
Who Is Cranky? That Sounds Like A Pet Name

Sitting by the campfire and being with the Hero Party sure brought some nostalgic memories for the System of Cannon Fodders.

Tiona, who was coiled around his neck, was resting her head on Thirteen's shoulder.

Erica, Diana, and Mildred were looking at the Domini Mortis with great interest. Before today, they had only, at most, seen its pictures in drawings due to how elusive it was. 

"Zion, how did you tame that Domini Mortis?" Erica asked. "In fact, how did you even find one? They are extremely rare—only three hundred of them exist in the entire world of Solterra. 

"You even made her your Beast Companion. How did you do it?"

Thirteen smiled faintly as he told the Sorceress about his meeting with Tiona—he got her after he was forcefully sent to Solterra when he was only seven years old.