
Thirteen’s First Best Friend [Part 1]

In a bustling city, an extremely handsome young man with short blonde hair and gray eyes walked the streets in a leisurely manner.

The ladies who saw him would call out to him and blow him kisses, which the man responded to with a smile on his face.

"Look! It's the Heavenly Sword!"

"Kyaaah! He's so handsome!"

"Is his sword really that heavenly?"

"The most popular courtesans in the Black Rose Brothel said that the young master brought them to heaven when he spent a night with them."

"… I want to have a taste of that too."

The young man who seemed to be around eighteen years old walked around the City of Castella as if it was his own backyard.

Well, technically it was indeed his own backyard because his sect, the Heavenly Pavilion, governed not only the city but also its surrounding lands.

'Thirteen, what's our schedule for today?' the young man asked his best friend through his thoughts.