
Looks Like All Of You Are Just Talk

The members of the Elite Team who would investigate the Kingdom of Seneros were carefully handpicked by Thirteen.

He deliberately picked those who knew of his secret—Erica, Sherry, Diana, and Drazzat. 

Mobility played an important role in this mission, so Rocky's help was indispensable. This alone barred him from considering those who weren't part of his circle.

David and the other chosen leaders were tasked to watch over the Wanderers, who were currently staying in the caves Rocky had dug a few miles away from the human kingdom.

The barrier in the vicinity was too strong for Tiona's clone to enter, which put a temporary halt to their investigation.

Still, the clone had gathered some valuable information. 

There were at least eight creatures inside the city with the strength of Rank 8 and above. 

Knowing this, Thirteen deemed that it would be too dangerous for Rocky to try to break the barrier by force.