
Chapter 99: I Hate Katherines, Part 4

I learn new stuff everyday. I think this is what it's meant to be. The universe is a puzzle served to me, by me, to be solved by me. It's sad and boring when I think of it that way, so these humans and many other lowly beings are very good distractions to this boredom.

I may call myself the ultimate being, but I may still consider myself a lonely person – the loneliest one, in fact. But it's just another persona of me. Well, you see, being the most awesome guy, the most of the most, being the root, sometimes I think it can be lonely. When I realize how human beings are actually and likely just a part of "the illusion", a series of cells, that I probably created back then, this thought I'm having can be slightly sad.

I create different personas to test, read, and understand human beings. Sometimes, when I behave like this, or that, I am able to get the most of the person I interact; sometimes it fails miserably. It's actually nice and crazy wonders. Human beings are cool creatures.