
A Wake Up Call [Part 1]

Out of anger, Cranky tried to smack Arthur away, but the old man summoned his shield and tanked Cranky's attack.

Before things escalated any further, Thirteen stood in between the two to stop them from fighting.

"Cranky, there are still many Cores here to be eaten," Thirteen stated. "The more you waste your time here, the fewer Cores you'll get."

Cranky glanced at the Artemians, who were dying by the dozens with each passing second.

Camazotz's and Kamrusepa's commanders were doing a one-sided massacre, mass killing their enemies like they were trash mobs.

The Barbarians, Tigerkins, Ogres, and Trolls were also busy killing and collecting the Cores of the monsters whom they had killed.

Cranky no longer hesitated and dug underground in order to get his share of the buffet consisting of Artemians, who couldn't muster any resistance against their opponents.