
You Have Skill Issues, Old Man

Cranky, who had shrunk his size to become a two-meter tall Honey Badger, sat on the throne that originally belonged to the Grievefoot, who was confident just several minutes ago.

Seated on his left and right shoulders were none other than Pica and Pico, who had smug looks on their faces.

Cranky made a clicking sound with his lips as he raised his hand.

As if waiting for that moment, the Umbrafang, Harahon, approached him and respectfully gave Cranky a tobacco cigar.

The leader of the Monkeys then lit the tip of the Cigar with a lighter Thirteen had given to him earlier.

Cranky then placed the cigar between his lips and huffed before blowing out some white smoke like a Mafia Boss.

"Big Brother Cranky's right leg feels stiff," Pica said. "Monkey, give it a massage!"

"R-Right away, Miss Pica!" Harahon replied, after which he knelt in front of the Honey Badger and started to massage his right leg.