
Hide And Seek In The Rain [Part 1]

Sean, who heard Thirteen's shout, wondered what was going on.

Because of this, he ordered one of his subordinates to ask the teenage boy what was happening, and why they were setting out again while it was raining cats and dogs.

A few minutes later, his subordinate returned with a grim expression on his face.

"Sir, Zion Leventis said that he spotted River Lizardmen," the subordinate reported. "Because of this, he decided to leave before they called for backup."

Sean and the other leaders of the Cygni Faction immediately understood the kind of danger they were in.

However, since it was hard for them to see in the rain, they didn't know what to do.

Fortunately, the lights from the lamplights of the other wagons appeared one by one, giving them an idea about what to do next.

"Follow them, and make sure that you don't lose sight of the lamplights!" Sean ordered.