

But now the trouble lies in me the boy is Shi ling aka golden dragon a small gang leader also a student

He use his father position to bully other kids he try to make me his slave with a bet but I get away with it

At that time maybe someone approach him and give him offer of silencing me forever and he get agree with that

They play that drama in the alley according to them either I will ignore this situation or go to police

But to quite controversy I went to the businessman song hotel which can disturb there plan

So golden dragon ask help of brother who is police officer in the same station where you work they ask him to lure you all to the restaurant where I was

When I saw you all I got scared I try to run away which got all of you attention resulting in what they actually wanted to do

Then they make all the police to went different direction some people hit me on head but they didn't notice that I'm not dead

Cause of this I was able to get away from all of this alive they plan everything too well but a single mistake lead to destruction"

"And what was the mistake" he ask her in grave voice.

"That officer leave me alone in his car for few minutes where I found a photo of his whole family in which both brother along with there father and mother were present

Since I know both of them are related and Dean is golden dragon father everything start making sence to me that why I said your department had a mole"

Officer Lin get up from the sofa and extend his hand toward her she don't know what he wanted to do but she still grap his hand.

He simply shake there hand and spoke "it's was quite brave and intelligent of you cause of your action we were able to stop lot of things from happening"

"But you were not able to stop there real motive or you actually still don't know there real motive" he nodded his head.

"Seeing that you are actually replying to me indicate that you trust me but remember this something very big had happened yesterday

Big enough to include a businessman, a gang and whole police department it's something beyond our understanding"