
SYSTEM #47: Queen of information...

Bhoomi_Mehra · 奇幻言情
15 Chs


In the middle of the night in the dark room a young girl who seem to be fourteen or fifteen year old seating infront of her computer.

She furiously type on her computer keyboard as her eyes were focused on the computer screen.

Seeing that her teammates are not paying much attention to their surrounding she curse under her breath.

She turn on the voice chat and start scolding all of her team-mates for there poor skills and bad performance.

"What the hell you are doing, did you not eat anything why are you all so useless can't you do anything right"

As the screen show the two words silence filled in the voice chat the girl take a deep breath before she can say anything.

Countless beep sounded indicating that her teammates had log out from there account to save themselves from the scolding.

Her lips twitch she can't find anyone to went her anger so she angrily munch on her noodles to went her anger.

When she saw the time on the clock she realise that it's too late she sílently went to the kitchen and throw the empty packets in the dustbin.

She went to her room and fall asleep outside the sky suddenly darken as the wind start blowing making her windows make noises.

This disturb the girl sleep she get up and went to close the window suddenly something pop up infront of her.

But since she is sleepy and didn't notice what it is she wave her hand and weird panel which had appeared vanish.

But she didn't notice that when she wave her hand she had accidently click on the yes icon on the panel.She went to her bed and fall asleep again.

Early in the morning a man is seating in the living room drinking his tea while reading newspaper his wife bring his breakfast.

He put down his newspaper and ask his wife "had jinque wake up" the middle aged women shook her head.

The man look at the clock on the wall and frown "she's going to late for her school if she continue sleeping" the man comment.

"If she had not stay awake till late playing games maybe she has woken up by now you are really spoiling her why did you buy the computer and gaming equipment for her

The middle age man only smiled at his wife and spoke "well I only had one daughter gow can't I spoil her"

On the table two boys both 13 and 9 year old look at each other while grumbling "dad is too baised toward her"

Unluckily for the boy his father heard him "atleast she don't fail in her class like you I received call from your teacher"

The boys shrunk their head in the shoulder as they listen to the scolding from there father early in the morning.

Suddenly with a bang the room door flung opened there stand a teenage girl of fifteen with messy girls and pajama.

"Mom why didn't you wake me up I'm going to be late for my school" the girl rush toward the bathroom and hurriedly start getting ready for her school.

Sometime she run toward her room to grab her uniform so sometime to run to the laundry room to grab her tie.

In short the girl didn't even comb her hair properly before she grab a cup of the milk and gulp it down at once.

She grab a toast and apple "bye dad, bye mom, buy idiots" both boys shout at her angrily for calling them idiot.

But she already had run away from the house the girl run look at her watch and saw that only seven minutes are left.

She take a short cut and run toward her school this is her forth time in this week if get late today too.

She will be receiving penalty point from her class's monitor that girl is really strict any amount of begging and coaxing won't work.

She saw the guard closing gate from some distance so she shout "uncle li don't close the gate"

"Hurry up girl only two minutes is left" the girl sprint in very fast speed and somehow manage to enter in time.

The old guard laugh at her state she is bending down her hands on her knees as she pant heavily.

A pair of brand new shoes appear infront of her raising her head she saw her class monitor with her glasses.

These glasses make her look more stern and strict she look at her then at the watch "jinque you are safe for today but..."

"Class monitor I swear I will be not late for school like last week" she nodded her head the girl sign in relief.

As she weakly walk toward her school building there's only five minutes before the class started she need to hurry up.

But since she had use lot of energy in running now she can't walk properly but she still drag her tired body toward the class.

When she reach the class her history teacher already started the lecture she silently went inside the room.

Those students look at her but they don't care the teacher suddenly move she seat down on nearest chair.

When teacher saw her he silebtly cross his hand infront of his chest as he spoke in grave voice.

"Student Ming did you finish your history homework" she nooded her head and look in her bag when she find her notebook.

She give it to her teacher he take a look at her homework seeing that it's complete and neatly done he nodded his head.

"You need to do something about your habit of coming late I don't have any other complain from you"

She nooded her head and went to her original seat after apologizing to the boy whom seat she suddenly occupied.

She went to her seat and start taking notes although.thers lot of things which went above from her head.

She need to pretend that she is focusing on the lesson in order to avoid being questioned by her teacher.