
The Gathering Of The Remington Clan [Part 2]

Thirteen walked confidently towards the dessert area, while taking in the sights and sounds of everything around him.

He had memorized the faces of the most important people in the continent of Aldebaran days ago by looking up their information on the Internet. 

A simple Googal search was enough to see their faces, and the field that they were working in.

Of course, Thirteen didn't know everyone because that would be impossible.

But he knew the most important ones, those who held significant power and influence in the continent of Aldebaran.

Just a glance was enough to see that even the upper class had their own circles, and people that they didn't get along with.

Thirteen was paying close attention to which groups were with who, so that when he needed to expand his operations, he would know which side to pick.

But, there was only one problem.

Leah, the youngest daughter of Elijah and Vivian, was following him like a tail.